2,505 research outputs found

    Stellar Velocity Dispersion and Black Hole Mass in the Blazar Markarian 501

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    The recently discovered correlation between black hole mass and stellar velocity dispersion provides a new method to determine the masses of black holes in active galaxies. We have obtained optical spectra of Markarian 501, a nearby gamma-ray blazar with emission extending to TeV energies. The stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxy, measured from the calcium triplet lines in a 2"x3.7" aperture, is 372 +/- 18 km/s. If Mrk 501 follows the M-sigma correlation defined for local galaxies, then its central black hole has a mass of (0.9-3.4)x10^9 solar masses. This is significantly larger than some previous estimates for the central mass in Mrk 501 that have been based on models for its nonthermal emission. The host galaxy luminosity implies a black hole of 6x10^8 solar masses, but this is not in severe conflict with the mass derived from the M-sigma relation because the M_BH-L_bulge correlation has a large intrinsic scatter. Using the emission-line luminosity to estimate the bolometric luminosity of the central engine, we find that Mrk 501 radiates at an extremely sub-Eddington level of L/L_Edd ~ 10^-4. Further applications of the M-sigma relation to radio-loud active galactic nuclei may be useful for interpreting unified models and understanding the relationship between radio galaxies and BL Lac objects.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in the S0 Galaxy NGC 3245

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    The S0 galaxy NGC 3245 contains a circumnuclear disk of ionized gas and dust with a radius of 1.1" (110 pc), making it an ideal target for dynamical studies with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We have obtained spectra of the nuclear disk with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, using a 0.2" wide slit at five parallel positions. Measurements of the Hα and [N II] emission lines are used to map out the kinematic structure of the disk in unprecedented detail. The data reveal a rotational velocity field with a steep velocity gradient across the innermost 0.4". We construct dynamical models for a thin gas disk in circular rotation, using HST optical images to map out the gravitational potential due to stars. Our modeling code includes the blurring due to the telescope point-spread function and the nonzero slit width, as well as the instrumental shift in measured wavelength for light entering the slit off-center, so as to simulate the data as closely as possible. The Hα+[N II] surface brightness measured from an HST narrowband image is folded into the models, and we demonstrate that many of the apparent small-scale irregularities in the observed velocity curves are the result of the patchy distribution of emission-line surface brightness. Over most of the disk, the models are able to fit the observed radial velocity curves closely, although there are localized regions within the disk that appear to be kinematically disturbed relative to the overall rotational pattern. The velocity dispersion of [N II] λ6584 rises from σ~50 km/s in the outer disk to ~160 km/s at the nucleus, and most of this line width cannot be attributed to rotational or instrumental broadening. To account for the possible dynamical effect of the intrinsic velocity dispersion in the gas, we also calculate models that include a correction for asymmetric drift. This correction increases the derived black hole mass by 12% but leads to slightly poorer fits to the data. A central dark mass of (2.1+/-0.5)×10^8 Msolar is required for the models to reproduce the steep central velocity gradient. This value for the central mass is consistent with recently discovered correlations between black hole mass and bulge velocity dispersion.Peer reviewe

    II Zwicky 23 and Family

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    II Zwicky 23 (UGC 3179) is a luminous, nearby compact narrow emission line starburst galaxy with blue optical colors and strong emission lines. We present a photometric and morphological study of II Zw 23 and its interacting companions using data obtained with the WIYN 3.5-m telescope in Kitt Peak, Arizona. II Zwicky 23 has a highly disturbed outer structure with long trails of debris that may be feeding tidal dwarfs. Its central regions appear disky, a structure that is consistent with the overall rotation pattern observed in the H-alpha velocity field measured from Densepak observations obtained with WIYN. We discuss the structure of II Zwicky 23 and its set of companions and possible scenarios of debris formation in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, J. Burissova (Springer