410 research outputs found

    A simplified instrument for recording strong motion earthquakes

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    A strong-motion earthquake recorder for the direct measurement of one point on the response spectrum curve is described, and results obtained with the instrument under field conditions are compared with those obtained by a standard spectrum analysis of accelerograph records. The device has the advantages of low initial cost and of low maintenance expense, and can thus be installed in relatively large numbers. A network of such instruments located at points having various local geological conditions is proposed as a supplement to the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey strong-motion seismograph system

    Parkfield earthquakes of June 27-29, 1966, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, California—Preliminary report

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    Two earthquakes, M = 5.3 and 5.5, shook the Parkfield area in southern Monterey County, California, at 0409:56.5 and 0426:13.8 GMT, 28 June 1966. They were preceded by foreshocks on the same day at 0100 and 0115. A third shock, M = 5.0, occurred in the same area at 1953:26.2 on 29 June. The earthquakes were followed by a heavy sequence of aftershocks with epicenters along the San Andreas fault zone extending for about 15 miles southward beyond Cholame in San Luis Obispo County. A P-wave first-motion fault plane solution shows strike of vertical fault plane is N 33°W, coinciding with a surface zone of en echelon fault fractures in the pattern characteristic of right-lateral, strike-slip movement. The motion appears to have an upward component on the west side, at about 20° from pure strike slip. Extensive instrumentation within a few miles of the epicentral district gave unusually complete records from foreshock to aftershock sequence. A strong-motion instrument in the fault zone near Cholame recorded the unusually high horizontal acceleration of 0.5 g. The epicentral region of the earthquakes is on a known active segment of the San Andreas fault. Earthquakes in 1901, 1922, and 1934 in this region were also accompanied by surface faulting. On the published State geologic map, scale 1:250,000, the San Andreas fault zone shows a braided pattern of several branching en echelon major faults. Topographic forms, typical of the features of rift valleys, testify to the recency of fault movements. Small right-lateral surficial displacements had been recognized prior to the late June earthquakes in at least three places on the Parkfield-Cholame trace of the fault. Similar creep, or slippage, has continued since the earthquakes. Extensive nets of survey markers installed by 30 June across the active fault trace had recorded slippage as great as 0.1 inch per day by 12 July. The fault trace associated with the earthquakes is principally in alluvium of unknown depth in Cholame Valley, apparently a faulted graben within the San Andreas fault zone. Under a blanket of Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary rocks in this part of the southern Coast Ranges, the great fault separates Jurassic-Cretaceous granitic and metamorphic rocks in the western block from Late Jurassic eugeosynclinal sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Franciscan Formation in the eastern block. In spite of the large horizontal acceleration recorded near the fault, very little building damage occurred in this sparsely populated region. Small concrete and steel bridges in, and adjacent to the fault trace, did not have their structural strength impaired

    Social identity, social networks and recovery capital in emerging adulthood: a pilot study

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    Background It has been argued that recovery from substance dependence relies on a change in identity, with past research focused on ‘personal identity’. This study assessed support for a social identity model of recovery in emerging adults through examining associations between social identity, social networks, recovery capital, and quality of life. Methods Twenty participants aged 18–21 in residential treatment for substance misuse were recruited from four specialist youth drug treatment services - three detoxification facilities and one psychosocial rehabilitation facility in Victoria, Australia. Participants completed a detailed social network interview exploring the substance use of groups in their social networks and measures of quality of life, recovery capital, and social identity. Results Lower group substance use was associated with higher recovery capital, stronger identification with non-using groups, and greater importance of non-using groups in the social network. Additionally, greater identification with and importance of non-using groups were associated with better environmental quality of life, whereas greater importance conferred on using groups was associated with reduced environmental quality of life. Conclusions Support was found for the role of social identity processes in reported recovery capital and quality of life. Future research in larger, longitudinal samples is required to improve understanding of social identity processes during treatment and early recovery and its relationship to recovery stability. Keywords Social network Social identity Emerging adult Substance use Treatment Recovery Quality of lif

    Assessment of function and clinical utility of alcohol and other drug web sites: An observational, qualitative study

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    Background The increasing popularity and use of the internet makes it an attractive option for providing health information and treatment, including alcohol/other drug use. There is limited research examining how people identify and access information about alcohol or other drug (AOD) use online, or how they assess the usefulness of the information presented. This study examined the strategies that individuals used to identify and navigate a range of AOD websites, along with the attitudes concerning presentation and content. Methods Members of the general community in Brisbane and Roma (Queensland, Australia) were invited to participate in a 30-minute search of the internet for sites related to AOD use, followed by a focus group discussion. Fifty one subjects participated in the study across nine focus groups. Results Participants spent a maximum of 6.5 minutes on any one website, and less if the user was under 25 years of age. Time spent was as little as 2 minutes if the website was not the first accessed. Participants recommended that AOD-related websites should have an engaging home or index page, which quickly and accurately portrayed the site’s objectives, and provided clear site navigation options. Website content should clearly match the title and description of the site that is used by internet search engines. Participants supported the development of a portal for AOD websites, suggesting that it would greatly facilitate access and navigation. Treatment programs delivered online were initially viewed with caution. This appeared to be due to limited understanding of what constituted online treatment, including its potential efficacy. Conclusions A range of recommendations arise from this study regarding the design and development of websites, particularly those related to AOD use. These include prudent use of text and information on any one webpage, the use of graphics and colours, and clear, uncluttered navigation options. Implications for future website development are discussed

    Differential expression of members of the E2F family of transcription factors in rodent testes

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    BACKGROUND: The E2F family of transcription factors is required for the activation or repression of differentially expressed gene programs during the cell cycle in normal and abnormal development of tissues. We previously determined that members of the retinoblastoma protein family that interacts with the E2F family are differentially expressed and localized in almost all the different cell types and tissues of the testis and in response to known endocrine disruptors. In this study, the cell-specific and stage-specific expression of members of the E2F proteins has been elucidated. METHODS: We used immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of tissue sections and Western blot analysis of proteins, from whole testis and microdissected stages of seminiferous tubules to study the differential expression of the E2F proteins. RESULTS: For most of the five E2F family members studied, the localizations appear conserved in the two most commonly studied rodent models, mice and rats, with some notable differences. Comparisons between wild type and E2F-1 knockout mice revealed that the level of E2F-1 protein is stage-specific and most abundant in leptotene to early pachytene spermatocytes of stages IX to XI of mouse while strong staining of E2F-1 in some cells close to the basal lamina of rat tubules suggest that it may also be expressed in undifferentiated spermatogonia. The age-dependent development of a Sertoli-cell-only phenotype in seminiferous tubules of E2F-1 knockout males corroborates this, and indicates that E2F-1 is required for spermatogonial stem cell renewal. Interestingly, E2F-3 appears in both terminally differentiated Sertoli cells, as well as spermatogonial cells in the differentiative pathway, while the remaining member of the activating E2Fs, E2F-2 is most concentrated in spermatocytes of mid to late prophase of meiosis. Comparisons between wildtype and E2F-4 knockout mice demonstrated that the level of E2F-4 protein displays a distinct profile of stage-specificity compared to E2F-1, which is probably related to its prevalence and role in Sertoli cells. IHC of rat testis indicates that localization of E2F-5 is distinct from that of E2F-4 and overlaps those of E2F-1 and E2F-2. CONCLUSION: The E2F-1 represents the subfamily of transcription factors required during stages of DNA replication and gene expression for development of germ cells and the E2F-4 represents the subfamily of transcription factors that help maintain gene expression for a terminally differentiated state within the testis

    A tale of two towns: A comparative study exploring the possibilities and pitfalls of social capital among people seeking recovery from substance misuse

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    Background: Social capital has become an influential concept in debating and understanding the modern world. Within the drug and alcohol sector, the concept of ‘recovery capital’ has gained traction with researchers suggesting that people who have access to such capital are better placed to overcome their substance use-related problems than those who do not (Cloud and Granfield, 2008), leading to requests for interventions that focus on building social capital networks (Neale & Stevenson, 2015). While accepting that the concept of social capital has enormous potential for addressing the problems associated with drug use, this paper also considers its ‘dark side’. Methods: Data were drawn from semi-structured interviews with 180 participants including 135 people who use drugs and 45 people who formerly used drugs. Results: High levels of trust, acquired through the establishment of dense social networks, are required to initiate recovery. However, these ‘strong bonds’ may also lead to the emergence of what is perceived by others as an exclusive social network that limits membership to those who qualify and abide by the ‘rules’ of the recovery community, particularly around continuous abstinence. Conclusions: Depending on the nature of the networks and the types of links participants have into them being socially connected can both inhibit and encourage recovery. Therefore, the successful application of social capital within the drugs and alcohol field requires a consideration of not only the presence or absence of social connections but their nature, the value they produce, and the social contexts within which they are developed

    Towards good practice guidelines for the contour method of residual stress measurement

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    Accurate measurement of residual stress in metallic components using the contour method relies on the achievement of a good quality cut, on the appropriate measurement of the deformed cut surface and on the robust analysis of the measured data. There is currently no published standard or code of practice for the contour method. As a first step towards such a standard, this study draws on research investigations addressing the three main steps in the method: how best to cut the specimens; how to measure the deformation contour of the cut surface; and how to analyse the data. Good practice guidance is provided throughout the text accompanied by more detailed observations and advice tabulated in Appendi

    Adaptively evolved Escherichia coli for improved ability of formate utilization as a carbon source in sugar???free conditions

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    Background: Formate converted from CO2 reduction has great potential as a sustainable feedstock for biological production of biofuels and biochemicals. Nevertheless, utilization of formate for growth and chemical production by microbial species is limited due to its toxicity or the lack of a metabolic pathway. Here, we constructed a formate assimilation pathway in Escherichia coli and applied adaptive laboratory evolution to improve formate utilization as a carbon source in sugar-free conditions. Results: The genes related to the tetrahydrofolate and serine cycles from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 were overexpressed for formate assimilation, which was proved by the 13C-labeling experiments. The amino acids detected by GC/MS showed significant carbon labeling due to biomass production from formate. Then, 150 serial subcultures were performed to screen for evolved strains with improved ability to utilize formate. The genomes of evolved mutants were sequenced and the mutations were associated with formate dehydrogenation, folate metabolism, and biofilm formation. Last, 90 mg/L of ethanol production from formate was achieved using fed-batch cultivation without addition of sugars. Conclusion: This work demonstrates the effectiveness of the introduction of a formate assimilation pathway, combined with adaptive laboratory evolution, to achieve the utilization of formate as a carbon source. This study suggests that the constructed E. coli could serve as a strain to exploit formate and captured CO2