44 research outputs found

    Mach-Zehnder Bragg interferometer for a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We construct a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using Bose-Einstein condensed rubidium atoms and optical Bragg diffraction. In contrast to interferometers based on normal diffraction, where only a small percentage of the atoms contribute to the signal, our Bragg diffraction interferometer uses all the condensate atoms. The condensate coherence properties and high phase-space density result in an interference pattern of nearly 100% contrast. In principle, the enclosed area of the interferometer may be arbitrarily large, making it an ideal tool that could be used in the detection of vortices, or possibly even gravitational waves.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1999, Postdeadline papers QPD12-

    A new photon recoil experiment: towards a determination of the fine structure constant

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    We report on progress towards a measurement of the fine structure constant to an accuracy of 5×10105\times 10^{-10} or better by measuring the ratio of the Planck constant to the mass of the cesium atom. Compared to similar experiments, ours is improved in three significant ways: (i) simultaneous conjugate interferometers, (ii) multi-photon Bragg diffraction between same internal states, and (iii) an about 1000 fold reduction of laser phase noise to -138 dBc/Hz. Combining that with a new method to simultaneously stabilize the phases of four frequencies, we achieve 0.2 mrad effective phase noise at the location of the atoms. In addition, we use active stabilization to suppress systematic effects due to beam misalignment.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Diffraction of complex molecules by structures made of light

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    We demonstrate that structures made of light can be used to coherently control the motion of complex molecules. In particular, we show diffraction of the fullerenes C60 and C70 at a thin grating based on a standing light wave. We prove experimentally that the principles of this effect, well known from atom optics, can be successfully extended to massive and large molecules which are internally in a thermodynamic mixed state and which do not exhibit narrow optical resonances. Our results will be important for the observation of quantum interference with even larger and more complex objects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Bloch-Like Quantum Multiple Reflections of Atoms

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    We show that under certain circumstances an atom can follow an oscillatory motion in a periodic laser profile with a Gaussian envelope. These oscillations can be well explained by using a model of energetically forbidden spatial regions. The similarities and differences with Bloch oscillations are discussed. We demonstrate that the effect exists not only for repulsive but also for attractive potentials, i.e. quantum multiple reflections are also possible.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 7 figure

    Talbot Oscillations and Periodic Focusing in a One-Dimensional Condensate

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    An exact theory for the density of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with hard core particle interactions is developed in second quantization and applied to the scattering of the condensate by a spatially periodic impulse potential. The boson problem is mapped onto a system of free fermions obeying the Pauli exclusion principle to facilitate the calculation. The density exhibits a spatial focusing of the probability density as well as a periodic self-imaging in time, or Talbot effect. Furthermore, the transition from single particle to many body effects can be measured by observing the decay of the modulated condensate density pattern in time. The connection of these results to classical and atom optical phase gratings is made explicit

    Bragg spectroscopy of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate were studied by stimulated, two-photon Bragg scattering. The high momentum and energy resolution of this method allowed a spectroscopic measurement of the mean-field energy and of the intrinsic momentum uncertainty of the condensate. The coherence length of the condensate was shown to be equal to its size. Bragg spectroscopy can be used to determine the dynamic structure factor over a wide range of energy and momentum transfers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    High resolution amplitude and phase gratings in atom optics

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    An atom-field geometry is chosen in which an atomic beam traverses a field interaction zone consisting of three fields, one having frequency Ω=c/λ\Omega =c/\lambda propagating in the z^\hat{z} direction and the other two having frequencies Ω+δ1\Omega +\delta_{1} and Ω+δ2\Omega +\delta_{2} propagating in the -z^\hat{z} direction. For n1δ1+n2δ2=0n_{1}\delta_{1}+n_{2}\delta_{2}=0 and δ1T,δ2T1|\delta_{1}| T,|\delta_{2}| T\gg 1, where n1n_{1} and n2n_{2} are positive integers and TT is the pulse duration in the atomic rest frame, the atom-field interaction results in the creation of atom amplitude and phase gratings having period λ/[2(n1+n2)]% \lambda /[2(n_{1}+n_{2})]. In this manner, one can use optical fields having wavelength λ\lambda to produce atom gratings having periodicity much less than λ\lambda .Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Planck's scale dissipative effects in atom interferometry

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    Atom interferometers can be used to study phenomena leading to irreversibility and dissipation, induced by the dynamics of fundamental objects (strings and branes) at a large mass scale. Using an effective, but physically consistent description in terms of a master equation of Lindblad form, the modifications of the interferometric pattern induced by the new phenomena are analyzed in detail. We find that present experimental devices can in principle provide stringent bounds on the new effects.Comment: 12 pages, plain-Te