356 research outputs found

    Microenvironments of T and B lymphocytes : a light- and electromicroscopic study

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    Peripheral blood cells- erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, thrombocytes and lymphocytes-are the end products of a differentiation process which occurs in the bone marrow and, in rodents, also in the spleen. Normal haemopoietic tissue is a cell renewal system with an accurate balance between cell production originating from pluripotent haemopoietic stem cells and continuous cell loss. The important function of haemopoietic stem cells was emphasized by Till and McCulloch (1961) in bone marrow transplantation studies in mice. They noted that intravenous injection of small numbers of bone marrow cells into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipient mice caused the appearance of haemopoietic colonies in the spleen of the recipient mice. These colonies consisted either of erythroid, gran uloid, megakaryocytic or mixed cell populations (Curry and Trentln, 1967). The technique used by Till and McCulloch is known as the "spleen colony assay" and has established two major qualities of haemopoietic stem cells: (I) they have the capacity of self replication (Trentin and Fahlberg, 1963; Curry et a!., 1967) and (2) they are pluripotent since they give rise to clones of different cell types of which the differentiated "end" cells recirculate in the blood (Till and McCulloch, 1961; Becker eta!., 1963; Till, 1976). In contrast to erythroid and myeloid colonies, lymphoid colonies were not detectable with the spleen colony assay; however, Ford et al. (1966), Micklem et a!. (1966), and Wu et a!. (1968) demonstrated with chromosome marker techniques that lymphoid cells were also derived from pluripotent haemopoietic stem cells. One of the major questions in cell biological investigations of haemopoiesis concerns the factors which determine the commitment and differentiation of pluripotent haemopoietic stem cells. At present it is generally accepted that two types of factors are involved in the regulation of haemopoiesis: (I) microenvironmental factors (see 1.2), and (2) humoral factors (see 1.4)

    Reticular fibroblasts in peripheral lymphoid organs identified by a monoclonal antibody.

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    peer reviewedWe have produced a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against nonlymphoid cells in central and peripheral lymphoid organs. In this paper we present the reactivity of one of these antibodies, ER-TR7. This antibody detects reticular fibroblasts, which constitute the cellular framework of lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs and their products. In frozen sections of the spleen incubated with this antibody, the red pulp and white pulp are clearly delineated. Furthermore, the major white pulp compartments--the follicles and periarteriolar lymphoid sheath as well as the marginal zone--are recognized by their characteristic labeling patterns. In lymph nodes, the capsule, sinuses, follicles, paracortex, and medullary cords are clearly delineated. In the thymus and bone marrow no such specialized compartments were demonstrated. ER-TR7 reacts with an intracellular component of fibroblasts. Since ER-TR7 does not react with purified laminin, collagen types I-V, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, entactin, or nidogen, it detects a hitherto uncharacterized antigen. The possible role of the ER-TR7 positive reticular fibroblasts in the cellular organization of peripheral lymphoid organs will be discussed

    Crosstalk in the mouse thymus

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    The development of mature T cells within the thymus is dependent upon intact cortical and medullary microenvironments. In turn, thymic microenvironment themselves are dependent on lymphoid cells to maintain their integrity. Here, Willem van Ewijk and colleagues discuss experiments that have established the phenomenon of ‘crosstalk’ within the mouse thymus and suggest a mechanism whereby lymphoid and stromal cells influence each other in a consecutive manner during T-cell development

    Lymphoid Microenvironments in the Thymus and Lymph Node

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    The three-dimensional architecture of the thymus and mesenteric lymph node reveals several different stromal cell types important in the development and function of T cells. In the thymic cortex, T cells proliferate and differentiate in a meshwork of epithelial-reticular cells. They then migrate towards the medulla where they may interact with interdigitating cells. T cells migrate from the thymus through perivascular spaces, surrounding large vessels at the cortico-medullary boundary. In this area also large thymic cystic cavities are found, their function remains at present unclear. Mature selected T cells leave the thymus most probably by the venous bloodstream, to enter peripheral lymph nodes. Upon entering the lymph node they cross the wall of high endothelial venules. On the other hand, lymph enters the node by afferent lymphatics draining into various types of sinuses. Here, macrophages are strategically located to phagocytose and process antigen. These cells then expose antigen to T cells and B cells within the lymph node parenchyma, thus creating a microenvironment for the onset of an immune response. The various microenvironments important in T cell development and T cell function are shown in this paper using scanning electron microscopy as a dissecting tool. We discuss our morphological findings in the light of recent data on the physiology of T cell differentiation and function

    Inhibition of proliferation and differentiation during early T cell development by anti-transferrin receptor antibody

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    Proliferating cells require iron and, therefore, express the transferrin receptor (CD71) that mediates cellular iron uptake. Cycling thymocytes, which have the CD4−8−3−, CD4−8+3−, or CD4+8+3− phenotypes, also express CD71. The importance of CD71-mediated iron uptake for proliferation and maturation of thymocytes was studied using fetal thymus organ cultures at day 14 of gestation and treating them for 7 days with a CD71 monoclonal antibody (mAb). The intracellular iron deficiency caused by this treatment, inhibits both proliferation and maturation of the thymocytes. Cell recovery was reduced by 60%, but cells still expanded tenfold during the culture. Remarkably, the final maturation of αβ T cells was completely blocked as no thymocytes with low or high CD3/αβTcR expression developed. Moreover, only few cells reached the CD4+8+3− stage of T cell development. CD4−8−3− thymocytes, however, as well as its CD44−25+ subset developed in normal numbers, suggesting that CD44−25+ CD4−8−3− cells, or their immediate progeny, were most vulnerable to CD71 mAb treatment. The development of γδ T cells, which also express CD71, was not affected in these cultures. This suggests that γδ T cells are either less iron-dependent or possess alternative iron-uptake mechanisms. Thus, our observation

    Stepwise development of thymic microenvironments in vivo is regulated by thymocyte subsets

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    T-cell development is under the tight control of thymic microenvironments. Conversely, the integrity of thymic microenvironments depends on the physical presence of developing thymocytes, a phenomenon designated as 'thymic crosstalk'. We now show, using three types of immunodeficient mice, i.e. CD3(epsilon) transgenic mice, RAG(null) mice and RAG(null)-bone-marrow-transplanted CD3(epsilon) transgenic mice, that the control point in lymphoid development where triple negative (CD3(-),CD4(-),CD8(-)) thymocytes progress from CD44(+)CD25(-) towards CD44(-)CD25(+), influences the development of epithelial cells, critically inducing the extra, third dimension in the organization of the epithelial cells in the cortex. This tertiary configuration of the thymic epithelium is a typical feature for the thymus, enabling lymphostromal interaction during T-cell development. Crosstalk signals at this control point also induce the formation of thymic nurse cells. Moreover, our data indicate that establishment of a thymic cortex is a prerequisite for the development of the thymic medulla. Thus, differentiating thymocytes regulate the morphogenesis of thymic microenvironments in a stepwise fashion

    Differential inhibition of macrophage proliferation by anti-transferrin receptor antibody ER-MP21: correlation to macrophage differentiation stage

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    Abstract Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the transferrin receptor are known to inhibit proliferation of cells due to iron deprivation. Some cell types, however, escape from growth inhibition by a mechanism which is unclear at present. This mechanism is the subject of the present study. We investigated the differential growth inhibition caused by anti-transferrin receptor mAb ER-MP21 in connection with the differentiation of murine macrophages (Mφ). Therefore, we applied two models of Mφ differentiation, namely, culture of bone marrow cells in the presence of M-CSF and a panel of Mφ cell lines ordered in a linear differentiation sequence. In both models we observed that proliferation of Mφ precursors was strongly inhibited by ER-MP21. In contrast, proliferation of more mature stages of Mφ differentiation was hardly affected. Remarkably, iron uptake by Mφ precursor and mature Mφ cell lines was inhibited by ER-MP21 to the same extent. However, mature Mφ cell lines showed an iron uptake two-to threefold higher than that of Mφ precursor cell lines. These observations strongly suggest that mature Mφ escape from ER-MP21-mediated growth inhibition, because these cells take up more iron than is actually needed for proliferation. Furthermore, we found that enhanced iron uptake by mature Mφ is not necessarily accompanied by a higher cell surface expression of transferrin receptors, thus suggesting an increased recycling of transferrin receptors in mature Mφ

    The monoclonal antibody ER-BMDM1 recognizes a macrophage and dendritic cell differentiation antigen with aminopeptidase activity

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    Abstract Here we describe the reactivity of monoclonal antibody (mAb) ER-BMDM1, directed against a 160-kDa cell membrane-associated antigen (Ag) with aminopeptidase activity. The aminopeptidase recognized by ER-BMDM1 is present on various mouse macrophage (MΦ) and dendritic cell (DC) subpopulations as well as on microvillous epithelia. Analysis of ER-BMDM1 Ag expression in in vitro models of MΦ maturation revealed that the Ag is expressed at increasing levels upon maturation of MΦ. In vivo, high level expression of the ER-BMDM1 Ag occurs after thmonocytic stage of maturation, since bone marrow cells and peripheral blood monocytes are essentially ER-BMDM1 negative. Analysis of isolated-resident and elicited MΦ populations showed that ER-BMDM1 recognizes a specific subpopulation of mature MΦ: only some resident peritoneal and alveolar MΦ are ER-BMDM1 positive, whereas virtually all thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal exudate MΦ bind the mAb. In lymphoid organs, a subpopulation of MΦ is recognized as well as interdigitating cells (IDC) located in T cell areas. Phenotypic analysis of isolated DC- the in vitro equivalents of IDC - from spleen and lymph nodes confirmed that the majority of this important antigen-presenting cell population expresses the ER-BMDM1 aminopeptidase. The molecular characteristics of the ER-BMDM1 Ag suggest that it may represent the mouse homolog of human CD13

    Markers of mouse macrophage development detected by monoclonal antibodies

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    In this review, we present and discuss a selected panel of antibody-defined markers expressed during different stages of mouse macrophage d
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