216 research outputs found

    Effect of Pictorial Depth Cues, Binocular Disparity Cues and Motion Parallax Depth Cues on Lightness Perception in Three-Dimensional Virtual Scenes

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    Surface lightness perception is affected by scene interpretation. There is some experimental evidence that perceived lightness under bi-ocular viewing conditions is different from perceived lightness in actual scenes but there are also reports that viewing conditions have little or no effect on perceived color. We investigated how mixes of depth cues affect perception of lightness in three-dimensional rendered scenes containing strong gradients of illumination in depth.Observers viewed a virtual room (4 m width x 5 m height x 17.5 m depth) with checkerboard walls and floor. In four conditions, the room was presented with or without binocular disparity (BD) depth cues and with or without motion parallax (MP) depth cues. In all conditions, observers were asked to adjust the luminance of a comparison surface to match the lightness of test surfaces placed at seven different depths (8.5-17.5 m) in the scene. We estimated lightness versus depth profiles in all four depth cue conditions. Even when observers had only pictorial depth cues (no MP, no BD), they partially but significantly discounted the illumination gradient in judging lightness. Adding either MP or BD led to significantly greater discounting and both cues together produced the greatest discounting. The effects of MP and BD were approximately additive. BD had greater influence at near distances than far.These results suggest the surface lightness perception is modulated by three-dimensional perception/interpretation using pictorial, binocular-disparity, and motion-parallax cues additively. We propose a two-stage (2D and 3D) processing model for lightness perception

    A Comprehensive Genome-Wide Map of Autonomously Replicating Sequences in a Naive Genome

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    Eukaryotic chromosomes initiate DNA synthesis from multiple replication origins. The machinery that initiates DNA synthesis is highly conserved, but the sites where the replication initiation proteins bind have diverged significantly. Functional comparative genomics is an obvious approach to study the evolution of replication origins. However, to date, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication origin map is the only genome map available. Using an iterative approach that combines computational prediction and functional validation, we have generated a high-resolution genome-wide map of DNA replication origins in Kluyveromyces lactis. Unlike other yeasts or metazoans, K. lactis autonomously replicating sequences (KlARSs) contain a 50 bp consensus motif suggestive of a dimeric structure. This motif is necessary and largely sufficient for initiation and was used to dependably identify 145 of the up to 156 non-repetitive intergenic ARSs projected for the K. lactis genome. Though similar in genome sizes, K. lactis has half as many ARSs as its distant relative S. cerevisiae. Comparative genomic analysis shows that ARSs in K. lactis and S. cerevisiae preferentially localize to non-syntenic intergenic regions, linking ARSs with loci of accelerated evolutionary change

    Holding an object one is looking at: Kinesthetic information on the object’s distance does not improve visual judgments of its size

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    Visual judgments of distance are often inaccurate. Nevertheless, information on distance must be procured if retinal image size is to be used to judge an object's dimensions. In the present study, we examined whether kinesthetic information about an object's distance - based on the posture of the arm and hand when holding it - influences the object's perceived size. Subjects were presented with a computer simulation of a cube. This cube's position was coupled to that of a rod in the subject's hand. Its size was varied between presentations. Subjects had to judge whether the cube they saw was larger than, smaller than, or the same size as a reference. On some presentations, a small difference was introduced between the positions of the rod and of the simulated cube. When the simulated cube was slightly closer than the rod, subjects judged the cube to be larger. When it was farther away, they judged it to be smaller. We show that these changes in perceived size are due to alterations in the cube's distance from the subject rather than to kinesthetic information
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