4 research outputs found

    Synergistic effects of platelet-activating factor and other platelet agonists in human platelet aggregation and release: the role of ADP and products of the cyclooxygenase pathway

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    The synergistic effects of platelet-activating factor (PAF) with ADP, collagen, thrombin, A23187, adrenaline, sodium arachidonate and ristocetin in human platelet aggregation and beta-thromboglobulin (beta-TG) release were investigated in citrated platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Synergism in both aggregation and release was present with all agonists except ristocetin. Upon oral intake of aspirin (ASA) the PAF-induced irreversible aggregation as well as the synergistic irreversible aggregation became reversible. Both prior to and after ASA ingestion ADP removal by creatine phosphate/creatine phosphokinase (CP/CPK) resulted in a reduced, reversible platelet aggregation induced by PAF alone or in combination with the other agonists. The ADP-removal and ASA-ingestion also strongly inhibited the beta-TG release. The synergistic aggregation and release were also inhibited by ASA and indomethacin in vitro as well as by the competitive ADP-inhibitor ATP. It is concluded that not only the activation of human platelets by low doses of PAF itself, but also the synergism of PAF and other platelet agonists is highly dependent upon ADP and products of the cyclooxygenase pathwa

    Obtaining Permeability From Seismic Data - A New Breakthrough in Carbonate Reservoir Modelling

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    This reference is for an abstract only. A full paper was not submitted for this conference. Abstract Shell's Carbonate Team has been developing a method in which post-stackseismic can be used to estimate average interval matrix permeability incarbonates. The foundation of the technique is a new model, which describes quantitative relationships between sonic velocity, porosity and permeability. This model relates a pore shape factor from the poro-elasticity theory with permeability from lab measurements. This pore shape factor describes the 3Dpore structure and can be extracted from inverted post-stack seismic data. Additionally, this factor relates to pore connectivity and, therefore, to permeability. After the concept was tested and successfully proven on plug scale, the first implementation focused on a large carbonate field in the Middle East. This accumulation had all the ingredients to perform a full field test of the concept - good thickness for multiple seismic reflections, matrix-dominated permeability, single mineralogy (calcite), superb seismic data and enough wells with good compressional and shear sonic logs. Introducing pore structures in the characterisation of carbonate reservoirs from acoustic data helps resolve the ambiguity in porosity/permeability prediction. In the test case, we have demonstrated that: the new rock property prediction is much more accurate than properties predicted by commercial inversion packages,pore structure can be extracted from 3- Dpost-stack seismic,a permeability indicator can be estimated from inverted seismic anda permeability indicator volume proved to produce a superior history match against a permeability model constructed from extensive welldata </jats:sec