279 research outputs found

    Two-component Fermi systems: II. Superfluid coupled cluster theory

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    Data assimilation of stratospheric constituents: a review

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    International audienceThe data assimilation of stratospheric constituents is reviewed. The data assimilation method is introduced, with particular consideration to its application to stratospheric constituent measurements. Differences from meteorological data assimilation are outlined. Historically, two approaches have been used to carry out constituent assimilation. One approach has carried constituent assimilation out as part of a numerical weather prediction system; the other has carried it out in a standalone chemical model, often with a more sophisticated representation of chemical processes. Whereas the aim of the numerical weather prediction approach has been to improve weather forecasts, the aims of the chemical model approach have included providing chemical forecasts and analyses of chemical constituents. A range of constituent assimilation systems developed in these two areas is presented and strengths and weaknesses discussed. The use of stratospheric constituent data assimilation to evaluate models, observations and analyses, and to provide analyses of constituents, monitor ozone, and make ozone forecasts is discussed. Finally, the current state of affairs is assessed, future directions are discussed, and potential key drivers identified

    Evaluation of linear ozone photochemistry parametrizations in a stratosphere-troposphere data assimilation system

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    This paper evaluates the performance of various linear ozone photochemistry parametrizations using the stratosphere-troposphere data assimilation system of the Met Office. A set of experiments were run for the period 23 September 2003 to 5 November 2003 using the Cariolle (v1.0 and v2.1), LINOZ and Chem2D-OPP (v0.1 and v2.1) parametrizations. All operational meteorological observations were assimilated, together with ozone retrievals from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). Experiments were validated against independent data from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and ozonesondes. Additionally, a simple offline method for comparing the parametrizations is introduced. <br><br> It is shown that in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere, outside the polar night, ozone analyses are controlled by the photochemistry parametrizations and not by the assimilated observations. The most important factor in getting good results at these levels is to pay attention to the ozone and temperature climatologies in the parametrizations. There should be no discrepancies between the climatologies and the assimilated observations or the model, but there is also a competing demand that the climatologies be objectively accurate in themselves. Conversely, in the lower stratosphere outside regions of heterogeneous ozone depletion, the ozone analyses are dominated by observational increments and the photochemistry parametrizations have little influence. <br><br> We investigate a number of known problems in LINOZ and Cariolle v1.0 in more detail than previously, and we find discrepancies in Cariolle v2.1 and Chem2D-OPP v2.1, which are demonstrated to have been removed in the latest available versions (v2.8 and v2.6 respectively). In general, however, all the parametrizations work well through much of the stratosphere, helped by the presence of good quality assimilated MIPAS observations

    4D-Var Assimilation of MIPAS chemical observations: ozone and nitrogen dioxide analyses

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the global analyses of stratospheric ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) obtained by the Belgian Assimilation System for Chemical Observations from Envisat (BASCOE). Based on a chemistry transport model (CTM) and the 4-dimensional variational (4D-Var) method, BASCOE has assimilated chemical observations of O3, NO2, HNO3, N2O, CH4 and H2O, made between July 2002 and March 2004 by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) onboard the European Space Agency (ESA) Environment Satellite (ENVISAT). This corresponds to the entire period during which MIPAS was operating at its nominal resolution. Our analyses are evaluated against assimilated MIPAS data and independent HALOE (HALogen Occultation Experiment) and POAM-III (Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement) satellite data. A good agreement is generally found between the analyses and these datasets, in both cases within the estimated error bars of the observations. The benefit of data assimilation is also evaluated using a BASCOE free model run. For O3, the gain from the assimilation is significant during ozone hole conditions, and in the lower stratosphere. Elsewhere, the free model run is within the MIPAS uncertainties and the assimilation does not provide significant improvement. For NO2, the gain from the assimilation is realized through most of the stratosphere. Using the BASCOE analyses, we estimate the differences between MIPAS data and independent data from HALOE and POAM-III, and find results close to those obtained by classical validation methods involving only direct measurement-to-measurement comparisons. Our results extend and reinforce previous MIPAS data validation efforts by taking account of a much larger variety of atmospheric states and measurement conditions. This study discusses possible further developments of the BASCOE data assimilation system; these concern the horizontal resolution, a better filtering of NO2 observations, and the photolysis calculation near the lid of the model. The ozone analyses are publicly available via the PROMOTE project http://www.gse-promote.org)

    The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP)

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    The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with coupled ocean-atmosphere-cryosphere-land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of models to simulate current climate, and 2) model simulations of climate change due to an idealized change in forcing (a 1% per year CO2 increase). Results from a number of CMIP projects were reported at the first CMIP Workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, in October 1998. Some recent advances in global coupled modeling related to CMIP were also reported. Presentations were based on preliminary unpublished results. Key outcomes from the workshop were that 1) many observed aspects of climate variability are simulated in global coupled models including the North Atlantic oscillation and its linkages to North Atlantic SSTs, El Niño-like events, and monsoon interannual variability; 2) the amplitude of both high- and low-frequency global mean surface temperature variability in many global coupled models is less than that observed, with the former due in part to simulated ENSO in the models being generally weaker than observed, and the latter likely to be at least partially due to the uncertainty in the estimates of past radiative forcing; 3) an El Niño-like pattern in the mean SST response with greater surface warming in the eastern equatorial Pacific than the western equatorial Pacific is found by a number of models in global warming climate change experiments, but other models have a more spatially uniform or even a La Niña-like, response; 4) flux adjustment, by definition, improves the simulation of mean present-day climate over oceans, does not guarantee a drift-free climate, but can produce a stable base state in some models to enable very long term (1000 yr and longer) integrations-in these models it does not appear to have a major effect on model processes or model responses to increasing CO2; and 5) recent multicentury integrations show that a stable surface climate can be attained without flux adjustment (though still with some systematic simulation errors)

    Coherent Random Lasing Realized in Polymer Vesicles

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    We have demonstrated the realization of a coherent vesicle random lasing (VRL) from the dye doped azobenzene polymer vesicles self-assembled in the tetrahydrofuran-water system, which contains a double-walled structure: a hydrophilic and hydrophobic part. The effect of the dye and azobenzene polymer concentration on the threshold of random laser has been researched. The threshold of random laser decreases with an increase in the concentration of the pyrromethene 597 (PM597) laser and azobenzene polymer. Moreover, the scattering of small size group vesicles is attributed to providing a loop to boost the coherent random laser through the Fourier transform analysis. Due to the vesicles having the similar structure with the cell, the generation of coherent random lasers from vesicles expand random lasers to the biomedicine filed

    Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction

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