430 research outputs found

    A surface-fitting program for areally- distributed data from the earth sciences and remote sensing

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    Fortran II program for analysis of data from earth sciences and remote sensin

    The shape and erosion of pebbles

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    The shapes of flat pebbles may be characterized in terms of the statistical distribution of curvatures measured along their contours. We illustrate this new method for clay pebbles eroded in a controlled laboratory apparatus, and also for naturally-occurring rip-up clasts formed and eroded in the Mont St.-Michel bay. We find that the curvature distribution allows finer discrimination than traditional measures of aspect ratios. Furthermore, it connects to the microscopic action of erosion processes that are typically faster at protruding regions of high curvature. We discuss in detail how the curvature may be reliable deduced from digital photographs.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    New methods for unmixing sediment grain size data

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    Grain size distribution (GSD) data are widely used in Earth sciences and although large data sets are regularly generated, detailed numerical analyses are not routine. Unmixing GSDs into components can help understand sediment provenance and depositional regimes/processes. End-member analysis (EMA), which fits one set of end-members to a given data set, is a powerful way to unmix GSDs into geologically meaningful parts. EMA estimates end-members based on covariability within a data set and can be considered as a nonparametric approach. Available EMA algorithms, however, either produce suboptimal solutions or are time consuming. We introduce unmixing algorithms inspired by hyperspectral image analysis that can be applied to GSD data and which provide an improvement over current techniques. Nonparametric EMA is often unable to identify unimodal grain size subpopulations that correspond to single sediment sources. An alternative approach is single-specimen unmixing (SSU), which unmixes individual GSDs into unimodal parametric distributions (e.g., lognormal). We demonstrate that the inherent nonuniqueness of SSU solutions renders this approach unviable for estimating underlying mixing processes. To overcome this, we develop a new algorithm to perform parametric EMA, whereby an entire data set can be unmixed into unimodal parametric end-members (e.g., Weibull distributions). This makes it easier to identify individual grain size subpopulations in highly mixed data sets. To aid investigators in applying these methods, all of the new algorithms are available in AnalySize, which is GUI software for processing and unmixing grain size data

    The impact of biological bedforms on near-bed and subsurface flow: a laboratory evaluated numerical study of flow in the vicinity of pits and mounds

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    The complex surface topography of river substrates controls near-bed hydraulics and drives the exchange of subsurface and surface flow. In rivers, the topographic structures that are studied are usually formed by the flow but, it is known that many animals also create biogenic bedforms, such as pits and mounds. Here, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model of flow over a pit and a mound is evaluated with flume experiments. The model includes actual bedform topography, and the topographic complexity of the surrounding bed surface. Subsurface grains are organized in a body-centered cubic packing arrangement. Model evaluation showed strong agreement between experimental and modelling results for velocity (R2 > 0.8) and good agreement for Reynolds stresses (R2 > 0.7), which is comparable to other similar studies. Simulation of the pit shows that the length of the downwelling region is smaller than the upwelling region and that the velocity magnitude is higher in the downwelling region. Simulation of the mound reveals that the flow is forced into the bed upstream of the mound and re-emerges near the top of the mound. The recirculation zone is limited at the leeside of the mound. With increasing Reynolds number, the depth of the upwelling region at the leeside of the mound increases. The analysis of shear stress indicates that sediments on the upstream edge of the pit and on the downstream face of the mound are relatively unstable. These results demonstrate the effect of biogenic structures on the near-bed flow field, hyporheic exchange, and sediment stability

    What is in a pebble shape?

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    We propose to characterize the shapes of flat pebbles in terms of the statistical distribution of curvatures measured along the pebble contour. This is demonstrated for the erosion of clay pebbles in a controlled laboratory apparatus. Photographs at various stages of erosion are analyzed, and compared with two models. We find that the curvature distribution complements the usual measurement of aspect ratio, and connects naturally to erosion processes that are typically faster at protruding regions of high curvature.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (to appear

    Jet-induced cratering of a granular surface with application to lunar spaceports

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    The erosion of lunar soil by rocket exhaust plumes is investigated experimentally. This has identified the diffusion-driven flow in the bulk of the sand as an important but previously unrecognized mechanism for erosion dynamics. It has also shown that slow regime cratering is governed by the recirculation of sand in the widening geometry of the crater. Scaling relationships and erosion mechanisms have been characterized in detail for the slow regime. The diffusion-driven flow occurs in both slow and fast regime cratering. Because diffusion-driven flow had been omitted from the lunar erosion theory and from the pressure cratering theory of the Apollo and Viking era, those theories cannot be entirely correct.Comment: 13 pages, link to published version: http://cedb.asce.org/cgi/WWWdisplay.cgi?090000

    Mineralogy and chemistry of cobbles at Meridiani Planum, Mars, investigated by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity

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    Numerous loose rocks with dimensions of a few centimeters to tens of centimeters and with no obvious physical relationship to outcrop rocks have been observed along the traverse of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. To date, about a dozen of these rocks have been analyzed with Opportunity’s contact instruments, providing information about elemental chemistry (Alpha Particle X‐ray Spectrometer), iron mineralogy and oxidation states (Mössbauer Spectrometer) and texture (Microscopic Imager). These “cobbles” appear to be impact related, and three distinct groups can be identified on the basis of chemistry and mineralogy. The first group comprises bright fragments of the sulfate‐rich bedrock that are compositionally and texturally indistinguishable from outcrop rocks. All other cobbles are dark and are divided into two groups, referred to as the “Barberton group” and the “Arkansas group,” after the first specimen of each that was encountered by Opportunity. Barberton group cobbles are interpreted as meteorites with an overall chemistry and mineralogy consistent with a mesosiderite silicate clast composition. Arkansas group cobbles appear to be related to Meridiani outcrop and contain an additional basaltic component. They have brecciated textures, pointing to an impact‐related origin during which local bedrock and basaltic material were mixed

    Meteorites on Mars observed with the Mars Exploration Rovers

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    Reduced weathering rates due to the lack of liquid water and significantly greater typical surface ages should result in a higher density of meteorites on the surface of Mars compared to Earth. Several meteorites were identified among the rocks investigated during Opportunity’s traverse across the sandy Meridiani plains. Heat Shield Rock is a IAB iron meteorite and has been officially recognized as ‘‘Meridiani Planum.’’ Barberton is olivine-rich and contains metallic Fe in the form of kamacite, suggesting a meteoritic origin. It is chemically most consistent with a mesosiderite silicate clast. Santa Catarina is a brecciated rock with a chemical and mineralogical composition similar to Barberton. Barberton, Santa Catarina, and cobbles adjacent to Santa Catarina may be part of a strewn field. Spirit observed two probable iron meteorites from its Winter Haven location in the Columbia Hills in Gusev Crater. Chondrites have not been identified to date, which may be a result of their lower strengths and probability to survive impact at current atmospheric pressures. Impact craters directly associated with Heat Shield Rock, Barberton, or Santa Catarina have not been observed, but such craters could have been erased by eolian-driven erosion.Additional co-authors: DW Ming, RV Morris, PA de Souza Jr, SW Squyres, C Weitz, AS Yen, J Zipfel, T Economo