10,198 research outputs found

    Local structure of In_(0.5)Ga_(0.5)As from joint high-resolution and differential pair distribution function analysis

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    High resolution total and indium differential atomic pair distribution functions (PDFs) for In_(0.5)Ga_(0.5)As alloys have been obtained by high energy and anomalous x-ray diffraction experiments, respectively. The first peak in the total PDF is resolved as a doublet due to the presence of two distinct bond lengths, In-As and Ga-As. The In differential PDF, which involves only atomic pairs containing In, yields chemical specific information and helps ease the structure data interpretation. Both PDFs have been fit with structure models and the way in that the underlying cubic zinc-blende lattice of In_(0.5)Ga_(0.5)As semiconductor alloy distorts locally to accommodate the distinct In-As and Ga-As bond lengths present has been quantified.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figur

    Lattice dynamics and correlated atomic motion from the atomic pair distribution function

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    The mean-square relative displacements (MSRD) of atomic pair motions in crystals are studied as a function of pair distance and temperature using the atomic pair distribution function (PDF). The effects of the lattice vibrations on the PDF peak widths are modelled using both a multi-parameter Born von-Karman (BvK) force model and a single-parameter Debye model. These results are compared to experimentally determined PDFs. We find that the near-neighbor atomic motions are strongly correlated, and that the extent of this correlation depends both on the interatomic interactions and crystal structure. These results suggest that proper account of the lattice vibrational effects on the PDF peak width is important in extracting information on static disorder in a disordered system such as an alloy. Good agreement is obtained between the BvK model calculations of PDF peak widths and the experimentally determined peak widths. The Debye model successfully explains the average, though not detailed, natures of the MSRD of atomic pair motion with just one parameter. Also the temperature dependence of the Debye model largely agrees with the BvK model predictions. Therefore, the Debye model provides a simple description of the effects of lattice vibrations on the PDF peak widths.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Implications of the B20 Crystal Structure for the Magneto-electronic Structure of MnSi

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    Due to increased interest in the unusual magnetic and transport behavior of MnSi and its possible relation to its crystal structure (B20) which has unusual coordination and lacks inversion symmetry, we provide a detailed analysis of the electronic and magnetic structure of MnSi. The non-symmorphic P2_13 spacegroup leads to unusual fourfold degenerate states at the zone corner R point, as well as ``sticking'' of pairs of bands throughout the entire Brillouin zone surface. The resulting Fermi surface acquires unusual features as a result of the band sticking. For the ferromagnetic system (neglecting the long wavelength spin spiral) with the observed moment of 0.4 \mu_B/Mn, one of the fourfold levels at R in the minority bands falls at the Fermi energy (E_F), and a threefold majority level at k=0 also falls at E_F. The band sticking and presence of bands with vanishing velocity at E_F imply an unusually large phase space for long wavelength, low energy interband transitions that will be important for understanding the unusual resistivity and far infrared optical behavior.Comment: Nine two-column pages with eight figures include

    Direct observation of the formation of polar nanoregions in Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3 using neutron pair distribution function analysis

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    Using neutron pair distribution function (PDF) analysis over the temperature range from 1000 K to 15 K, we demonstrate the existence of local polarization and the formation of medium-range, polar nanoregions (PNRs) with local rhombohedral order in a prototypical relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3. We estimate the volume fraction of the PNRs as a function of temperature and show that this fraction steadily increases from 0 % to a maximum of \sim 30% as the temperature decreases from 650 K to 15 K. Below T\sim200 K the PNRs start to overlap as their volume fraction reaches the percolation threshold. We propose that percolating PNRs and their concomitant overlap play a significant role in the relaxor behavior of Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Giant Magnetoelectric Effect in a Multiferroic Material with a High Ferroelectric Transition Temperature

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    We present a unique example of giant magnetoelectric effect in a conventional multiferroic HoMnO3, where polarization is very large (~56 mC/m2) and the ferroelectric transition temperature is higher than the magnetic ordering temperature by an order. We attribute the uniqueness of the giant magnetoelectric effect to the ferroelectricity induced entirely by the off-center displacement of rare earth ions with large magnetic moments. This finding suggests a new avenue to design multiferroics with large polarization and higher ferroelectric transition temperature as well as large magnetoelectric effects

    The MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability III: The Role of Sheared Magnetic Field in Planar Flows

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    We have carried out simulations of the nonlinear evolution of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability for compressible fluids in 2122\frac{1}{2}-dimensions, extending our previous work by Frank et al (1996) and Jones \etal (1997). In the present work we have simulated flows in the x-y plane in which a ``sheared'' magnetic field of uniform strength ``smoothly'' rotates across a thin velocity shear layer from the z direction to the x direction, aligned with the flow field. We focus on dynamical evolution of fluid features, kinetic energy dissipation, and mixing of the fluid between the two layers, considering their dependence on magnetic field strength for this geometry. The introduction of magnetic shear can allow a Cat's Eye-like vortex to form, even when the field is stronger than the nominal linear instability limit given above. For strong fields that vortex is asymmetric with respect to the preliminary shear layer, however, so the subsequent dissipation is enhanced over the uniform field cases of comparable field strength. In fact, so long as the magnetic field achieves some level of dynamical importance during an eddy turnover time, the asymmetries introduced through the magnetic shear will increase flow complexity, and, with that, dissipation and mixing. The degree of the fluid mixing between the two layers is strongly influenced by the magnetic field strength. Mixing of the fluid is most effective when the vortex is disrupted by magnetic tension during transient reconnection, through local chaotic behavior that follows.Comment: 14 pages including 9 figures (4 figures in degraded jpg format), full paper with original quality figures available via anonymous ftp at ftp://canopus.chungnam.ac.kr/ryu/mhdkh2d.uu, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Preheating and Affleck-Dine leptogenesis after thermal inflation

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    Previously, we proposed a model of low energy Affleck-Dine leptogenesis in the context of thermal inflation. The lepton asymmetry is generated at the end of thermal inflation, which occurs at a relatively low energy scale with the Hubble parameter somewhere in the range 1 \keV \lesssim H \lesssim 1 \MeV. Thus Hubble damping will be ineffective in bringing the Affleck-Dine field into the lepton conserving region near the origin, leaving the possibility that the lepton number could be washed out. Previously, we suggested that preheating could damp the amplitude of the Affleck-Dine field allowing conservation of the lepton number. In this paper, we demonstrate numerically that preheating does efficiently damp the amplitude of the Affleck-Dine field and that the lepton number is conserved as the result. In addition to demonstrating a crucial aspect of our model, it also opens the more general possibility of low energy Affleck-Dine baryogenesis.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure

    Giant negative magnetoresistance in semiconductors doped by multiply charged deep impurities

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    A giant negative magnetoresistance has been observed in bulk germanium doped with multiply charged deep impurities. Applying a magnetic field the resistance may decrease exponentially at any orientation of the field. A drop of the resistance as much as about 10000% has been measured at 6 T. The effect is attributed to the spin splitting of impurity ground state with a very large g-factor in the order of several tens depending on impurity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure