37,513 research outputs found

    First-principles Calculations of Engineered Surface Spin Structures

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    The engineered spin structures recently built and measured in scanning tunneling microscope experiments are calculated using density functional theory. By determining the precise local structure around the surface impurities, we find the Mn atoms can form molecular structures with the binding surface, behaving like surface molecular magnets. The spin structures are confirmed to be antiferromagnetic, and the exchange couplings are calculated within 8% of the experimental values simply by collinear-spin GGA+U calculations. We can also explain why the exchange couplings significantly change with different impurity binding sites from the determined local structure. The bond polarity is studied by calculating the atomic charges with and without the Mn adatoms

    Dust-to-gas ratio, XCOX_{\rm CO} factor and CO-dark gas in the Galactic anticentre: an observational study

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    We investigate the correlation between extinction and H~{\sc i} and CO emission at intermediate and high Galactic latitudes (|b|>10\degr) within the footprint of the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic anticentre (XSTPS-GAC) on small and large scales. In Paper I (Chen et al. 2014), we present a three-dimensional dust extinction map within the footprint of XSTPS-GAC, covering a sky area of over 6,000\,deg2^2 at a spatial angular resolution of 6\,arcmin. In the current work, the map is combined with data from gas tracers, including H~{\sc i} data from the Galactic Arecibo L-band Feed Array H~{\sc i} survey and CO data from the Planck mission, to constrain the values of dust-to-gas ratio DGR=AV/N(H)DGR=A_V/N({\rm H}) and CO-to-H2\rm H_2 conversion factor XCO=N(H2)/WCOX_{\rm CO}=N({\rm H_2})/W_{\rm CO} for the entire GAC footprint excluding the Galactic plane, as well as for selected star-forming regions (such as the Orion, Taurus and Perseus clouds) and a region of diffuse gas in the northern Galactic hemisphere. For the whole GAC footprint, we find DGR=(4.15±0.01)×10−22DGR=(4.15\pm0.01) \times 10^{-22}\,mag cm2\rm mag\,cm^{2} and XCO=(1.72±0.03)×1020X_{\rm CO}=(1.72 \pm 0.03) \times 10^{20}\,cm−2 (K km s−1)−1\rm cm^{-2}\,(K\,km\,s^{-1})^{-1}. We have also investigated the distribution of "CO-dark" gas (DG) within the footprint of GAC and found a linear correlation between the DG column density and the VV-band extinction: N(DG)≃2.2×1021(AV−AVc) cm−2N({\rm DG}) \simeq 2.2 \times 10^{21} (A_V - A^{c}_{V})\,\rm cm^{-2}. The mass fraction of DG is found to be fDG∼0.55f_{\rm DG}\sim 0.55 toward the Galactic anticentre, which is respectively about 23 and 124 per cent of the atomic and CO-traced molecular gas in the same region. This result is consistent with the theoretical work of Papadopoulos et al. but much larger than that expected in the H2\rm H_2 cloud models by Wolfire et al.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    XMM-Newton Observations of High Redshift Quasars

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    We report on our XMM observations of the high redshift quasars BR 2237--0607 (z=4.558) and BR 0351--1034 (z=4.351), together with 14 other z>4 objects found in the XMM public archive. Contrary to former reports, we do not find high redshift radio-loud quasars to be more absorbed than their radio-quiet counterparts. We find that the optical to X-ray spectral index alpha-ox is correlated with the luminosity density at 2500 A, but does not show a correlation with redshift. The mean 2-10 keV power-law slope of the 9 high redshift radio-quiet quasars in our sample for which a spectral analysis can be performed is alpha-x1.23+-0.48, similar to alpha-x=1.19 found from the ASCA observations of low redshift Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), and significantly different from alpha-x=0.78 found for low redshift Broad-Line Seyfert galaxies. While the optical/UV spectra of low to high redshift quasars look remarkably similar, we find a first indication of a difference in their X-ray spectrum. The steep X-ray spectral index suggests high Eddington ratios L/L_Edd. These observations give credence to the hypothesis of Mathur (2000) that NLS1s are low luminosity cousins of high redshift quasars, both likely to be in their early evolutionary stage.Comment: 25 pages, AJ, in press (Jan 2006

    Redshifted 21cm Signatures Around the Highest Redshift Quasars

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    The Ly-alpha absorption spectrum of the highest redshift quasars indicates that they are surrounded by giant HII regions, a few Mpc in size. The neutral gas around these HII regions should emit 21cm radiation in excess of the Cosmic Microwave Background, and enable future radio telescopes to measure the transverse extent of these HII regions. At early times, the HII regions expand with a relativistic speed. Consequently, their measured sizes along the line-of-sight (via Ly-alpha absorption) and transverse to it (via 21 cm emission) should have different observed values due to relativistic time-delay. We show that the combined measurement of these sizes would directly constrain the neutral fraction of the surrounding intergalactic medium (IGM) as well as the quasar lifetime. Based on current number counts of luminous quasars at z>6, an instrument like LOFAR should detect >2 redshifted 21cm shells per field (with a radius of 11 degrees) around active quasars as bright as those already discovered by SDSS, and >200 relic shells of inactive quasars per field. We show that Ly-alpha photons from the quasar are unable to heat the IGM or to couple the spin and kinetic temperatures of atomic hydrogen beyond the edge of the HII region. The detection of the IGM in 21cm emission around high redshift quasars would therefore gauge the presence of a cosmic Ly-alpha background during the reionization epoch.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Ap
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