474 research outputs found

    Adolescentes e religiosidade: aportes para o Ensino Religioso na escola

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    The article presents the results of a research project carried out with adolescents. The goal was to comprehend the religiosity of this phase of life. Based on the student’s talk the research showed that the anthropomorphic images of God from infancy are brought into the adolescent phase. The concepts of God are defined based on what they learned and heard in their family, in their community of faith and in their social milieu.The research also showed that adolescents begin to doubt that which up to this point had represented certainty and security. Starting with conflict the external authority of persons and institutions is put into question. A change in the way of imagining God begins to take place: the anthropomorphic figure gives way to undefined and abstract images. Adolescents begin to question and doubt: the system of values, of life and of faith becomes objectified and is examined. Adolescents need a protected space within their family, the school, the community to be able to dialog without suffering prejudice or pre-judgements. They need to be able to doubt and to question, to share their experiences, their fears, their anxieties, their life plans and projects. Adolescents need a space where they can talk, listen and receive orientations on the questions about the meaning of life.El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada con adolescentes. El objetivo fue comprender la religiosidad en esta fase de la vida. A partir de lo expresado por alumnos y alumnas, la pesquisa mostró que las imágenes antropomórficas de Dios de la infancia son traídas para la adolescencia. Los conceptos sobre Dios son definidos a partir de aquello que aprendieron y oyeron hablar en su familia, en su comunidad de fe, en su medio social.La pesquisa también mostró que los adolescentes comienzan a dudar sobre aquello que hasta entonces representaba certeza y seguridad. A partir del conflicto, la autoridad externa en personas e instituciones es puesta en duda. Se inicia un cambio en la forma de imaginar a Dios: la figura antropomórfica da lugar a imágenes indefinidas y abstractas. Adolescentes comienzan a cuestionar y dudar: el sistema de valores, de vida y de fe es ahora objetivado y examinado. Adolescentes necesitan de un espacio protegido en su familia, en la escuela, em su comunidad, para poder dialogar sin sufrir preconceptos o pre-juzgamientos. Necesitan dudar y preguntar, compartir sus experiencias, miedos y ansias, sus planes y proyectos de vida. Adolescentes precisan de un espacio para poder hablar, oír y recibir orientación para las preguntas sobre el sentido de la vida.O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com adolescentes. O objetivo foi compreender a religiosidade nesta fase da vida. A partir da fala de alunos e alunas, a pesquisa mostrou que as imagens antropomórficas do Deus da infância são trazidas para a adolescência. Os conceitos sobre Deus são definidos a partir daquilo que aprenderam e ouviram falar na sua família, na sua comunidade de fé, no seu meio social.A pesquisa também mostrou que adolescentes começam a duvidar sobre aquilo que até então representava certeza e segurança. A partir do conflito, a autoridade externa em pessoas e instituições é posta em dúvida. Inicia-se uma mudança na forma de imaginar Deus: a figura antropomórfica dá lugar a imagens indefinidas e abstratas. Adolescentes começam a questionar e duvidar: o sistema de valores, de vida e de fé é agora objetivado e examinado. Adolescentes necessitam de um espaço protegido na sua família, na escola, na sua comunidade, para poderem dialogar sem sofrer preconceitos ou pré-julgamentos. Necessitam duvidar e perguntar, compartilhar suas experiências, medos e anseios, seus planos e projetos de vida. Adolescentes precisam de um espaço para poder falar, ouvir e receber orientação para as perguntas sobre o sentido da vida

    Mantle Sources and Geochemical Evolution of the Picture Gorge Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group

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    The Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) is the youngest continental flood basalt province, proposed to be sourced from the deep-seated plume that currently resides underneath Yellowstone National Park. If so, the earliest erupted basalts from this province, such as those in the Picture Gorge Basalt (PGB), aid in understanding and modeling plume impingement and the subsequent evolution of basaltic volcanism. Using geochemical and isotopic data, this study explores potential mantle sources and magma evolution of the PGB. Long known geochemical signatures of the PGB include overall large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment and relative depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) typical of other CRBG main-phase units. Basaltic samples of the PGB have 87Sr/86Sr ratios on the low end of the range displayed by other CRBG lavas and mantle-like δ18O values. The relatively strong enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE coupled with depleted isotopic signatures suggest a metasomatized upper mantle as the most likely magmatic source for the PGB. Previous geochemical modeling of the PGB utilized the composition of two high-MgO primitive dikes exposed in the northern portion of the Monument Dike swarm as parental melt. However, fractionation of these dike compositions cannot generate the compositional variability illustrated by basaltic lavas and dikes of the PGB. This study identifies a second potential parental PGB composition best represented by basaltic flows in the extended spatial distribution of the PGB. This composition also better reflects the lowest stratigraphic flows identified in the previously mapped extent of the PGB. Age data reveal that PGB lavas erupted first and throughout eruptions of main-phase CRBG units (Steens, Imnaha, Grande Ronde Basalt). Combining geochemical signals with these age data indicates cyclical patterns in the amounts of contributing mantle components. Eruption of PGB material occurred in two pulses, demonstrated by a ~0.4 Ma temporal gap in reported ages, 16.62 to 16.23 Ma. Coupling ages with observed geochemical signals, including relative elemental abundances of LILE, indicates increased influence of a more primitive, potentially plume-like source with time

    Administration of Harmine and Imipramine Alters Creatine Kinase and Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Activities in the Rat Brain

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    The present study evaluated mitochondrial respiratory chain and creatine kinase activities after administration of harmine (5, 10, and 15 mg/kg) and imipramine (10, 20, and 30 mg/kg) in rat brain. After acute treatment occurred an increase of creatine kinase in the prefrontal with imipramine (20 and 30 mg/kg) and harmine in all doses, in the striatum with imipramine (20 and 30 mg/kg) and harmine (5 and 10 mg/kg); harmine (15 mg/kg) decreased creatine kinase. In the chronic treatment occurred an increase of creatine kinase with imipramine (20 mg/kg), harmine (5 mg/kg) in the prefrontal with imipramine (20 and 30 mg/kg) and harmine (5 and 10 mg/kg) in the striatum. In the acute treatment, the complex I increased in the prefrontal with harmine (15 mg/kg) and in the striatum with harmine (10 mg/kg); the complex II decreased with imipramine (20 and 30 mg/kg) in the striatum; the complex IV increased with imipramine (30 mg/kg) in the striatum. In the chronic treatment, the complex I increased with harmine (5 mg/kg) in the prefrontal; the complex II increased with imipramine (20 mg/kg) in the prefrontal; the complex IV increased with harmine (5 mg/kg) in the striatum. Finally, these findings further support the hypothesis that harmine and imipramine could be involved in mitochondrial function