243 research outputs found

    Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo study of first- and second-row post-d elements

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    A series of calculations for the first- and second-row post-d elements (Ga-Br and In-I) are presented using the phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AF QMC) method. This method is formulated in a Hilbert space defined by any chosen one-particle basis, and maps the many-body problem into a linear combination of independent-particle solutions with external auxiliary fields. The phase/sign problem is handled approximately by the phaseless formalism using a trial wave function, which in our calculations was chosen to be the Hartree-Fock solution. We used the consistent correlated basis sets of Peterson and coworkers, which employ a small core relativistic pseudopotential. The AF QMC results are compared with experiment and with those from density-functional (GGA and B3LYP) and coupled-cluster CCSD(T) calculations. The AF QMC total energies agree with CCSD(T) to within a few milli-hartrees across the systems and over several basis sets. The calculated atomic electron affinities, ionization energies, and spectroscopic properties of dimers are, at large basis sets, in excellent agreement with experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Bond breaking with auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo

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    Bond stretching mimics different levels of electron correlation and provides a challenging testbed for approximate many-body computational methods. Using the recently developed phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AF QMC) method, we examine bond stretching in the well-studied molecules BH and N2_2, and in the H50_{50} chain. To control the sign/phase problem, the phaseless AF QMC method constrains the paths in the auxiliary-field path integrals with an approximate phase condition that depends on a trial wave function. With single Slater determinants from unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) as trial wave function, the phaseless AF QMC method generally gives better overall accuracy and a more uniform behavior than the coupled cluster CCSD(T) method in mapping the potential-energy curve. In both BH and N2_2, we also study the use of multiple-determinant trial wave functions from multi-configuration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) calculations. The increase in computational cost versus the gain in statistical and systematic accuracy are examined. With such trial wave functions, excellent results are obtained across the entire region between equilibrium and the dissociation limit.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to JC

    Eliminating spin contamination in auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo: realistic potential energy curve of F2

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    The use of an approximate reference state wave function |Phi_r> in electronic many-body methods can break the spin symmetry of Born-Oppenheimer spin-independent Hamiltonians. This can result in significant errors, especially when bonds are stretched or broken. A simple spin-projection method is introduced for auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AFQMC) calculations, which yields spin-contamination-free results, even with a spin-contaminated |Phi_r>. The method is applied to the difficult F2 molecule, which is unbound within unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF). With a UHF |Phi_r>, spin contamination causes large systematic errors and long equilibration times in AFQMC in the intermediate, bond-breaking region. The spin-projection method eliminates these problems, and delivers an accurate potential energy curve from equilibrium to the dissociation limit using the UHF |Phi_r>. Realistic potential energy curves are obtained with a cc-pVQZ basis. The calculated spectroscopic constants are in excellent agreement with experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations of molecular systems with a Gaussian basis

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    We extend the recently introduced phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) approach to any single-particle basis, and apply it to molecular systems with Gaussian basis sets. QMC methods in general scale favorably with system size, as a low power. A QMC approach with auxiliary fields in principle allows an exact solution of the Schrodinger equation in the chosen basis. However, the well-known sign/phase problem causes the statistical noise to increase exponentially. The phaseless method controls this problem by constraining the paths in the auxiliary-field path integrals with an approximate phase condition that depends on a trial wave function. In the present calculations, the trial wave function is a single Slater determinant from a Hartree-Fock calculation. The calculated all-electron total energies show typical systematic errors of no more than a few milli-Hartrees compared to exact results. At equilibrium geometries in the molecules we studied, this accuracy is roughly comparable to that of coupled-cluster with single and double excitations and with non-iterative triples, CCSD(T). For stretched bonds in H2_2O, our method exhibits better overall accuracy and a more uniform behavior than CCSD(T).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. submitted to JC

    Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Hole Binding and Pairing Correlations in the Three-Band Hubbard Model

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    We simulated the 3-band Hubbard model using the Constrained Path Monte Carlo (CPMC) method in search for a possible superconducting ground state. The CPMC is a ground state method which is free of the exponential scaling of computing time with system size. We calculated the binding energy of a pair of holes for systems up to 6×46 \times 4 unit cells. We also studied the pairing correlation functions versus distance for both the d-wave and extended s-wave channels in systems up to 6×66 \times 6. We found that holes bind for a wide range of parameters and that the binding increased as the system size is increased. However, the pairing correlation functions decay quickly with distance. For the extended s channel, we found that as the Coulomb interaction UdU_d on the Cu sites is increased, the long-range part of the correlation functions is suppressed and fluctuates around zero. For the dx2y2d_{x^2 - y^2} channel, we found that the correlations decay rapidly with distance towards a small positive value. However, this value becomes smaller as the interaction UdU_d or the system size is increased.Comment: 21 pages, 13 Postscript figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    d-Wave Pairing Correlation in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model

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    The pair-pair correlation function of the two-dimensional t-J model is studied by using the power-Lanczos method and an assumption of monotonic behavior. In comparison with the results of the ideal Fermi gas, we conclude that the 2D t-J model does not have long range d-wave superconducting correlation in the interesting parameter range of J/t0.5J/t \leq 0.5. Implications of this result will also be discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted by PR

    Spin- and charge-density waves in the Hartree-Fock ground state of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The ground states of the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model are studied within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) theory. Magnetic and charge properties are determined by systematic, large-scale, exact numerical calculations, and quantified as a function of electron doping hh. In the solution of the self-consistent UHF equations, multiple initial configurations and simulated annealing are used to facilitate convergence to the global minimum. New approaches are employed to minimize finite-size effects in order to reach the thermodynamic limit. At low to moderate interacting strengths and low doping, the UHF ground state is a linear spin-density wave (l-SDW), with antiferromagnetic order and a modulating wave. The wavelength of the modulating wave is 2/h2/h. Corresponding charge order exists but is substantially weaker than the spin order, hence holes are mobile. As the interaction is increased, the l-SDW states evolves into several different phases, with the holes eventually becoming localized. A simple pairing model is presented with analytic calculations for low interaction strength and small doping, to help understand the numerical results and provide a physical picture for the properties of the SDW ground state. By comparison with recent many-body calculations, it is shown that, for intermediate interactions, the UHF solution provides a good description of the magnetic correlations in the true ground state of the Hubbard model.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure, 0 table

    A Constrained Path Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Ground States

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    We describe and discuss a recently proposed quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to compute the ground-state properties of various systems of interacting fermions. In this method, the ground state is projected from an initial wave function by a branching random walk in an over-complete basis of Slater determinants. By constraining the determinants according to a trial wave function ψT|\psi_T\rangle, we remove the exponential decay of signal-to-noise ratio characteristic of the sign problem. The method is variational and is exact if ψT|\psi_T\rangle is exact. We illustrate the method by describing in detail its implementation for the two-dimensional one-band Hubbard model. We show results for lattice sizes up to 16×1616\times 16 and for various electron fillings and interaction strengths. Besides highly accurate estimates of the ground-state energy, we find that the method also yields reliable estimates of other ground-state observables, such as superconducting pairing correlation functions. We conclude by discussing possible extensions of the algorithm.Comment: 29 pages, RevTex, 3 figures included; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bunching Transitions on Vicinal Surfaces and Quantum N-mers

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    We study vicinal crystal surfaces with the terrace-step-kink model on a discrete lattice. Including both a short-ranged attractive interaction and a long-ranged repulsive interaction arising from elastic forces, we discover a series of phases in which steps coalesce into bunches of n steps each. The value of n varies with temperature and the ratio of short to long range interaction strengths. We propose that the bunch phases have been observed in very recent experiments on Si surfaces. Within the context of a mapping of the model to a system of bosons on a 1D lattice, the bunch phases appear as quantum n-mers.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for non-local corrections to the Dynamical Mean-Field Approximation

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    We present the algorithmic details of the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), with a quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method used to solve the effective cluster problem. The DCA is a fully-causal approach which systematically restores non-local correlations to the dynamical mean field approximation (DMFA) while preserving the lattice symmetries. The DCA becomes exact for an infinite cluster size, while reducing to the DMFA for a cluster size of unity. We present a generalization of the Hirsch-Fye QMC algorithm for the solution of the embedded cluster problem. We use the two-dimensional Hubbard model to illustrate the performance of the DCA technique. At half-filling, we show that the DCA drives the spurious finite-temperature antiferromagnetic transition found in the DMFA slowly towards zero temperature as the cluster size increases, in conformity with the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Moreover, we find that there is a finite temperature metal to insulator transition which persists into the weak-coupling regime. This suggests that the magnetism of the model is Heisenberg like for all non-zero interactions. Away from half-filling, we find that the sign problem that arises in QMC simulations is significantly less severe in the context of DCA. Hence, we were able to obtain good statistics for small clusters. For these clusters, the DCA results show evidence of non-Fermi liquid behavior and superconductivity near half-filling.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure