51 research outputs found

    Parental Responsibility: Provision of Teaching Learning Resources and Participation of Children Living With Disability in Early Childhood

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    This article evaluated the responsibility of parents in provision of Teaching Learning Resource (T/LRs) and participation of Children Living with Disability (CLWD) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Kajiado North, Kenya. The purpose of the study was to establish how T/LRs provided by parents influenced the participation of CLWD in ECE. A qualitative research was carried out with a case study design. Observations, interviews and focused group discussions were held to attain the objective of the study. A pilot study was carried out. Content validity was adopted to govern whether the test item offered the content that the test was intended to measure. Split-half method was used to determine the reliability. The study argued that CLWD in ECE are not provided with T/LRs that meets the uniqueness of individual child, and consequently jeopardized participation. In cases where T/LRs were compatible to the needs participation was accelerated. The findings revealed that although the government had played a great role in education, more was yet to be accomplished. Environmental factor, culture, poverty and lack of awareness limited parental participation as actors in ECE. It was recommended that there is need for the government to include ECE in free education to achieve Education for All (EFA) goals. Key Words: Parental Responsibility, Teaching Learning Resources, Participation, Children Living with Disability and Early Childhood Education

    Testing the performance of environmental DNA metabarcoding for surveying highly diverse tropical fish communities: A case study from Lake Tanganyika

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    Background and Aims Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding provides a highly sensitive method of surveying freshwater fish communities, although studies to date have largely been restricted to temperate ecosystems. Due to limited reference sequence availability and challenges identifying closely related and rare species in diverse tropical ecosystems, the effectiveness of metabarcoding methods for surveying tropical fish communities from eDNA samples remains uncertain. To address this, we applied an eDNA metabarcoding approach to survey Lake Tanganyika's (LT) species‐rich littoral fish communities. Materials and Methods As this system contains many closely related species, particularly cichlid fishes, we used four primer sets including a cichlid‐specific primer set (Cichlid_CR). A reference database was built for the 12s, 16s, and control region for 358 fish species including over 93% of known cichlids. Results and Discussion In silico and in situ results demonstrated wide variability in the taxonomic resolution of assignments by each primer with the cichlid‐specific marker (Cichlid_CR) enabling greater species‐level assignments for this highly diverse family. A greater number of non‐cichlid teleost species were detected at sites compared to the visual survey data. For cichlid species however, sequencing depth substantially influenced species richness estimates obtained from eDNA samples, with increased depths producing estimates comparable to that obtained from the visual survey data. Conclusions Our study highlights the importance of sequencing depth and local reference databases when undertaking metabarcoding studies within diverse ecosystems, as well as demonstrating the potential of eDNA metabarcoding for surveying diverse tropical fish communities, even those containing closely related species within evolutionary radiations

    Spatial patterns of zooplankton distribution and abundance in relation to phytoplankton, fish catch and some water quality parameters at Shirati bay, lake victoria-Tanzania

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    Spatial patterns and abundance of zooplankton in aquatic habitats are important determinants for production of fish species, invertebrates and availability of phytoplankton. Weekly monitoring for zooplankton abundance was conducted in Shirati Bay, Lake Victoria, to explore their spatial patterns in relation to phytoplankton, fish catch and some water quality parameters. The vertical distribution of zooplankton was generally higher close to the bottom as compared to surface waters of the lake. Zooplankton vertical distribution positively correlated with water transparency (r = 0.680, p = 0.011). The horizontal abundance of zooplankton was not significantly different amongst the three stations (p = 0.5143). While Copepoda was the dominant group in terms of composition, Rotifera had the highest diversity indices of all the zooplankton groups obtained. The abundance of nauplius larvae was significantly higher than that of the copepodites (p = 0.022). Nile perch, Lates niloticus dominated the total catches (47%) followed by Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (29%) and haplochromines (21%). The abundance of haplochromines and juvenile fishes correlated significantly with the abundance of zooplankton (r = 0.856, p = 0.002 and r = 0.58, p = 0.038, respectively). The current study revealed that zooplankton vertical distribution at Shirati Bay is mainly controlled by water transparency and predation by juvenile Nile perch, Nile tilapia and haplochromines.Keywords: chlorophyll-a; calanoid; cyclopoid; nauplius larvae; juvenile fis

    Limit Theory of Model Order Change-Point Estimator for GARCH Models

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    The limit theory of a change-point process which is based on the Manhattan distance of the sample autocorrelation function with applications to GARCH processes is examined. The general theory of the sample autocovariance and sample autocorrelation functions of a stationary GARCH process forms the basis of this study. Specifically the point processes theory is utilized to obtain their weak convergence limit at different lags. This is further extended to the change-point process. The limits are found to be generally random as a result of the infinite variance

    Consistency of the Model Order Change-Point Estimator for GARCH Models

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    GARCH models have been commonly used to capture volatility dynamics in financial time series. A key assumption utilized is that the series is stationary as this allows for model identifiability. This however violates the volatility clustering property exhibited by financial returns series. Existing methods attribute this phenomenon to parameter change. However, the assumption of fixed model order is too restrictive for long time series. This paper proposes a change-point estimator based on Manhattan distance. The estimator is applicable to GARCH model order change-point detection. Procedures are based on the sample autocorrelation function of squared series. The asymptotic consistency of the estimator is proven theoretically

    Practices and motives behind antibiotics provision in drug outlets in Tanzania : a qualitative study

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    Funding: This study was part of the larger 3-country Holistic Approach to Unravel Antibacterial Resistance in East Africa (HATUA) project funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Medical Research Council and the Department of Health and Social Care, Award (MR/S004785/1).Dispensing antibiotics without prescription is among the major factors leading to antimicrobial resistance. Dispensing of antibiotics without prescription has negative impact at the individual and societal level leading to poor patient outcomes, and increased risks of resistant bacteria facilitated by inappropriate choice of antibiotics doses/courses. Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health threat which is projected to cause 10 million deaths by 2050 if no significant actions are taken to address this problem This study explored the practices and motives behind dispensing of antibiotics without prescription among community drug outlets in Tanzania. Finding of this study provides more strategies to antibiotics stewardship intervention. In-depth interviews with 28 drug dispensers were conducted for three months consecutively between November 2019 and January 2020 in 12 community pharmacies and 16 Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in the Mwanza, Kilimanjaro and Mbeya regions of Tanzania. Transcripts were coded and analyzed thematically using NVivo12 software. Majority of dispensers admitted to providing antibiotics without prescriptions, selling incomplete courses of antibiotics and not giving detailed instructions to customers on how to use the drugs. These practices were motivated by several factors including customers’ pressure/customers’ demands, business orientation-financial gain of drug dispensers, and low purchasing power of patients/customers. It is important to address the motives behind the unauthorized dispensing antibiotics. On top of the existing regulation and enforcement, we recommend the government to empower customers with education and purchasing power of drugs which can enhance the dispensers adherence to the dispensing regulations. Furthermore, we recommend ethnographic research to inform antibiotic stewardship interventions going beyond awareness raising, education and advocacy campaigns. This will address structural drivers of AMR such as poverty and inadequate government health services, and the disconnect between public messaging and/or policy and the public itself.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Non-prescribed antibiotic dispensing practices for symptoms of urinary tract infection in community pharmacies and accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania : a simulated clients approach

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    This study was funded by HATUA project. The Holistic Approach to Unravel Antibacterial Resistance in East Africa is a 3-year Global Context Consortia Award (MR/S004785/1) funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Medical Research Council and the Department of Health and Social Care. The award is also part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union.Background Antibiotic dispensing without prescription is a major determinant of the emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) which has impact on population health and cost of healthcare delivery. This study used simulated clients describing UTI like symptoms to explore compliance with regulation, variations in dispensing practices and drug recommendation, and quality of seller-client interaction on the basis of the gender of the client and the type of drug outlets in three regions in Tanzania. Method A total of 672 Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) and community pharmacies were visited by mystery clients (MCs). The study was conducted in three regions of Tanzania namely Kilimanjaro (180, 26.79%), Mbeya (169, 25.15%) and Mwanza (323, 48.07%) in March–May 2020. During data collection, information was captured using epicollect5 software before being analyzed using Stata version 13. Results Overall, 89.43% (CI: 86.87–91.55%) of drug sellers recommended antibiotics to clients who described UTI like symptoms but held no prescription and 58.93% were willing to sell less than the minimum recommended course. Female clients were more likely than male to be asked if they were taking other medications (27.2% vs 9.8%), or had seen a doctor (27.8% vs 14.7%), and more likely to be advised to consult a doctor (21.6% vs 9.0%); pharmacies addressed these issues more often than ADDOs (17.7% vs 13.2, 23.9% vs 16.6%, 17.7 vs 10.9% respectively). Sellers recommended 32 different drugs to treat the same set of symptoms, only 7 appear in the Tanzanian Standard Treatment Guidelines as recommended for UTI and 30% were 2nd and 3rd line drugs. ADDO sellers recommended 31 drug types (including 2nd and 3rd line) but had permission to stock only 3 (1st line) drugs. The most commonly suggested antibiotics were Azithromycin (35.4%) and ciprofloxacin (20.5%). Azithromycin was suggested more often in pharmacies (40.8%) than in ADDOs (34.4%) and more often to male clients (36.0%) than female (33.1%). Conclusion These findings support the need for urgent action to ensure existing regulations are adhered to and to promote the continuing professional development of drug sellers at all outlet levels to ensure compliance with regulation, high quality service and better antibiotic stewardship.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Measuring the role of seagrasses in regulating sediment surface elevation

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    Seagrass meadows provide numerous ecosystem services and their rapid global loss may reduce human welfare as well as ecological integrity. In common with the other ‘blue carbon’ habitats (mangroves and tidal marshes) seagrasses are thought to provide coastal defence and encourage sediment stabilisation and surface elevation. A sophisticated understanding of sediment elevation dynamics in mangroves and tidal marshes has been gained by monitoring a wide range of different sites, located in varying hydrogeomorphological conditions over long periods. In contrast, similar evidence for seagrasses is sparse; the present study is a contribution towards filling this gap. Surface elevation change pins were deployed in four locations, Scotland, Kenya, Tanzania and Saudi Arabia, in both seagrass and unvegetated control plots in the low intertidal and shallow subtidal zone. The presence of seagrass had a highly significant, positive impact on surface elevation at all sites. Combined data from the current work and the literature show an average difference of 31 mm per year in elevation rates between vegetated and unvegetated areas, which emphasizes the important contribution of seagrass in facilitating sediment surface elevation and reducing erosion. This paper presents the first multi-site study for sediment surface elevation in seagrasses in different settings and species

    Effect of Improved access to Antiretroviral Therapy on clinical characteristics of patients enrolled in the HIV care and treatment clinic, at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    \ud Sub-Saharan Africa has been severely affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. Global efforts at improving care and treatment has included scaling up use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). In Tanzania, HIV care and treatment program, including the provision of free ART started in 2004 with a pilot program at Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam. This study describes the socio-demographic and clinical features of patients enrolled at the care and treatment clinic at MNH, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A cross-sectional study looking at baseline characteristics of patients enrolled at the HIV clinic at MNH between June 2004-Dec 2005 compared to those enrolled between 2006 and September 2008. Of all enrolled patients, 2408 (58.5%) were used for analysis. More females than males were attending the clinic. Their baseline median CD4 cell count was low (136 cells/microl) with 65.7% having below 200 cells/microl. Females had higher CD4 cell counts (150 cells/microl) than males (109 cells/microl) p < 0.001). The most common presenting features were skin rash and/or itching (51.6%); progressive weight loss (32.7%) and fever (23.4). Patients enrolled earlier at the clinic (2004-5) were significantly more symptomatic and had significantly lower CD4 cell count (127 cells/microl) compared to CD4 of 167 cells/microl in those seen later (2006-8) (p < 0.001). Patients enrolled to the MNH HIV clinic were predominantly females, and presented with advanced immune-deficiency. Improved access to HIV care and treatment services seems to be associated with patients' early presentation to the clinics in the course of HIV disease.\u
