36 research outputs found

    The physical and occupational activity of patients with multiple sclerosis depending on the form of clinical disease

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    Introduction: The progressive nature of multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with numerous neurological deficits, leading gradually to deteriorating health and to disability. Purpose: The aim of this study was a subjective assessment of the physical and occupational activity of individuals with MS depending on the clinical form of the disease. Materials and methods: We used the original to conduct the research, with 28 closed questions. The study was carried out from December 1, 2018, to January 31, 2019, following approval by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University of Bialystok, among persons belonging to the Association for Helping Sick People for Multiple Sclerosis in Białystok and patients of the Neurology Department of the University Clinical Hospital in Bialystok. The study sample comprised 50 people diagnosed with MS, 41 women and 9 men. Results: The most frequently occurring clinical form of MS was relapsing-remitting (68%). In this form, most participants had good physical fitness (44%). In those with the progressive-recurrent form (50%), very poor physical fitness was subjectively noted. Of those with the relapsing-remitting type of MS, 50% were professionally active, while none of the participants with the progressive-recurrent form were. Both the physical and occupational activities of MS patients were frequently limited by fatigue, balance disturbances, and movement difficulties. Fatigue was the most common symptom for most individuals with MS (82%). Conclusion: MS has a significant impact on both the physical activity and occupational functioning of patients. In the clinical form of MS, relapsing-remitting, patients’ physical fitness was better

    Medical students’ perceptions of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Little is known about associations of attitudes of medical students towards people with disabilities and their life satisfaction and empathy. Purpose: To assess the social perception of people with disabilities by medical students. Materials and methods: The present study interviewed 451 medical students of the Medical University of Białystok regarding their perceptions of people with disabilities, especially in light of their own satisfaction with life and empathy. We used the following questionnaires: the original questionnaire about attitudes towards people with disabilities, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Empathy Understanding Questionnaire (KRE). Results: Attitudes towards people with disabilities people were generally positive. Almost 40% of respondents expressed a willingness to help for people with disabilities. In general, disabled people do not have full access to all fields of social (63.4%) and professional (63.2%) life. At the same time, disabled people tend to marry (84.9%), have children (82.1%), work (88.2%), and drive cars (76.1%). Respondents were convinced that contact with a disabled person teaches ways to help others (42.1%), and in fact 58.6% of respondents reported having decided to participate with helping the disabled. The average life satisfaction of the students was 22.7 ± 5.3 which indicates that the respondents are satisfied with their lives. The empathy level of respondents was 66.97 points ± 2.98, which indicates average level of empathy. Conclusions: This study shows that students’ perception of people with disabilities depends upon how the students viewed disabled people’s, life satisfaction and empathy

    Evaluation of quality of life in chronic, progressing rheumatic diseases based on the example of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis 

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    Izabela Wysocka-Skurska,1 Matylda Sierakowska,2 Wojciech Kułak3 1Department of Rheumatology and Internal Diseases, University Hospital in Bialystok, 2Department of Integrated Medical Care, Medical University of Bialystok, 3Clinic Rehabilitation Center for Children with Early Help Disabled Children “Give a Chance”, Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland Background: Rheumatic diseases, irrespective of etiology and clinical course, influence different areas of a patient’s life. Adapting to disability and limitations caused by an illness is very difficult for many patients. The main goal of a therapeutic procedure should be improvement of health-related quality of life (QoL).Objective: Evaluation of the factors that influence the QoL that are conditioned by the state of health of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Methods: The study group consisted of 198 patients diagnosed with OA, according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria (1988), and 100 patients diagnosed with RA, according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria (2010). A diagnostic survey using visual analog scale of pain, health assessment questionnaire disability index, and 36-item short form health survey were used in this study.Results: The average age of patients with OA was 59.16 (±15.87) years and patients with RA was 55.22 (±14.87) years. The average duration of illness examined for OA was 5.5 (±4.32) years, whereas for RA, it was slightly more at 6.8 (±5.21) years. Overall the QoL in both study groups was of medium level. Among patients with OA and RA, lower evaluation of QoL was mainly affected by age (OA – physical sphere [PCS] rs=-0.177, P<0.012; MCS rs=-0.185,  P=0.008; RA – PCS rs=-0.234,  P=0.019; MCS rs=-0.208,  P=0.038), the level of physical disability (OA – PCS rp=-0.532,  P<0.001; MCS rs=-0.467,  P<0.001; RA – PCS rp=-0.326, P<0.001; MCS rs=-0.229, P<0.001), and pain (OA – PCS rp=-0.425, P<0.001; mental sphere/mental functioning (MCS) rs=-0.359, P<0.001; RA – PCS rp=-0.313, P<0.001; MCS rp=-0.128, P<0.001).Conclusion: Patients with OA, despite their average older age, had a higher evaluated QoL than patients with RA. Overall QoL in terms of mental functioning in both rheumatic diseases was assessed at a higher level than in the area of physical functioning. Keywords: quality of life, physical functioning, mental functioning, pain, malfunctio

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor potential use in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy

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    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a glycoprotein that stimulates the bone marrow to produce granulocytes and stem cells and release them into the blood. Recent studies demonstrated the presence of CSF-receptor (G-CSFR) system in the brain and spinal cord, and their roles in neuroprotection and neural tissue repair, as well as improvement in functional recovery. G-CSF exerts neuroprotective actions through the inhibition of apoptosis and inflammation, and the stimulation of neurogenesis. This review highlights recent studies on the potential use of G-CSF in cerebral palsy

    Biofeedback in rehabilitation of children with infantile cerebral palsy - preliminary report

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    Jedną z częściej rozpoznawanych chorób u dzieci niepełnosprawnych jest mózgowe porażenie dziecięce (MPDz). Plastyczność kompensacyjna mózgu jest podłożem efektów, jakie uzyskuje się w trakcie rehabilitacji pacjentów z uszkodzeniem ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Nowoczesną metodą, coraz szerzej stosowaną u pacjentów dorosłych, są ćwiczenia oparte na zjawisku biologicznego sprzężenia zwrotnego (biofeedback). Celem pracy była ocena możliwości usprawniania dzieci poprzez zastosowanie rotoru skonstruowanego w oparciu o powyższą metodę (rotor - biofeedback) do ćwiczeń kończyn górnych i dolnych. Badaniem objęto grupę 17 dzieci - 8 (47,1%) dziewczynek i 9 (52,9%) chłopców ze spastyczną postacią AiPDz. Średnia wieku wynosiła i 1,9 š3,9 lat. Średnia ilość sesji treningowych wynosiła 9,0 (Standard Deviation - SD 5,1), czas wykonywania ćwiczenia - .10-15 min. Oceniano symetrię aktywności kończyn dolnych oraz zmiany nasilenia spastyki w trakcie terapii. W grupie dzieci starszych uzyskano pozytywne efekty terapii w postaci zmniejszenia napięcia mięśniowego, skutkujące zmniejszeniem różnicy aktywności kończyn dolnych.One of the often diagnosed diseases in handicapped children is infantiie cerebral palsy (ICP). T h e base of the effects of rehabilitation in patients with central nervous system injury is compensatory bram neuroplasticity. Exercises based on biofeedback are modem rehabilitation method of adult patients. The a im of the study was to assess the effect of rotor biofeedback on motor improvement in children suffered from infantile cerebral palsy (ICP). The exarmned group inchided 17 children - 8 (47.1%) girls and 9 (52.9%) boys with spastic ICP. Mean age was 11.9 š3.9 years. Average mimber of training sessions was 9.0 (Standard Deviation - SD 5.1), duration of exercise - 10-15min. Symmetry of the lower Limbs activity and chaege of muscular tension during exercises were tested. In the grcup of older children positive effect of therapy was obtained - reducing of muscular tension, which was followed by decrease of the lower limbs activity distinction