20,201 research outputs found

    Parameterizing probabilities for estimating age-composition distributions for mixture models

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    When estimating parameters that constitute a discrete probability distribution {pj}, it is difficult to determine how constraints should be made to guarantee that the estimated parameters { pˆj} constitute a probability distribution (i.e., pˆj>0, Σ pˆj =1). For age distributions estimated from mixtures of length-at-age distributions, the EM (expectationmaximization) algorithm (Hasselblad, 1966; Hoenig and Heisey, 1987; Kimura and Chikuni, 1987), restricted least squares (Clark, 1981), and weak quasisolutions (Troynikov, 2004) have all been used. Each of these methods appears to guarantee that the estimated distribution will be a true probability distribution with all categories greater than or equal to zero and with individual probabilities that sum to one. In addition, all these methods appear to provide a theoretical basis for solutions that will be either maximum-likelihood estimates or at least convergent to a probability distribu

    Superdeformation and clustering in 40^{40}Ca studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

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    Deformed states in 40^{40}Ca are investigated with a method of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. Above the spherical ground state, rotational bands arise from a normal deformation and a superdeformation as well as an oblate deformation. The calculated energy spectra and E2E2 transition strengths in the superdeformed band reasonably agree to the experimental data of the superdeformed band starting from the 03+0^+_3 state at 5.213 MeV. By the analysis of single-particle orbits, it is found that the superdeformed state has particle-hole nature of an 8p8p-8h8h configuration. One of new findings is parity asymmetric structure with 12^{12}C+28^{28}Si-like clustering in the superdeformed band. We predict that 12^{12}C+28^{28}Si molecular bands may be built above the superdeformed band due to the excitation of inter-cluster motion. They are considered to be higher nodal states of the superdeformed state. We also suggest negative-parity bands caused by the parity asymmetric deformation.Comment: 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comment on "Observation of neutronless fusion reactions in picosecond laser plasmas"

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    The paper by Belyaev et al. [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72}, 026406 (2005)] reported the first experimental observation of alpha particles produced in the thermonuclear reaction 11^{11}B(p,αp,\alpha)8^{8}Be induced by laser-irradiation on a 11^{11}B polyethylene (CH2_2) composite target. The laser used in the experiment is characterized by a picosecond pulse duration and a peak of intensity of 2×1018\times10^{18} W/cm2^2. We suggest that both the background-reduction method adopted in their detection system and the choice of the detection energy region of the reaction products are possibly inadequate. Consequently the total yield reported underestimates the true yield. Based on their observation, we give an estimation of the total yield to be higher than their conclusion, i.e., of the order of 105α^5 \alpha per shot.Comment: 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Comment section of Physical Review

    Quasi-particle scattering and protected nature of topological states in a parent topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3

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    We report on angle resolved photoemission spectroscopic studies on a parent topological insulator (TI), Bi2_2Se3_3. The line width of the spectral function (inverse of the quasi-particle lifetime) of the topological metallic (TM) states shows an anomalous behavior. This behavior can be reasonably accounted for by assuming decay of the quasi-particles predominantly into bulk electronic states through electron-electron interaction and defect scattering. Studies on aged surfaces reveal that topological metallic states are very much unaffected by the potentials created by adsorbed atoms or molecules on the surface, indicating that topological states could be indeed protected against weak perturbations.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B(R

    Lazy states: sufficient and necessary condition for zero quantum entropy rates under any coupling to the environment

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    We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the entropy rate of the system to be zero under any system-environment Hamiltonian interaction. We call the class of system-environment states that satisfy this condition lazy states. They are a generalization of classically correlated states defined by quantum discord, but based on projective measurements of any rank. The concept of lazy states permits the construction of a protocol for detecting global quantum correlations using only local dynamical information. We show how quantum correlations to the environment provide bounds to the entropy rate, and how to estimate dissipation rates for general non-Markovian open quantum systems.Comment: 4 page

    Gutzwiller study of extended Hubbard models with fixed boson densities

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    We studied all possible ground states, including supersolid (SS) phases and phase separations of hard-core- and soft-core-extended Bose--Hubbard models with fixed boson densities by using the Gutzwiller variational wave function and the linear programming method. We found that the phase diagram of the soft-core model depends strongly on its transfer integral. Furthermore, for a large transfer integral, we showed that an SS phase can be the ground state even below or at half filling against the phase separation. We also found that the density difference between nearest-neighbor sites, which indicates the density order of the SS phase, depends strongly on the boson density and transfer integral.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic inhomogeneity in EuO: Possibility of magnetic polaron states

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    We have observed the spatial inhomogeneity of the electronic structure of a single-crystalline electron-doped EuO thin film with ferromagnetic ordering by employing infrared magneto-optical imaging with synchrotron radiation. The uniform paramagnetic electronic structure changes to a uniform ferromagnetic structure via an inhomogeneous state with decreasing temperature and increasing magnetic field slightly above the ordering temperature. One possibility of the origin of the inhomogeneity is the appearance of magnetic polaron states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spinal V2b neurons reveal a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control

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    The spinal cord contains a diverse array of interneurons that govern motor output. Traditionally, models of spinal circuits have emphasized the role of inhibition in enforcing reciprocal alternation between left and right sides or flexors and extensors. However, recent work has shown that inhibition also increases coincident with excitation during contraction. Here, using larval zebrafish, we investigate the V2b (Gata3+) class of neurons, which contribute to flexor-extensor alternation but are otherwise poorly understood. Using newly generated transgenic lines we define two stable subclasses with distinct neurotransmitter and morphological properties. These V2b subclasses synapse directly onto motor neurons with differential targeting to speed-specific circuits. In vivo, optogenetic manipulation of V2b activity modulates locomotor frequency: suppressing V2b neurons elicits faster locomotion, whereas activating V2b neurons slows locomotion. We conclude that V2b neurons serve as a brake on axial motor circuits. Together, these results indicate a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control

    16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} nature of the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and the evolution of the molecular structure

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    The relation between the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands is studied by the deformed-base antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with the Gogny D1S force. It is found that the obtained superdeformed band members of 32S^{32}{\rm S} have considerable amount of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} component. Above the superdeformed band, we have obtained two excited rotational bands which have more prominent character of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular band. These three rotational bands are regarded as a series of 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands which were predicted by using the unique 16O^{16}{\rm O} -16O^{16}{\rm O} optical potentil. As the excitation energy and principal quantum number of the relative motion increase, the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} cluster structure becomes more prominent but at the same time, the band members are fragmented into several states
