505 research outputs found

    Cavity Nonlinear Optics at Low Photon Numbers from Collective Atomic Motion

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    We report on Kerr nonlinearity and dispersive optical bistability of a Fabry-Perot optical resonator due to the displacement of ultracold atoms trapped within. In the driven resonator, such collective motion is induced by optical forces acting upon up to 10510^5 87^{87}Rb atoms prepared in the lowest band of a one-dimensional intracavity optical lattice. The longevity of atomic motional coherence allows for strongly nonlinear optics at extremely low cavity photon numbers, as demonstrated by the observation of both branches of optical bistability at photon numbers below unity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Modifed following reviewer comment

    Observing Parity Time Symmetry Breaking in a Josephson Parametric Amplifier

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    A coupled two-mode system with balanced gain and loss is a paradigmatic example of an open quantum system that can exhibit real spectra despite being described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We utilize a degenerate parametric amplifier operating in three-wave mixing mode to realize such a system of balanced gain and loss between the two quadrature modes of the amplifier. By examining the time-domain response of the amplifier, we observe a characteristic transition from real-to-imaginary energy eigenvalues associated with the Parity-Time-symmetry-breaking transition.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum jumps in the non-Hermitian dynamics of a superconducting qubit

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    We study the dynamics of a driven non-Hermitian superconducting qubit which is perturbed by quantum jumps between energy levels, a purely quantum effect with no classical correspondence. The quantum jumps mix the qubit states leading to decoherence. We observe that this decoherence rate is enhanced near the exceptional point, owing to the cube-root topology of the non-Hermitian eigenenergies. Together with the effect of non-Hermitian gain/loss, quantum jumps can also lead to a breakdown of adiabatic evolution under the slow-driving limit. Our study shows the critical role of quantum jumps in generalizing the applications of classical non-Hermitian systems to open quantum systems for sensing and control.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Floquet exceptional contours in Lindblad dynamics with time-periodic drive and dissipation

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    The dynamics of an isolated quantum system is coherent and unitary. Weak coupling to the environment leads to decoherence, which is traditionally modeled with a Lindblad equation for the system's density matrix. Starting from a pure state, such a system approaches a steady state (mixed or otherwise) in an underdamped or overdamped manner. This transition occurs at an eigenvalue degeneracy of a Lindblad superoperator, called an exceptional point (EP), where corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in creating exceptional points in a truly quantum domain, driven by the enhanced sensitivity and topological features EPs have shown in their classical realizations. Here, we present Floquet analysis of a prototypical qubit whose drive or dissipator strengths are varied periodically. We consider models with a single dissipator that generate global loss (phase damping) or mode-selective loss (spontaneous emission). In all cases, we find that periodic modulations lead to EP lines at small dissipator strengths, and a rich EP structure in the parameter space. Our analytical and numerical results show that extending Lindblad Liouvillians to the Floquet domain is a new, potentially preferred route to accessing exceptional points in the transient dynamics towards the Lindblad steady state.Comment: 4 figures, 7 page

    Collimated, single-pass atom source from a pulsed alkali metal dispenser for laser-cooling experiments

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    We have developed an improved scheme for loading atoms into a magneto-optical trap (MOT) from a directed alkali metal dispenser in < 10^-10 torr ultra-high vacuum conditions. A current-driven dispenser was surrounded with a cold absorbing "shroud" held at < 0 C, pumping rubidium atoms not directed into the MOT. This nearly eliminates background alkali atoms and reduces the detrimental rise in pressure normally associated with these devices. The system can be well-described as a current-controlled, rapidly-switched, two-temperature thermal beam, and was used to load a MOT with 3 x 10^8 atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Efficiently Fuelling a Quantum Engine with Incompatible Measurements

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    We propose a quantum harmonic oscillator measurement engine fueled by simultaneous quantum measurements of the non-commuting position and momentum quadratures of the quantum oscillator. The engine extracts work by moving the harmonic trap suddenly, conditioned on the measurement outcomes. We present two protocols for work extraction, respectively based on single-shot and time-continuous quantum measurements. In the single-shot limit, the oscillator is measured in a coherent state basis; the measurement adds an average of one quantum of energy to the oscillator, which is then extracted in the feedback step. In the time-continuous limit, continuous weak quantum measurements of both position and momentum of the quantum oscillator result in a coherent state, whose coordinates diffuse in time. We relate the extractable work to the noise added by quadrature measurements, and present exact results for the work distribution at arbitrary finite time. Both protocols can achieve unit work conversion efficiency in principle.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Speeding up entanglement generation by proximity to higher-order exceptional points

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    Entanglement is a key resource for quantum information technologies ranging from quantum sensing to quantum computing. Conventionally, the entanglement between two coupled qubits is established at the time scale of the inverse of the coupling strength. In this work, we study two weakly coupled non-Hermitian qubits and observe entanglement generation at a significantly shorter time scale by proximity to a higher-order exceptional point. We establish a non-Hermitian perturbation theory based on constructing a biorthogonal complete basis and further identify the optimal condition to obtain the maximally entangled state. Our study of speeding up entanglement generation in non-Hermitian quantum systems opens new avenues for harnessing coherent nonunitary dissipation for quantum technologies.Comment: 6+18 pages, 4+12 figures. Zeng-Zhao Li and Weijian Chen contributed equally to this wor
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