14 research outputs found

    Materials to the lichen biota of Western Pomerania (northern Poland). Part 3. Lichens along the shore of the Baltic Sea

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    Lichens of the Baltic coast are strongly endangered, mainly as a result of high tourist pressure. At the same time, this area is poorly penetrated by lichenologists. The paper contains a list of 211 lichen species collected during last several dozen years, mainly by author, and also by a few lichenologists, along the Polish shore of the Baltic Sea

    Epiphytic lichens of Quercus robur in Wigry National Park (NE Poland)

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    The study covered diversity of lichens on bark of Quercus robur in rich deciduous forest Tilio-Carpinetum and Scotch pine forest Serratulo-Pinetum in Wigry National Park (NE Poland). Ninety eight taxa of lichenized fungi have been recorded, which accounts for over 30% of lichens biota of the Park. Greater diversity of species has been noticed on oaks grown in Tilio-Carpinetum phytocenosis. Among the found lichens, 14 are protected by law and 18 are threatened in Poland. Moreover, 10 new species for Wigry National Park lichen biota have been found

    Materials to the lichen biota of Western Pomerania (Northern Poland). Part 2

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    The paper contains a list of 195 lichen species collected in the central part of Western Pomerania (northern Poland)