4,103 research outputs found
Stable Isotropic Cosmological Singularities in Quadratic Gravity
We show that, in quadratic lagrangian theories of gravity, isotropic
cosmological singularities are stable to the presence of small scalar, vector
and tensor inhomogeneities. Unlike in general relativity, a particular exact
isotropic solution is shown to be the stable attractor on approach to the
initial cosmological singularity. This solution is also known to act as an
attractor in Bianchi universes of types I, II and IX, and the results of this
paper reinforce the hypothesis that small inhomogeneous and anisotropic
perturbations of this attractor form part of the general cosmological solution
to the field equations of quadratic gravity. Implications for the existence of
a 'gravitational entropy' are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, no figure
Cosmologies with Energy Exchange
We provide a simple mathematical description of the exchange of energy
between two fluids in an expanding Friedmann universe with zero spatial
curvature. The evolution can be reduced to a single non-linear differential
equation which we solve in physically relevant cases and provide an analysis of
all the possible evolutions. Particular power-law solutions exist for the
expansion scale factor and are attractors at late times under particular
conditions. We show how a number of problems studied in the literature, such as
cosmological vacuum energy decay, particle annihilation, and the evolution of a
population of evaporating black holes, correspond to simple particular cases of
our model. In all cases we can determine the effects of the energy transfer on
the expansion scale factor. We also consider the situation in the presence of
anti-decaying fluids and so called phantom fluids which violate the dominant
energy conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
Cosmological Bounds on Spatial Variations of Physical Constants
We derive strong observational limits on any possible large-scale spatial
variation in the values of physical 'constants' whose space-time evolution is
driven by a scalar field. The limits are imposed by the isotropy of the
microwave background on large angular scales in theories which describe space
and time variations in the fine structure constant, the electron-proton mass
ratio, and the Newtonian gravitational constant, G. Large-scale spatial
fluctuations in the fine structure constant are bounded by 2x10^-9 and
1.2x10^-8 in the BSBM and VSL theories respectively, fluctuations in the
electron-proton mass ratio by 9x10^-5 in the BM theory and fluctuations in G by
3.6x10^-10 in Brans-Dicke theory. These derived bounds are significantly
stronger than any obtainable by direct observations of astrophysical objects at
the present time.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, typos corrected, refs added. Published versio
The Power of General Relativity
We study the cosmological and weak-field properties of theories of gravity
derived by extending general relativity by means of a Lagrangian proportional
to . This scale-free extension reduces to general relativity when
. In order to constrain generalisations of general relativity of
this power class we analyse the behaviour of the perfect-fluid Friedmann
universes and isolate the physically relevant models of zero curvature. A
stable matter-dominated period of evolution requires or . The stable attractors of the evolution are found. By considering the
synthesis of light elements (helium-4, deuterium and lithium-7) we obtain the
bound We evaluate the effect on the power spectrum of
clustering via the shift in the epoch of matter-radiation equality. The horizon
size at matter--radiation equality will be shifted by for a value of
We study the stable extensions of the Schwarzschild
solution in these theories and calculate the timelike and null geodesics. No
significant bounds arise from null geodesic effects but the perihelion
precession observations lead to the strong bound assuming that Mercury follows a timelike geodesic. The combination of
these observational constraints leads to the overall bound on theories of this type.Comment: 26 pages and 5 figures. Published versio
Cosmological Co-evolution of Yang-Mills Fields and Perfect Fluids
We study the co-evolution of Yang-Mills fields and perfect fluids in Bianchi
type I universes. We investigate numerically the evolution of the universe and
the Yang-Mills fields during the radiation and dust eras of a universe that is
almost isotropic. The Yang-Mills field undergoes small amplitude chaotic
oscillations, which are also displayed by the expansion scale factors of the
universe. The results of the numerical simulations are interpreted analytically
and compared with past studies of the cosmological evolution of magnetic fields
in radiation and dust universes. We find that, whereas magnetic universes are
strongly constrained by the microwave background anisotropy, Yang-Mills
universes are principally constrained by primordial nucleosynthesis and the
bound is comparatively weak, and Omega_YM < 0.105 Omega_rad.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR
Anisotropically Inflating Universes
We show that in theories of gravity that add quadratic curvature invariants
to the Einstein-Hilbert action there exist expanding vacuum cosmologies with
positive cosmological constant which do not approach the de Sitter universe.
Exact solutions are found which inflate anisotropically. This behaviour is
driven by the Ricci curvature invariant and has no counterpart in the general
relativistic limit. These examples show that the cosmic no-hair theorem does
not hold in these higher-order extensions of general relativity and raises new
questions about the ubiquity of inflation in the very early universe and the
thermodynamics of gravitational fields.Comment: 5 pages, further discussion and references adde
What Comes After the Critique of the Corporate University? Toward a Syndicalist University
For the past three decades, university faculty have produced a cascade of contemporary protest literature that routinely criticizes the knowledge factory, academic capitalism, managed professionals, college for sale, the university in ruins, the corporate corruption of higher education, and University, Inc. University faculty are regularly warned about the fall of the faculty, the last professors, and the last intellectuals. This article reviews the historical development of the corporate and neoliberal university, but it takes the next step of asking what is to be done after the critique of the corporate university. It calls on faculty to engage in a variety of direct actions that circumvent established faculty institutions and proposes a new type of syndicalist university that is owned and managed by faculty. The legitimating principle of this revolution in university control is a principle that has long been accepted in classical liberal, Marxist, and anarcho-syndicalist theory – the right of first generation and the labor theory of value
Social Investment in Massachusetts Public Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis
State expenditures on public higher education are increasingly viewed as a social investment that is necessary to sustain economic growth in a postindustrial economy. However, an analysis of comparative data indicates that state support for such education was below national averages during the 1980s and, when compared to its major competitor states, Massachusetts ranks poorly in support for these institutions. This article concludes that unless state support is increased over the next decade, Massachusetts will risk losing its competitive economic position, while educational administrators will be forced to choose between access or quality in public higher education
Alien Registration- Barrow, Samuel W. (Houlton, Aroostook County)
Anisotropic Pressures at Ultra-stiff Singularities and the Stability of Cyclic Universes
We show that the inclusion of simple anisotropic pressures stops the
isotropic Friedmann universe being a stable attractor as an initial or final
singularity is approached when pressures can exceed the energy density. This
shows that the situation with isotropic pressures, studied earlier in the
context of cyclic and ekpyrotic cosmologies, is not generic, and Kasner-like
behaviour occurs when simple pressure anisotropies are present. We find all the
asymptotic behaviours and determine the dynamics when the anisotropic principal
pressures are proportional to the density. We expect distortions and
anisotropies to be significantly amplified through a simple cosmological bounce
in cyclic or ekpyrotic cosmologies when ultra-stiff pressures are present.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure
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