58 research outputs found

    Physical-Layer Network Coding with Non-Binary Channel Codes

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    Physical-layer or wireless network coding combines the principles of packet combining [1] and multi-user detection. In this paper, we consider the symmetrical two-way relay channel, in which two users exchange information via a relay. Soon after the invention of network coding, it has been recognized that additional gains are possible by considering the received information on signal level [2]. The application of channel coding and the joint consideration of network and channel coding brought further improvements [3], [4]. In the following, we extend these schemes to include non-binary channel coding with joint decoding and decoding for linear combinations [5]–[6][7]

    Non- geostationary orbit constellation design for global connectivity

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    LEO Small-Satellite Constellations for 5G and Beyond-5G Communications

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    The next frontier towards truly ubiquitous connectivity is the use of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) small-satellite constellations to support 5G and Beyond-5G (B5G) networks. Besides enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and massive machine-type communications (mMTC), LEO constellations can support ultra-reliable communications (URC) with relaxed latency requirements of a few tens of milliseconds. Small-satellite impairments and the use of low orbits pose major challenges to the design and performance of these networks, but also open new innovation opportunities. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the physical and logical links, along with the essential architectural and technological components that enable the full integration of LEO constellations into 5G and B5G systems. Furthermore, we characterize and compare each physical link category and explore novel techniques to maximize the achievable data rates.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Access journa

    NGSO Constellation Design for Global Connectivity

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    Non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellite constellations represent a cornerstone in the NewSpace paradigm and thus have become one of the hottest topics for the industry, academia, but also for national space agencies and regulators. For instance, numerous companies worldwide, including Starlink, OneWeb, Kepler, SPUTNIX, and Amazon have started or will soon start to deploy their own NGSO constellations, which aim to provide either broadband or IoT services. One of the major drivers for such a high interest on NGSO constellations is that, with an appropriate design, they are capable of providing global coverage and connectivity.Comment: Book chapter submitted to IET Non-Geostationary Satellite Communications System

    Lesson Learnt and Future of AI Applied to Manufacturing

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    This chapter touches on several aspects related to the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the manufacturing sector, and is split in different sub-chapters, focusing on specific new technology enablers that have the potential of solving or minimizing known issues in the manufacturing and, more in general, in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) domain. After introducing AI/ML as a technology enabler for the IoT in general and for manufacturing in particular, the next four sections detail two key technology enablers (EdgeML and federated learning scenarios, challenges and tools), one most important area of the IoT system that needs to decrease energy consumption and increase reliability (reduce receiver Processing complexity and enhancing reliability through multi-connectivity uplink connections), and finally a glimpse at the future describing a promising new technology (Embodied AI), its link with millimetre waves connectivity and potential business impact

    Prognose der Entwicklung des Agrartechnikmarktes: eine Expertenbefragung nach der Delphi-Methode

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    Das Ziel der Studie ist die Prognose der Entwicklungen auf dem Agrartechnikmarkt für Deutschland und Westeuropa. Als Prognoseverfahren diente die Delphi-Methode, eine mehrstufige Expertenbefragung mit Rückkopplung. Als zentrale Untersuchungsbereiche umfasst die Studie zum einen die Ermittlung der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren auf die Nachfrage und die Abschätzung der Agrartechniknachfrage der Jahre 2005 und 2010 und zum anderen die Abschätzung der zukünftigen Entwicklung der Angebotsstruktur. Des Weiteren werden die wichtigsten erwarteten Tendenzen im Marketing aufgezeigt. Im Zusammenhang mit dem in der Landwirtschaft erwarteten Strukturwandel ist damit zu rechnen, dass wirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte bei den Investitionsentscheidungen der Landwirte eine immer größere Bedeutung erlangen. Während für die stückmäßige Nachfrage nach Agrartechnik ein Rückgang prognostiziert wird, wird nach Ansicht der Experten ? bedingt durch die erwarteten qualitativen Verschiebungen ? die monetäre Nachfrage relativ stabil bleiben. Auf der Angebotsseite wird eine weitere Zunahme der Marktkonzentration erwartet. Der Wandel vom Verkäufer- zum Käufermarkt wird sich fortsetzen. Daher treten im Marketing kundenbezogene Serviceleistungen in den Vordergrund