8 research outputs found
Paarerzeugung in semiklassischer und quantenfeldtheoretischer Beschreibung
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Paarerzeugung von Elektron-Positron-Paaren in starken elektromagnetischen Feldern. Es werden zwei Regime der Paarerzeugung untersucht. Das erste Regime ist das sogenannte Tunnelregime der Paarerzeugung. Für dieses wird das vorhandene Tunnelbild zur Paarerzeugung um die Effekte eines Magnetfeldes und eines zusätzlichen, störungstheoretisch behandelten Photons erweitert. Beide Effekte werden in der semiklassischen Näherung behandelt. Für das zweite Regime der Paarerzeugung, welches untersucht wird, existiert bisher noch kein einfacher Zugang. Deshalb werden unter Verwendung des in/out-Formalismus für externe Felder numerische Berechnungen durchgeführt. Die numerischen Simulationen zeigen nicht-triviale Effekte, die in diesem Regime auftreten können. Speziell wird auf die Abhängigkeit der erzeugten Paare von der Polarisation des elektromagnetischen Feldes sowie auf die Bildung von Mehrpaarzuständen eingegangen
Domain-wall melting in ultracold boson systems with holes and spin-flip defects
Quantum magnetism is a fundamental phenomenon of nature. As of late, it has
garnered a lot of interest because experiments with ultracold atomic gases in
optical lattices could be used as a simulator for phenomena of magnetic
systems. A paradigmatic example is the time evolution of a domain-wall state of
a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, the so-called domain-wall melting. The model can
be implemented by having two species of bosonic atoms with unity filling and
strong on-site repulsion U in an optical lattice. In this paper, we study the
domain-wall melting in such a setup on the basis of the time-dependent density
matrix renormalization group (tDMRG). We are particularly interested in the
effects of defects that originate from an imperfect preparation of the initial
state. Typical defects are holes (empty sites) and flipped spins. We show that
the dominating effects of holes on observables like the spatially resolved
magnetization can be taken account of by a linear combination of spatially
shifted observables from the clean case. For sufficiently large U, further
effects due to holes become negligible. In contrast, the effects of spin flips
are more severe as their dynamics occur on the same time scale as that of the
domain-wall melting itself. It is hence advisable to avoid preparation schemes
that are based on spin-flips.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Supplemental Material: 2 animations (avi)
comparing the domain-wall melting with and without defects, corresponding to
figures 3, 4 and the discussion in section V.B; minor improvements; published
Relativistic tunneling picture of electron-positron pair creation
The common tunneling picture of electron-positron pair creation in a strong
electric field is generalized to pair creation in combined crossed electric and
magnetic fields. This enhanced picture, being symmetric for electrons and
positrons, is formulated in a gauge-invariant and Lorentz-invariant manner for
quasistatic fields. It may be used to infer qualitative features of the pair
creation process. In particular, it allows for an intuitive interpretation of
how the presence of a magnetic field modifies and, in particular cases, even
enhances pair creation. The creation of electrons and positrons from the vacuum
may be assisted by an energetic photon, which can also be incorporated into
this picture of pair creation
Solitary excitations in one-dimensional spin chains
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