81 research outputs found

    SNX4 in Complex with Clathrin and Dynein: Implications for Endosome Movement

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    BACKGROUND:Sorting nexins (SNXs) constitute a family of proteins classified by their phosphatidylinositol (PI) binding Phox homology (PX) domain. Some members regulate intracellular trafficking. We have here investigated mechanisms underlying SNX4 mediated endosome to Golgi transport. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We show that SNX4 forms complexes with clathrin and dynein. The interactions were inhibited by wortmannin, a PI3-kinase inhibitor, suggesting that they form when SNX4 is associated with PI(3)P on endosomes. We further localized the clathrin interacting site on SNX4 to a clathrin box variant. A short peptide containing this motif was sufficient to pull down both clathrin and dynein. Knockdown studies demonstrated that clathrin is not required for the SNX4/dynein interaction. Moreover, clathrin knockdown led to increased Golgi transport of the toxin ricin, as well as redistribution of endosomes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:We discuss the possibility of clathrin serving as a regulator of SNX4-dependent transport. Upon clathrin release, dynein may bind SNX4 and mediate retrograde movement

    Splice variants of Enigma homolog, differentially expressed during heart development, promote or prevent hypertrophy

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    Aims Proteins with a PDZ (for PSD-95, DLG, ZO-1) and one to three LIM (for Lin11, Isl-1, Mec-3) domains are scaffolding sarcomeric and cytoskeletal elements that form structured muscle fibres and provide for the link to intracellular signalling by selectively associating protein kinases, ion channels, and transcription factors with the mechanical stress-strain sensors. Enigma homolog (ENH) is a PDZ-LIM protein with four splice variants: ENH1 with an N-terminal PDZ domain and three C-terminal LIM domains and ENH2, ENH3, and ENH4 without LIM domains. We addressed the functional role of ENH alternative splicing. Methods and results We studied the expression of the four ENH isoforms in the heart during development and in a mouse model of heart hypertrophy. All four isoforms are expressed in the heart but the pattern of expression is clearly different between embryonic, neonatal, and adult stages. ENH1 appears as the embryonic isoform, whereas ENH2, ENH3, and ENH4 are predominant in adult heart. Moreover, alternative splicing of ENH was changed following induction of heart hypertrophy, producing an ENH isoform pattern similar to that of neonatal heart. Next, we tested a possible causal role of ENH1 and ENH4 in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. When overexpressed in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes, ENH1 promoted the expression of hypertrophy markers and increased cell volume, whereas, on the contrary, ENH4 overexpression prevented these changes. Conclusion Antagonistic splice variants of ENH may play a central role in the adaptive changes of the link between mechanical stress-sensing and signalling occurring during embryonic development and/or heart hypertroph

    A Practical Approach to T-Cell Receptor Cloning and Expression

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    Although cloning and expression of T-cell Receptors (TcRs) has been performed for almost two decades, these procedures are still challenging. For example, the use of T-cell clones that have undergone limited expansion as starting material to limit the loss of interesting TcRs, must be weighed against the introduction of mutations by excess PCR cycles. The recent interest in using specific TcRs for cancer immunotherapy has, however, increased the demand for practical and robust methods to rapidly clone and express TcRs. Two main technologies for TcR cloning have emerged; the use of a set of primers specifically annealing to all known TcR variable domains, and 5â€Č-RACE amplification. We here present an improved 5â€Č-RACE protocol that represents a fast and reliable way to identify a TcR from 105 cells only, making TcR cloning feasible without a priori knowledge of the variable domain sequence. We further present a detailed procedure for the subcloning of TcRα and ÎČ chains into an expression system. We show that a recombination-based cloning protocol facilitates simple and rapid transfer of the TcR transgene into different expression systems. The presented comprehensive method can be performed in any laboratory with standard equipment and with a limited amount of starting material. We finally exemplify the straightforwardness and reliability of our procedure by cloning and expressing several MART-1-specific TcRs and demonstrating their functionality

    Determination of CAR T cell metabolism in an optimized protocol

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    Adoptive transfer of T cells modified to express chimeric antigenic receptors (CAR) has emerged as a solution to cure refractory malignancies. However, although CAR T cell treatment of haematological cancers has now shown impressive improvement in outcome, solid tumours have been more challenging to control. The latter type is protected by a strong tumour microenvironment (TME) which might impact cellular therapeutic treatments. Indeed, the milieu around the tumour can become particularly inhibitory to T cells by directly affecting their metabolism. Consequently, the therapeutic cells become physically impeded before being able to attack the tumour. It is therefore extremely important to understand the mechanism behind this metabolic break in order to develop TME-resistant CAR T cells. Historically, the measurement of cellular metabolism has been performed at a low throughput which only permitted a limited number of measurements. However, this has been changed by the introduction of real-time technologies which have lately become more popular to study CAR T cell quality. Unfortunately, the published protocols lack uniformity and their interpretation become confusing. We herein tested the essential parameters to perform a metabolic study on CAR T cells and propose a check list of factors that should be set in order to draw sound conclusion

    A phase I/II escalation trial design T-RAD : Treatment of metastatic lung cancer with mRNA-engineered T cells expressing a T cell receptor targeting human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT)

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    Funding Information: This research was funded the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Grant number 2017075), the Research Council of Norway (Grant number: 244388), and the Radium Hospital Research Foundation. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Maggadóttir, Kvalheim, Wernhoff, SÊbÞe-Larssen, Revheim, Josefsen, WÀlchli, Helland and Inderberg.Background: Adoptive cellular therapy (ACT) with genetically modified T cells aims to redirect T cells against resistant cancers through introduction of a T cell receptor (TCR). The Radium-4 TCR was isolated from a responding patient in a cancer vaccination study and recognizes the enzymatic component of human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) presented on MHC class II (HLA-DP04). hTERT is a constitutively overexpressed tumor-associated antigen present in most human cancers, including non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is the second most common type of cancer worldwide. Treatment alternatives for relapsing NSCLC are limited and survival is poor. To improve patient outcome we designed a TCR-based ACT study targeting hTERT. Methods: T-RAD is a phase I/II study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Radium-4 mRNA electroporated autologous T cells in the treatment of metastatic NSCLC with no other treatment option. Transient TCR expression is applied for safety considerations. Participants receive two intravenous injections with escalating doses of redirected T cells weekly for 6 consecutive weeks. Primary objectives are safety and tolerability. Secondary objectives include progression-free survival, time to progression, overall survival, patient reported outcomes and overall radiological response. Discussion: Treatment for metastatic NSCLC is scarce and new personalized treatment options are in high demand. hTERT is a tumor target applicable to numerous cancer types. This proof-of-concept study will explore for the first time the safety and efficacy of TCR mRNA electroporated autologous T cells targeting hTERT. The T-RAD study will thus evaluate an attractive candidate for future immunotherapy of solid tumors.Peer reviewe

    Sympathetic improvement of cancer vaccine efficacy

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    The link between stress, other psychological factors and response to cancer, or even the cancer incidence and metastasis, is well established. The inhibition of ÎČ-Adrenergic receptors (ÎČ-AR) using ÎČ-blockers was demonstrated to have an inhibitory effect on cancer recurrence. Direct effects on the stress-induced suppression of anti-tumor immune responses were also shown. In a recent issue of Cancer Immunology Research, Daher and colleagues studied the molecular mechanism behind this protective effect in the context of cancer vaccination. They provided evidence that the ÎČ-AR signaling affected the priming of naĂŻve CD8 + T cells in their myeloma model, rather than effector CD8 + T cells which downregulated the expression of ÎČ-AR after activation and became insensitive to such signaling. Blocking the ÎČ-adrenergic signaling during vaccination led to increased expansion and effector functions of antigen-specific CD8 + T cells and reduced tumor growth. This has implications for the clinical use of ÎČ-blockers as adjuvants to enhance cancer vaccination and other types of immunotherapy

    Pharmacologic control of CAR T cells

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy is a promising modality for the treatment of advanced cancers that are otherwise incurable. During the last decade, different centers worldwide have tested the anti-CD19 CAR T cells and shown clinical benefits in the treatment of B cell tumors. However, despite these encouraging results, CAR treatment has also been found to lead to serious side effects and capricious response profiles in patients. In addition, the CD19 CAR success has been difficult to reproduce for other types of malignancy. The appearance of resistant tumor variants, the lack of antigen specificity, and the occurrence of severe adverse effects due to over-stimulation of the therapeutic cells have been identified as the major impediments. This has motivated a growing interest in developing strategies to overcome these hurdles through CAR control. Among them, the combination of small molecules and approved drugs with CAR T cells has been investigated. These have been exploited to induce a synergistic anti-cancer effect but also to control the presence of the CAR T cells or tune the therapeutic activity. In the present review, we discuss opportunistic and rational approaches involving drugs featuring anti-cancer efficacy and CAR-adjustable effect

    EDEM Is Involved in Retrotranslocation of Ricin from the Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Cytosol

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    The plant toxin ricin is transported retrogradely from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) from where the enzymatically active part is retrotranslocated to the cytosol, presumably by the same mechanism as used by misfolded proteins. The ER degradation enhancing α-mannosidase I-like protein, EDEM, is responsible for directing aberrant proteins for ER-associated protein degradation. In this study, we have investigated whether EDEM is involved in ricin retrotranslocation. Overexpression of EDEM strongly protects against ricin. However, when the interaction between EDEM and misfolded proteins is inhibited by kifunensin, EDEM promotes retrotranslocation of ricin from the ER to the cytosol. Furthermore, puromycin, which inhibits synthesis and thereby transport of proteins into the ER, counteracted the protection seen in EDEM-transfected cells. Coimmunoprecipitation studies revealed that ricin can interact with EDEM and with Sec61α, and both kifunensin and puromycin increase these interactions. Importantly, vector-based RNA interference against EDEM, which leads to reduction of the cellular level of EDEM, decreased retrotranslocation of ricin A-chain to the cytosol. In conclusion, our results indicate that EDEM is involved in retrotranslocation of ricin from the ER to the cytosol

    Treating osteosarcoma with CAR T cells

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    Novel therapies to treat patients with solid cancers that have developed resistance to chemotherapy represent unmet needs of considerable dimensions. In the present review, we will address the attempts to develop chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) targeted immunotherapy against osteosarcoma (OS). This aggressive cancer displays its peak incidence in children and young adults. The main cause of patient death is lung metastases with a 5‐year survival as low as 5%‐10% in the primary metastatic setting and 30% in the relapse situation, respectively. Effective adjuvant combination chemotherapy introduced more than 40 years ago improved the survival rates from below 20% to around 60% in patients; however, since then, no major breakthroughs have been made. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has been disappointing in OS, while other types of immunotherapies such as CAR T cells remain largely unexplored. Indeed, for CAR T‐cell therapy to be efficacious, two main criteria need to be fulfilled: (a) CAR T cells should target an epitope selectively expressed on the cell surface of OS in order to prevent toxicities in normal tissues and (b) the target should also be widely expressed on OS metastases. These challenges have already been undertaken in OS and illustrate the difficulties in developing tomorrow's CAR‐T treatment in a solid tumour. We will discuss the experiences with CAR‐T therapy development and efficacy to combat the clinical challenges in OS

    How CAR T Cells Breathe

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    The manufacture of efficacious CAR T cells represents a major challenge in cellular therapy. An important aspect of their quality concerns energy production and consumption, known as metabolism. T cells tend to adopt diverse metabolic profiles depending on their differentiation state and their stimulation level. It is therefore expected that the introduction of a synthetic molecule such as CAR, activating endogenous signaling pathways, will affect metabolism. In addition, upon patient treatment, the tumor microenvironment might influence the CAR T cell metabolism by compromising the energy resources. The access to novel technology with higher throughput and reduced cost has led to an increased interest in studying metabolism. Indeed, methods to quantify glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration have been available for decades but were rarely applied in the context of CAR T cell therapy before the release of the Seahorse XF apparatus. The present review will focus on the use of this instrument in the context of studies describing the impact of CAR on T cell metabolism and the strategies to render of CAR T cells more metabolically fit
