30 research outputs found

    Quantum computing based on space states without charge transfer

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    An implementation of a quantum computer based on space states in double quantum dots is discussed. There is no charge transfer in qubits during calculation, therefore, uncontrollable entan-glement between them due to long-range Coulomb interaction is suppressed. Other plausible sources of decoherence caused by interaction with phonons and gates could be substantially suppressed in the structure too. We also demonstrate how all necessary quantum logic operations, initialization, writing, and read-out could be carried out in the computer.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX forma

    Hydrodynamic model for electron-hole plasma in graphene

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    We propose a hydrodynamic model describing steady-state and dynamic electron and hole transport properties of graphene structures which accounts for the features of the electron and hole spectra. It is intended for electron-hole plasma in graphene characterized by high rate of intercarrier scattering compared to external scattering (on phonons and impurities), i.e., for intrinsic or optically pumped (bipolar plasma), and gated graphene (virtually monopolar plasma). We demonstrate that the effect of strong interaction of electrons and holes on their transport can be treated as a viscous friction between the electron and hole components. We apply the developed model for the calculations of the graphene dc conductivity, in particular, the effect of mutual drag of electrons and holes is described. The spectra and damping of collective excitations in graphene in the bipolar and monopolar limits are found. It is shown that at high gate voltages and, hence, at high electron and low hole densities (or vice-versa), the excitations are associated with the self-consistent electric field and the hydrodynamic pressure (plasma waves). In intrinsic and optically pumped graphene, the waves constitute quasineutral perturbations of the electron and hole densities (electron-hole sound waves) with the velocity being dependent only on the fundamental graphene constants.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Coulomb scattering on graphene conductivity

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    The effect of Coulomb scattering on graphene conductivity in field effect transistor structures is discussed. Inter-particle scattering (electron-electron, hole-hole, and electron-hole) and scattering on charged defects are taken into account in a wide range of gate voltages. It is shown that an intrinsic conductivity of graphene (purely ambipolar system where both electron and hole densities exactly coincide) is defined by strong electron-hole scattering. It has a universal value independent of temperature. We give an explicit derivation based on scaling theory. When there is even a small discrepancy in electron and hole densities caused by applied gate voltage the conductivity is determined by both strong electron-hole scattering and weak external scattering: on defects or phonons. We suggest that a density of charged defects (occupancy of defects) depends on Fermi energy to explain a sub-linear dependence of conductivity on a fairly high gate voltage observed in experiments. We also eliminate contradictions between experimental data obtained in deposited and suspended graphene structures regarding graphene conductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in JETP Let