50 research outputs found

    Over-expression of Adenine Nucleotide Translocase 1 (ANT1) Induces Apoptosis and Tumor Regression in vivo

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    Background: Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane and catalyzes the exchange of mitochondrial ATP for cytosolic ADP. ANT has been known to be a major component of the permeability transition pore complex of mitochondria and contributes to mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Human ANT has four isoforms (ANT1, ANT2, ANT3, and ANT4), and the expression of the ANT isoforms is variable depending on the tissue and cell type, developmental stage, and proliferation status. Among the isoforms, ANT1 is highly expressed in terminally-differentiated tissues, but expressed in low levels in proliferating cells, such as cancer cells. In particular, over-expression of ANT1 induces apoptosis in cultured tumor cells. Methods: We applied an ANT1 gene transfer approach to induce apoptosis and to evaluate the anti-tumor effect of ANT1 in a nude mouse model. Results: We demonstrated that ANT1 transfection induced apoptosis of MDA-MB-231 cells, inactivated NF-κB activity, and increased Bax expression. ANT1-inducing apoptosis was accompanied by the disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release and the activation of caspases-9 and -3. Moreover, ANT1 transfection significantly suppressed tumor growth in vivo. Conclusion: Our results suggest that ANT1 transfection may be a useful therapeutic modality for the treatment of cancer

    Macrophages from naked mole-rat possess distinct immunometabolic signatures upon polarization

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    The naked mole-rat (NMR) is a unique long-lived rodent which is highly resistant to age-associated disorders and cancer. The immune system of NMR possesses a distinct cellular composition with the prevalence of myeloid cells. Thus, the detailed phenotypical and functional assessment of NMR myeloid cell compartment may uncover novel mechanisms of immunoregulation and healthy aging. In this study gene expression signatures, reactive nitrogen species and cytokine production, as well as metabolic activity of classically (M1) and alternatively (M2) activated NMR bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were examined. Polarization of NMR macrophages under pro-inflammatory conditions led to expected M1 phenotype characterized by increased pro-inflammatory gene expression, cytokine production and aerobic glycolysis, but paralleled by reduced production of nitric oxide (NO). Under systemic LPS-induced inflammatory conditions NO production also was not detected in NMR blood monocytes. Altogether, our results indicate that NMR macrophages are capable of transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming under polarizing stimuli, however, NMR M1 possesses species-specific signatures as compared to murine M1, implicating distinct adaptations in NMR immune system

    Hexokinase II Detachment from Mitochondria Triggers Apoptosis through the Permeability Transition Pore Independent of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels

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    Type II hexokinase is overexpressed in most neoplastic cells, and it mainly localizes on the outer mitochondrial membrane. Hexokinase II dissociation from mitochondria triggers apoptosis. The prevailing model postulates that hexokinase II release from its mitochondrial interactor, the voltage-dependent anion channel, prompts outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and the ensuing release of apoptogenic proteins, and that these events are inhibited by growth factor signalling. Here we show that a hexokinase II N-terminal peptide selectively detaches hexokinase II from mitochondria and activates apoptosis. These events are abrogated by inhibiting two established permeability transition pore modulators, the adenine nucleotide translocator or cyclophilin D, or in cyclophilin D knock-out cells. Conversely, insulin stimulation or genetic ablation of the voltage-dependent anion channel do not affect cell death induction by the hexokinase II peptide. Therefore, hexokinase II detachment from mitochondria transduces a permeability transition pore opening signal that results in cell death and does not require the voltage-dependent anion channel. These findings have profound implications for our understanding of the pathways of outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and their inactivation in tumors

    Amyloid-β Triggers the Release of Neuronal Hexokinase 1 from Mitochondria

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    Brain accumulation of the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and oxidative stress underlie neuronal dysfunction and memory loss in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hexokinase (HK), a key glycolytic enzyme, plays important pro-survival roles, reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and preventing apoptosis in neurons and other cell types. Brain isozyme HKI is mainly associated with mitochondria and HK release from mitochondria causes a significant decrease in enzyme activity and triggers oxidative damage. We here investigated the relationship between Aβ-induced oxidative stress and HK activity. We found that Aβ triggered HKI detachment from mitochondria decreasing HKI activity in cortical neurons. Aβ oligomers further impair energy metabolism by decreasing neuronal ATP levels. Aβ-induced HKI cellular redistribution was accompanied by excessive ROS generation and neuronal death. 2-deoxyglucose blocked Aβ-induced oxidative stress and neuronal death. Results suggest that Aβ-induced cellular redistribution and inactivation of neuronal HKI play important roles in oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in AD

    Pathophysiological and protective roles of mitochondrial ion channels

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    Mitochondria possess a highly permeable outer membrane and an inner membrane that was originally thought to be relatively impermeable to ions to prevent dissipation of the electrochemical gradient for protons. Although recent evidence has revealed a rich diversity of ion channels in both membranes, the purpose of these channels remains incompletely determined. Pores in the outer membrane are fundamental participants in apoptotic cell death, and this process may also involve permeability transition pores on the inner membrane. Novel functions are now being assigned to other ion channels of the inner membrane. Examples include protection against ischaemic injury by mitochondrial KATP channels and the contribution of inner membrane anion channels to spontaneous mitochondrial oscillations in cardiac myocytes. The central role of mitochondria in both the normal function of the cell and in its demise makes these channels prime targets for future research and drug development