136 research outputs found

    Algorithms as a Manager: A Critical Literature Review of Algorithm Management

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    We review the literature on algorithmic management to help future researchers acquire a comprehensive recap of past research with detailed discussions on the main findings and develop a taxonomy as a tool of summarization that assists researchers in reflecting critically on their systems and identifying potential gaps. We determine five critical areas of algorithmic management: the mechanisms of algorithmic management, effects of algorithmic management, second party\u27s response to algorithmic management, concerns around algorithmic management, design of algorithmic management, and policy implications. These topics are analyzed and discussed

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs

    Recurrent respiratory infections in young school-age children and psychological maternal predictors

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    Recurrent respiratory infections (RRIs) in children remain a pertinent issue in modern medicine. According to literary data, the prevalenceof this phenomenon can reach up to a quarter of the child population. RRIs adversely affect a child’s physical development, social adaptation,and give rise to intra-family conflicts.Purpose — to investigate the contribution of psychological predictors from the mother’s perspective in the development of recurrent coursesof respiratory infections in their young school-age children.Materials and methods. The study included surveys of mothers (Spielberger–Hanin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Varga—Stolin ParentingAttitudes Test) and their children (R. Temple, M. Dorki, E. Amen «Choose a face» projective test). The main group comprised children aged5–7 years with RRIs according to the criteria of the 2021 Inter-Society Consensus. The control group consisted of children aged 5–7 yearswho experienced occasional acute respiratory infections.Results. In our study, 40 families (mothers and children) participated. We found that mothers of children with RRIs had significantly higherlevels of state and trait anxiety, as well as a higher score in the «Cooperation» parenting attitude model compared to the control group. In thestructure of the anxiety phenomenon in mothers of children from the main group, 43% of cases exhibited high anxiety levels. Additionally, a highscore in maternal personal anxiety correlated with a predominant choice of ineffective parenting models.Conclusions. Mothers of children with a RRI have significantly higher levels of situational and personal anxiety (p<0.01). 43% of mothersof children with RRIs exhibit excessively high levels of personal anxiety. Furthermore, more anxious mothers tend to adopt the following parentingmodels towards their own children: «Little looser», «Authoritarian hypersocialization» and «Rejection». The predictive value in the developmentof RRIs in children is associated with the level of maternal trait anxiety and the psychological portrait of the mother-child relationship, namelythe score for by the «Cooperation» model.Data collection and processing were conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association regarding ethicalprinciples in medical research involving human subjects.The informed consent of patients was obtained for the studies.No conflict of interests was declared by the authors. Рекурентні респіраторні інфекції (РРІ) у дітей залишаються актульною проблемою сучасної медицини. За літературними даними,поширеність цього феномену може сягати до чверті дитячого населення. РРІ погіршують фізичний розвиток дитини, соціальну адапта-цію; породжують внутрішньосімейні конфлікти. Мета — дослідити внесок психологічних предикторів із боку матері в розвиток рекурентного перебігу респіраторних інфекцій їхніхдітей молодшого шкільного віку.Матеріали та методи. Дійсне дослідження включало анкетування матерів (тест особистісної та ситуативної тривожності Спілберге-ра–Ханіна, тест батьківського ставлення Варги–Століна) та їхніх дітей (проєктивний тест дитячої тривожності Р. Темпл, М. Доркі, Е. Амен«Обери обличчя»). До основної групи залучено дітей віком 5–7 років з РРІ відповідно до критеріїв Міжвідомчого консенсусу 2021 року.До групи контролю залучено дітей віком 5–7 років, які епізодично хворіли на респіраторні інфекції.Результати. У дійсному дослідженні взяли участь 40 сімей (матерів і дітей). Нами виявлено, що в матерів дітей із РРІ були достовір-но вищими рівні особистісної, ситуаційної тривожності та вищий бал за моделлю батьківського ставлення «Кооперація» порівняноз групою контролю. У структурі феномена тривожності матері дітей з основної групи у 43% випадків мали високу тривожність. При цьо-му високий показник особистісної материнської тривожності корелював із переважним вибором неефективних моделей ставлення.Висновки. Матері дітей з рекурентним перебігом РРІ мають достовірно вищий рівень ситуативної та особистісної тривожності(р<0,01). 43% матерів дітей з РРІ мають надмірно високий рівень особистісної тривожності. Своєю чергою, більш тривожні ма-тері схильні до формування таких моделей ставлення до власної дитини: «Маленький невдаха», «Авторитарна гіперсоціалізація»і «Відштовхування». Прогностичну цінність у формуванні дитячих РРІ має рівень особистісної тривожності матері та психологічнийпортрет взаємин «матір-дитина», а саме бальна оцінка за моделлю «Кооперація».Збір та обробку даних виконано відповідно до Гельсінської декларації Всесвітньої медичної асоціації щодо етичних принципів медич-них досліджень за участю людини як об’єкта дослідження. На проведення досліджень отримано інформовану згоду пацієнтів.Автори заявляють про відсутність конфлікту інтересів