15 research outputs found
В работе представлены результаты исследований покрытий, полученных при наплавке порошка карбида бора на титан методом электронно-лучевой обработки в воздушной атмосфере. Cформированные покрытия состоят из частиц карбида и борида титана, которые обладают высокой прочностью, жаро- и износостойкостью. Изменение концентрации наплавляемого порошка карбида бора привело к увеличению размера упрочняющих частиц, повышению толщины легированного слоя до 1,65 мм и среднего уровня микротвердости до 6410 МПа. Износостойкость исследуемых образцов увеличилась в 3 раза в сравнении с титаном.The paper presents the analysis of coatings formed by cladding of boron carbide powders on the titanium. The coatings consist of titanium carbide and titanium boride particles, which have high strength, wear and heat resistance. The change in the concentration of boron carbide powder leads to an increase in the size of the hardening particles, the thickness of the alloying layer enlarges up to 1,65 mm, and an average microhardness grows to 6410 MPa. The wear resistance of the samples is 3 times higher in comparison with titanium
Treatment outcomes of 176 colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases were retrospectivelly analyzed. There were 86 men and 90 women in the age range 28 to 84 years. Multiple metastasis was detected in 79.5 % of patients and solitary metastasis in 20.5 % of patients. Cytoreductive surgery was performed in 30.7 % of patients and palliative surgery in 57.9 %. Surgical treatment was not performed in 5.1% of patients. The median survival time of patients after symptomatic surgeries was 10.8 months (1.5-26 months). Cytoreductive surgery increased the median survival time by more than 2 months (13 months, 2–44 months). Thus, radical surgery for colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases is justified by the increase in the median survival time of the patients.Проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов лечения 176 больных колоректальным раком с метастатическим поражением печени, в возрасте от 28 до 84 лет, в том числе 86 мужчин и 90 женщин. Множественное метастатическое поражение выявлено у 79,5 %, солитарное – у 20,5 % пациентов. Циторедуктивные операции выполнены у 30,7 % больных, паллиативные – у 57,9 %, у 5,1 % пациентов оперативное лечение не проводилось. Продолжительность жизни пациентов после симптоматических операций составила в среднем 10,8 мес (1,5–26 мес). Выполнение циторедуктивной операции увеличивает медиану жизни более чем на два месяца – до 13 мес (2–44 мес). Таким образом, целесообразность проведения радикальных оперативных вмешательств у пациентов с колоректальным раком и метастазами в печень подтверждается увеличением средней продолжительности жизни пациентов
The efficiency of 2 programs of chemotherapy in the treatment of 46 patients with disseminated colorectal cancer. The program of chemo-therapy of oxaliplatin + capecitabine (ОХА/САР), established authors, with bevacizumab (BEV) showed the best results compared with oxaliplatin + 5-fluorouracyl + leukovorin (ОХА/5-FU/LV) with bevacizumab. The overall efficiency OXA/5-FU/LV/BEV amounted to 40.91 ± 8.6 %, 4.54 ± 5.1 % of total regressions. The overall effect of therapy in the OXA/CAP/BEV amounted to 45.83 ± 8.6 %, full regression was achieved in 4 patients, which amounted to 16.66 ± 5.6 %. The median time to progression in the first group of patients was 8.3 months, in the second – 9.8 months. Clinical application of involving bevacizumab in combination with different modes of chemotherapy in patients with disseminated colorectal cancer is acceptable and manageable toxicity that doesn't require reduction of doses.Изучена эффективность 2 программ химиотерапии (ХТ) в лечении 46 больных диссеминированным колоректальным раком. Показано, что программа ХТ оксалиплатин + капецитабин (ОХА/САР), созданная авторами, в комбинации с бевацизумабом (BEV) позволила добиться лучших непосредственных результатов по сравнению с программами оксалиплатин + 5-фторурацил + лейковорин (ОХА/5-FU/LV) в комбинации с бевацизумабом. Общая эффективность программы ОХА/5-FU/LV/BEV составила 40,91 ± 8,6 %, из них 4,54 ± 5,1 % полных регрессий. Общий эффект терапии в группе ОХА/САР/BEV составил 45,83 ± 8,6 %, из них полной регрессии удалось добиться у 4 пациентов, что составило 16,66 ± 5,6 %. Медиана времени до прогрессирования в 1-й группе больных составила 8,3 мес, во 2-й – 9,8 мес. Амбулаторное применение бевацизумаба в комбинации с различными режимами ХТ у больных диссеминированным раком ободочной кишки сопровождается приемлемой и управляемой токсичностью, что не требует редукции доз
Hypertension in people in middle and late adulthood during sports and physical training
Aim. Comparative analysis of changes in blood pressure (BP) measured before and after the physical exertion in veteran athletes and persons practicing physical training (late and middle adulthood).Material and methods. The 200 competitive athletes and 45 persons practicing physical training, aged 40 to 72 years were questioned in order to identify the main factors of cardiovascular risk. All measurements and results obtained under this research were treated with regard to the diagnosis of hypertension (HTN), prior determined by a physician, and also to the administered therapy.Results. A total of 54,7% of subjects was diagnosed with the HTN, with 32,6% out of them not taking antihypertensives. 53% of athletes and 62.2% persons practicing physical training were diagnosed with the arterial hypertension. Among athletes, the HTN incidence was 53%, among persons practicing physical training — 62,2%. Among athletes, 49% had pre-exercise elevated systolic BP (SBP) and 42,5% had elevated pre-exercise diastolic BP (DBP). While only 17% of persons practicing physical training demonstrated the elevated SBP and only 13,3% of them were recorded with the elevated DBP. One third of athletes without HTN in their everyday activities were diagnosed with the elevated both SBP and DBP during physical exertion. Immediately after the exercise stress, 39% of all the examined athletes were diagnosed with the elevated post-exercise SBP, and 36,2% of them with the elevated post-exercise DBP. Among persons practicing physical training, 33% of subjects were diagnosed with the elevated postexercise SBP, and 24,4% of them with the elevated post-exercise DBP.Conclusion. A major part of the athletes are diagnosed with the elevation in pre- and post-exercise BP. Whereas, persons practicing physical training demonstrate normal average pre- and post-exercise SBP and DBP values in most of the cases. Post-exercise differences in BP values in athletes and persons practicing physical training are almost leveled out. Post-exercise HTN >140/90 mm Hg is detected both in people with HTN receiving antihypertensive therapy, and in people without HTN. Elderly people involved in sports or fitness have significant differences in the response of BP to the exertion. However, in a significant part of this HTN people, BP changes during exercise are in the hypertensive range and can be an additional cardiovascular risk factor
The study of dopamine receptor genes in patients with schizophrenia
Background: Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, usually treated with long-term anti-dopaminergic therapy. Although several theories have been lanced, pathophysiology of schizophrenia has not yet been elucidated. Identifying genetic factors contributing to development of schizophrenia would be of considerable interest for personalizing treatment [1]. Most studies in the field of pharmacogenetics of schizophrenia are based on the study of receptor candidate genes or secondary messengers (pharmacodynamic components) and that of drug metabolizing enzymes (pharmacokinetic components), or suspected loci to the disease schizophrenia (pathogenetic components). An important role in personalization of treatment is played by the suitability of drugs targeting dopamine receptors [2]. Objective: to investigate role of 28 SNP's of dopamine receptor genes DRD1, DRD2, DRD2/ANKK1, DRD3, DRD4 as a potential markers of schizophrenia in patients of Russian population. Methods: Fourhundred and seventy (470) patients with schizophrenia and 127 healthy controls were investigated. Mean age was 42.1 ± 12.4 for patients, for healthy group is 38.5 ± 13.2 years. Mean duration of disease was 13 years for schizophrenic patients. The inclusion criteria were a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10: F20), and age 18–75 years old. We used the standard phenol-chloroform method for isolation DNA from whole peripheral blood. Genotyping was carried out on 28 SNPs of dopamine receptors (rs6275, rs1801028, rs4245147, rs134655, rs6277, rs1076560, rs2283265, rs179997, rs6279, rs1076562, rs2734842, rs4532, rs936461, rs2734849, rs11721264, rs167770, rs3773678, rs963468, rs7633291, rs2134655, rs9817063, rs324035, rs1800828, rs167771, rs6280, rs1587756, rs3758653, rs11246226). We were employed the MassARRAY® Analyzer 4 (Agena Bioscience™) and using the kit iPLEX Gold 384. Statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS software, release 17. Statistical significance of tested associations was considered for significance at a P-value less than 0.05. Results: This study was carried out in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki 1975, revised in Fortaleza, Brazil, 2013), established for experiments involving humans. We recruited patients from three psychiatric hospitals located in the Tomsk, Kemerovo, and Chita oblasts (regions) of Siberia, Russia. Healthy control group was recruited from the same region with identical characteristics, comparable in gender and age. The distribution of genotypes of studied genes corresponded to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We got statistically significant results for alleles of polymorphic variant rs3773678 of DRD3 receptor gene (c2 = 4.940, p = 0.030). We found that allele C are significantly associated with protective effect (odds ratio is 0.53 [95% CI: 0.30 - 0.94]) and allele T are significantly associated with predisposing effect on the development of schizophrenia (odds ratio is 1.88 [95% CI: 1.07 - 3.29]). Conclusion: According to literature data polymorphisms of dopamine receptors genes play important role in the therapy of schizophrenia. A polymorphic variant of one dopamine receptor gene has been identified, whose alleles have predisposing and protective effects for patients in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the comprehensive program of fundamental scientific research of the SB RAS ``Interdisciplinary Integrated Studies'' (2018-2020), project No. 3
Treatment outcomes of 176 colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases were retrospectivelly analyzed. There were 86 men and 90 women in the age range 28 to 84 years. Multiple metastasis was detected in 79.5 % of patients and solitary metastasis in 20.5 % of patients. Cytoreductive surgery was performed in 30.7 % of patients and palliative surgery in 57.9 %. Surgical treatment was not performed in 5.1% of patients. The median survival time of patients after symptomatic surgeries was 10.8 months (1.5-26 months). Cytoreductive surgery increased the median survival time by more than 2 months (13 months, 2–44 months). Thus, radical surgery for colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases is justified by the increase in the median survival time of the patients
The efficiency of 2 programs of chemotherapy in the treatment of 46 patients with disseminated colorectal cancer. The program of chemo-therapy of oxaliplatin + capecitabine (ОХА/САР), established authors, with bevacizumab (BEV) showed the best results compared with oxaliplatin + 5-fluorouracyl + leukovorin (ОХА/5-FU/LV) with bevacizumab. The overall efficiency OXA/5-FU/LV/BEV amounted to 40.91 ± 8.6 %, 4.54 ± 5.1 % of total regressions. The overall effect of therapy in the OXA/CAP/BEV amounted to 45.83 ± 8.6 %, full regression was achieved in 4 patients, which amounted to 16.66 ± 5.6 %. The median time to progression in the first group of patients was 8.3 months, in the second – 9.8 months. Clinical application of involving bevacizumab in combination with different modes of chemotherapy in patients with disseminated colorectal cancer is acceptable and manageable toxicity that doesn't require reduction of doses