14 research outputs found

    Accretion with back reaction

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    We calculate analytically a back reaction of the stationary spherical accretion flow near the event horizon and near the inner Cauchy horizon of the charged black hole. It is shown that corresponding back-reaction corrections to the black hole metric depend only on the fluid accretion rate and diverge in the case of an extremely charged black hole. In result, the test fluid approximation for stationary accretion is violated for extreme black holes. This behavior of the accreting black hole is in accordance with the third law of black hole thermodynamics, forbidding the practical attainability of the extreme state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; new figure and references adde

    Clusters of primordial black holes

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    The Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) are gradually involved into consideration as the phenomenon having reliable basis. We discuss here the possibility of their agglomeration into clusters that may have several prominent observable features. The clusters can form due to closed domain walls appearance in the natural and the hybrid inflation with subsequent evolution and gravitational collapse. Early dustlike stages of dominance of heavy metastable dissipative particles, at which star-like objects are formed, can also naturally lead to formation of black hole clusters, remaining in the Universe after decay of particles, from which they have originated. The dynamical evolution of such clusters discussed here is of the crucial importance. Such a model inherits all the advantages of the single PBHs like possible explanation of existence of supermassive black holes (origin of the early quasars), binary BH merges registered by LIGO/Virgo through gravitational waves, contribution to reionization of the Universe, but also has additional benefits. The cluster could alleviate or completely avoid existing constraints on the single PBH abundance making PBHs a real dark matter candidate. The most of existing constraints on (single) PBH density should be re-considered as applied to the clusters. Also unidentified cosmic gamma-ray point-like sources could be (partially) accounted for by them. One can conclude, that it seems really to be much more viable model with respect to the single PBHs.Comment: v2: both the text and bibliography are essentially extended, coincides with EPJC versio

    Small-scale clumps in the galactic halo and dark matter annihilation

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    Production of small-scale DM clumps is studied in the standard cosmological scenario with an inflation-produced primeval fluctuation spectrum. Special attention is given to three following problems: (i) The mass spectrum of small-scale clumps with M103MM \lesssim 10^3 M_{\odot} is calculated with tidal destruction of the clumps taken into account within the hierarchical model of clump structure. Only 0.1 - 0.5% of small clumps survive the stage of tidal destruction in each logarithmic mass interval ΔlnM1\Delta\ln M\sim1. (ii) The mass distribution of clumps has a cutoff at MminM_{\rm min} due to diffusion of DM particles out of a fluctuation and free streaming at later stage. MminM_{\rm min} is a model dependent quantity. In the case the neutralino, considered as a pure bino, is a DM particle, Mmin108MM_{\rm min} \sim 10^{-8} M_{\odot}. (iii) The evolution of density profile in a DM clump does not result in the singularity because of formation of the core under influence of tidal interaction. The radius of the core is Rc0.1RR_c \sim 0.1 R, where RR is radius of the clump. The applications for annihilation of DM particles in the Galactic halo are studied. The number density of clumps as a function of their mass, radius and distance to the Galactic center is presented. The enhancement of annihilation signal due to clumpiness, valid for arbitrary DM particles, is calculated. In spite of small survival probability, the annihilation signal in most cases is dominated by clumps. For observationally preferable value of index or primeval fluctuation spectrum np1n_p \approx 1, the enhancement of annihilation signal is described by factor 2 - 5 for different density profiles in a clump.Comment: inor changes in text and 2 references adde

    Physical origin of the dark spot at the image of supermassive black hole SgrA* revealed by the EHT collaboration

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    In this comment we elucidate the physical origin of the dark spot at the image of supermassive black hole SgrA* presented very recently by the EHT collaboration. It is argued that this dark spot, which is noticeably smaller of the classical black hole shadow, is the northern hemisphere of the event horizon globe. At the same time, the outer boundary of this dark spot is an equator on the event horizon globe.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Supervisor of the Universe

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    In this paper, conformal invariant gravitation, based on Weyl geometry, is considered. In addition to the gravitational and matter action integrals, the interaction between the Weyl vector (entered in Weyl geometry) and the vector, representing the world line of the independent observer, are introduced. It is shown that the very existence of such an interaction selects the exponentially growing scale factor solutions among the cosmological vacua