5 research outputs found

    Curative effect of topical treatment of digital dermatitis with a gel containing activated copper and zinc chelate

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    The efficacy of two topical treatments for painful ulcerative stage (M2) of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) lesions was compared in a clinical trial conducted on five dairy farms in 2009 to 2010. The first treatment was a water-based gel with active components copper and zinc (Intra Hoof-fit gel [IHF]) and the second treatment was a topical chlortetracycline spray (CTC spray). The experimental unit for this study was the hindleg with the presence of a BDD lesion. Cure was defined as the transition of an M2 lesion into a healed (M0) or a non-painful chronic stage (M4) of BDD at D28. On day 0, cows with M2 BDD lesions were photographed and were treated with either IHF or CTC. Subsequently, feet were photographed and scored on D28. The cure rate of M2 BDD lesions treated with IHF at D28 was 0.92 (CI 0.84 to 0.96) and was significantly better than for M2 BDD lesions treated with CTC, which was 0.58 (CI 0.47 to 0.68)

    Clearing-induced tissue shrinkage:A novel observation of a thickness size effect

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    The use of clearing agents has provided new insights in various fields of medical research (developmental biology, neurology) by enabling examination of tissue architecture in 3D. One of the challenges is that clearing agents induce tissue shrinkage and the shrinkage rates reported in the literature are incoherent. Here, we report that for a classical clearing agent, benzyl-alcohol benzyl-benzoate (BABB), the shrinkage decreases significantly with increasing sample size, and present an analytical formula describing this

    Complete sequence-based pathway analysis by differential on-chip DNA and RNA extraction from a single cell

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    Abstract We demonstrate on-chip, differential DNA and RNA extraction from a single cell using a microfluidic chip and a two-stage lysis protocol. This method enables direct use of the whole extract, without additional washing steps, reducing sample loss. Using this method, the tumor driving pathway in individual cells from a colorectal cancer cell line was determined by applying a Bayesian computational pathway model to sequences obtained from the RNA fraction of a single cell and, the mutations driving the pathway were determined by analyzing sequences obtained from the DNA fraction of the same single cell. This combined functional and mutational pathway assessment of a single cell could be of significant value for dissecting cellular heterogeneity in tumors and analyzing single circulating tumor cells

    Sequencing of human genomes extracted from single cancer cells isolated in a valveless microfluidic device

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    Sequencing the genomes of individual cells enables the direct determination of genetic heterogeneity amongst cells within a population. We have developed an injection-moulded valveless microfluidic device in which single cells from colorectal cancer derived cell lines (LS174T, LS180 and RKO) and fresh colorectal tumors have been individually trapped, their genomes extracted and prepared for sequencing using multiple displacement amplification (MDA). Ninety nine percent of the DNA sequences obtained mapped to a reference human genome, indicating that there was effectively no contamination of these samples from non-human sources. In addition, most of the reads are correctly paired, with a low percentage of singletons (0.17 ± 0.06%) and we obtain genome coverages approaching 90%. To achieve this high quality, our device design and process shows that amplification can be conducted in microliter volumes as long as the lysis is in sub-nanoliter volumes. Our data thus demonstrates that high quality whole genome sequencing of single cells can be achieved using a relatively simple, inexpensive and scalable device. Detection of genetic heterogeneity at the single cell level, as we have demonstrated for freshly obtained single cancer cells, could soon become available as a clinical tool to precisely match treatment with the properties of a patient's own tumor

    Combined transmission, dark field and fluorescence microscopy for intact, 3D tissue analysis of biopsies

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Currently, tissue biopsies are sectioned into 3- to 5-μm-thick slices that are used for conventional pathology analysis. Previous work by confocal microscopy and light-sheet microscopy has shown that analyzing biopsies intact in three-dimensions (3D) is possible and may lead to a better understanding of cancer growth patterns. Although accurate, these methods require fluorescent staining of the tissue, in addition to tissue clearing. If the 3D biopsy analysis could be done sufficiently swiftly, this approach may be used for on-site assessment of the adequacy of a biopsy taken. AIM: We aim to show that, by transmission microscopy of optically cleared tissue punches, the tissue architecture can be determined without the need for fluorescent staining. APPROACH: Transmission microscopy is used by combining bright field microscopy with dark field and epifluorescent microscopy to compare samples that have also been analyzed by fluorescent confocal microscopy. RESULTS: With increasing distance to the focal plane, the higher-frequency part of the spatial frequency spectrum of transmitted light is attenuated increasingly. This property is exploited for tissue segmentation, detecting whether tissue is present at a certain position in the focal plane image. Using this approach, we show that a 3D rendering of the internal cavity or tubules structure of punch biopsies, which are up to 1-mm thick, can be acquired in ≈1 min scan time per imaging modality. The images of the overall tissue architecture that are obtained are similar to those from the confocal microscopy benchmark, without requiring fluorescent staining. CONCLUSIONS: Images of the overall tissue architecture can be obtained from transmission microcopy; they are similar to those from the confocal microscopy benchmark without requiring fluorescent staining. Tissue clearing is still needed. The total scan time of the present method is significantly shorter at a fraction of the device costs