37 research outputs found

    Gubici prilikom košenja lucerke samohodnom kosačicom-gnječilicom "Fortschritt" E-302

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    This paper shows the losses created during alfalfa mowing process performed by self-propelled and hay crusher “Fortschritt” E 302. The losses detected during research process have been divided into two groups: losses caused by increased incision height (over 6 cm), and losses caused by crushing. The total losses made during mowing by the tested mower were calculated by adding the incision height losses and crushing losses. The research results indicate that the minimal losses caused by the incision height are 1,08 % of yields, at the aggregate mowing speed of 4,90 km/h. Aggregate mowing speed increase tend to slightly increase the losses up to maximum values of 1,31 % at the mowing speed of 9,52 km/h. The crunching losses ranged from minimal 0,27 % at the minimal aggregate mowing speed. The average total losses were 1,52 % of yields at the average aggregate mowing speed of 6,89 km/h.U radu su prikazani gubici koji su nastali prilikom košenja lucerke samohodnom kosačicom-gnječilicom "Fortschritt" E-302. Gubici koji su se javili prilikom ispitivanja, svrstani su u dve grupe, kao gubici usled povećane visine reza (iznad 6 cm), i kao gubici usled usitnjavanja(delovi biljke koje nije moguće zahvatiti radnim organima kosačice, te ostaju neiskorišćeni na parceli). Sabiranjem gubitaka usled visine reza i gubitaka usled usitnjavanja, dobijeni su ukupni gubici pri radu ispitivane kosačice. Određivanje gubitaka vršeno je u četiri probe. Rezultati ispitivanja nam pokazuju da su minimalni gubici usled visine reza iznosili 1,08 % od prinosa, pri brzini kretanja agregata od 4,90 km/h. Sa povećanjem brzine kretanja agregata uočava se tendencija laganog povećanja gubitaka do maksimalne vrednosti od 1,31 %, pri brzini kretanja od 9,52 km/h. Gubici usled usitnjavanja su se kretali od minimalnih 0,27 %, pri maksimalnoj brzini kretanja, do maksimalnih 0,36 % pri minimalnoj brzini kretanja agregata. Prosečni ukupni gubici iznosili su 1,52 % od prinosa, pri prosečnoj brzini kretanja agregata od 6,89 km/h

    Efekat tri nivoa kalcifikacije na sadržaj mobilnog al i kiselost kod distrično smeđeg zemljišta

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    Limited acid soil fertility is caused by a high concentration of H+ and Al3+, some organic acids and heavy metals, but also by a small accessibility of some nutrients and a small microbiological activity. This study has been conducted to determine the effect of three levels of liming (partial – 1/3 Y1, half – 1/2 Y1, and complete liming) on the neutralization of the acid reaction, a high content of mobile Al3+ in Dystric cambisol soil near Kosovska Mitrovica. The complete liming has almost completely neutralized the acid reaction, and decreased the level of mobile Al below 1.0 mg kg-1. There has been a satisfactory degree of decrease in pH and Al.Ograničena plodnost kiselih zemljišta uslovljena je visokom koncentracijom H+ i Al3+, nekih organskih kiselina i teških metala, ali i malom pristupačnošćunekih hraniva i ograničenom mikrobiološkom aktivnošću. Studija je vođena da se utvrdi efekat tri nivoa kalcifikacije (delimična – 1/3 Y1, polovična – 1/2 Y1 i potpuna kalcifikacija) na neutralizaciju kisele reakcije i visokog sadržaja mobilnog Al kod distrično smeđeg zemljišta u okolini Kosovske Mitrovice. Punom kalcifikacijom je skoro u potpunosti neutralisana kisela reakcija, a nivo mobilnog Al smanjen ispod 1.0 mg 100 g-1. Istovremeno je zabeležen zadovoljavajući stepen smanjenja pH i Al

    Rezultati ispitivanja uskoredih sejalica pri setvi raži u agroekološkim uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije

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    Rye is a farming culture that is important as bread wheat. It is excellent fodder either the green or in the bran, flour or grain. The rye grain is used for the production of alcohol, vinegar and starch, cellulose, lignin, furfurol, good quality paper and seeds in the pharmaceutical industry. The process of production of rye grain on the principle of ''grain-grain'', can also occur through the sowing of winter rye. Sowing units take up important role in the technological process of sowing of winter rye as the dominant in agro-ecological conditions in northern Kosovo and Metohija. The very process of sowing is followed by a series of specific features that interact with the effects of applied work of narrow line seeder significantly affect the amount of actual yield of winter rye and profitability of its production. It is practically impossible to remove omission in the process of winter rye sowing. The aim of this research was to determine the quality and reliability of different narrow line seeder of rye based on field-laboratory research and exploitation in the agro-ecological conditions of northern Kosovo and Metohija, depending on defined parameters. These results indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the applied sowing aggregates concepts.Raž predstavlja ratarsku kulturu koja je značajna kao hlebno žito, odlična je stočna hrana, bilo za zeleno, bilo u mekinjama, brašnu ili zrnu. U industriji se zrno koristi i za proizvodnju alkohola, skroba i sirćeta, celuloze, lignina, furfurola i hartije dobrog kvaliteta a klica u farmaceutskoj industriji. Proces proizvodnje raži po principu ''zrno-zrno'', može se odvijati kroz setvu ozime i jare raži. Značajno mesto u tehnološkom postupku setve ozime raži kao dominantne u agroekološkim uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije, zauzimaju setveni agregati. Sam proces setve praćen je nizom specifičnosti, koje u interakciji sa efektima rada primenjenih uskoredih sejalica značajno utiču na visinu ostvarenih prinosa ozime raži i rentabilnost proizvodnje ove ratarske kulture. Učinjene propuste u procesu setve ozime raži kasnije praktično nije moguće otkloniti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu poljsko-laboratorijskih i eksploatacionih istraživanja utvrdi kvalitet rada i pouzdanost u radu različitih uskoredih sejalica pri setvi raži u agroekološki uslovima severnog Kosova i Metohije, u zavisnosti od definisanih parametara. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na prednosti, odnosno na nedostatke primenjene koncepcije setvenog agregata

    Holistic Analysis of Conformal Antennas using the Cylindrical TLM Method

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    The impact of deformations on wearable antenna performance has been analyzed both experimentally and computationally. However, the reported results have been inconsistent and often contradictory. This paper highlights how the choice of computational mesh, namely cubic and curvilinear cylindrical mesh, that are applied to the problem of cylindrically bent antenna can affect the results and subsequent conclusions. By deploying both meshes within the same time-domain numerical algorithm means that the differences in results can only be attributable to the discretization method used. Finally, a cylindrical mesh is used to further characterize the impact of bending on antenna resonant frequency, bandwidth and radiation pattern. Bending in both E- and H- plane is considered

    Normalne hematološke vrijednosti gajenog lipljena

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    In this research haematological parameters analysis of grayling was carried out in Martin Brod fish pond and Krušnice river. At the tested specimens were determined parameters: the number of erytrocyte, number leukocyte, hemoglobyne concentration, packed cell volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC). The comparison and analysis of monitored parameters by gender was performed on the basis of obtained results. Comparison of parameters by gender, as well as the comparison parameters grayling from this two locations, indicates the existence of significant differences in certain parameters


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    Background: During the past decade studies have shown that Type D personality is associated with increased risk of cardiac events, mortality and poor quality of life. Some authors suggested that depression and Type D personality have substantial phenomenological overlap. Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of non-consecutive case series of seventy nine patients with clinically stable and angiographically confirmed coronary artery disease (CAD), who had been admitted to the Clinic of Cardiology, University Clinical Centre, from May 2006 to September 2008. The patients were assessed by the Type-D scale (DS14), The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and provided demographic information. Risk factors for CAD were obtained from cardiologists. Results: The findings of our study have shown that 34.2% patients with CAD could be classified as Type D personality. The univariate analysis has shown that the prevalence of Type D personality was significantly higher in individuals with unstable angina pectoris and myocardial infarction (MI) diagnoses (p=0.02). Furthermore, some components of metabolic syndrome were more prevalent in patients with Type D personality: hypercholesterolemia (p=0.00), hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.00) and hypertension (p=0.01). Additionally, the distribution of depression in patients with a Type D personality and a non-Type D personality were statistically significantly different (p=0.00). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this study is the first one to describe the prevalence and clinical characteristics of the Type D personality in patients with CAD in this region of Europe. We have found that the prevalence of Type D personality in patients with CAD is in concordance with the other studies. We also have found that Type D personality and depression are two distinctly different categories of psychological distress

    Parametri efikasnosti mašina za dorado semena crvene deteline i lucerke

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    The paper presents the testing results during seed processing of natural seed of red clover and alfalfa, with different initial purity. Because of their exceptional importance in the production of animal feed in the Republic of Serbia, a large number of perennial leguminous plants are grown. The most important leguminous fodders in Serbia are alfalfa and red clover. This is because of the areas they occupy, as well as the nutritional quality for domestic animals. The seed used for the crop establishment of these plants must be clean, with high germination and genetic value. Many of these requirements could be accomplished by seed processing and removing all impurities and seeds of poorer quality. The aim of this study was to show the parameters of efficiency of processing machines of these two perennial legumes seed. The basic indicators of the parameters of efficiency of seed processing are the quality and quantity of the obtained seed. All relevant parameters which define the characteristics of seed processing machines are presented: pure seed (%), weed and other seed crops (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed losses (%) and processing output (%). The obtained results enable the selection of suitable equipment and their proper adjustment for seed processing, depending on the quantity and type of weeds and other ingredients presented in the natural seed.Rad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja dorade naturalnog semena crvene deteline i lucerke različitih početnih čistoća, na mašinama za doradu. U Republici Srbiji gaji se veći broj višegodišnjih leguminoza zbog njihovog izuzetnog značaja u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Najznačajnije višegodišnje krmne leguminoze u Srbiji po površinama na kojima se gaje, kao i po kvalitetu hraniva u ishrani domaćih životinja su lucerka i crvena detelina. Seme koje se koristi za setvu za njihovu proizvodnju mora da bude čisto, visoke klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Svi ovi zahtevi ostvaruje se doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem svih nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena ove dve višegodišnje leguminoze prikažu koji su parametri efikasnosti mašina za doradu. Prikazani su svi relevantni parametri koji definišu karakteristike mašina za doradu semena, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Dobijeni rezultati omogućavaju izbor odgovarajućih mašina i njihovo pravilno podešavanje pri doradi semena, u zavisnosti od količine i vrste korova i ostalih primesa koje se nalaze u naturalnom semenu

    D4.2: Regional Mapping Report on Green Transition

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    This report aims to give findings from comparative research on Green Transition processes through developed policies, engaged actors, and implemented practices and initiatives, identified on the territories of five Western Balkan countries (AL, BA, ME, MK, RS). It builds upon 5 datasets, which serve as indications for the prospective results of the green transition as well as the immediate and long-term effects that society can anticipate. The mapping report's specific goal is to highlight the elements of the Western Balkans’ Green Agenda that are more embedded in the current national policy frameworks and those that require additional support in reaching the 2030 GT targets

    Wastewater based epidemiology in countries with poor wastewater treatment - SARS-CoV-2 RNA in surface waters

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    Background Wastewater-based epidemiology surveillance of COVID-19 and other outbreaks in the future is a challenge for developing countries, as the majority of households are not connected to sewerage systems. In December 2019, we have detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the Danube River at a site that is severely affected by wastewater of Belgrade. Considering that rivers are much more complex systems in comparison to wastewater, additional efforts are needed to address all the factors which might influence the adoption of WBE as an alternative of targeting raw wastewater. Objectives The major objective of this study was to provide a more detailed insight in the potential of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in Serbian surface waters under consideration of epidemiological, microbiological, physico-chemical and hydro-morphological parameters for epidemiological purposes. Methodology Water samples were collected at 12 sites at Sava and Danube Rivers in the Belgrade city area during the fourth COVID-19 wave in Serbia that started in late February 2021. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was quantified using RT-qPCR with primer sets targeting nucleocapsid (N1 and N2) and envelope (E) protein genes. Microbiological (standard fecal indicator bacteria and microbial faecal source tracking markers), epidemiological, physico-chemical and hydro-morphological parameters were analysed in parallel. Results Out of 44 samples analyzed, 31 were positive for at least one of the target regions of SARS-CoV-2. The results indicated that surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in surface waters in context with the large amount of epidemiological and environmental metadata can be used as epidemiological early-warning tool in countries with poor wastewater treatment