79 research outputs found

    Associations between early childhood caries, malnutrition and anemia: a global perspective

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    Background Malnutrition is the main risk factor for most common communicable diseases. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between country-level prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC), malnutrition and anemia in infants and preschool children. Methods Matched country-level ECC, malnutrition and anemia prevalence were generated from databases covering the period 2000 to 2017. Multivariate general linear models were developed to assess the relationship between outcome variables (prevalence of stunting, wasting, overweight, and anemia) and the explanatory variable (ECC prevalence) adjusted for gross national income per capita. Adjusted regression coefficients (B) and partial eta squared were computed. Results The mean (standard deviation (SD)) ECC prevalence was 23.8 (14.8)% for 0-2 year-olds and 57.3 (22.4)% for 3-5-year-olds. The mean (SD) prevalence of wasting was 6.3 (4.8)%, overweight 7.2 (4.9)%, stunting 24.3 (13.5)%, and anemia 37.8 (18.1)%. For 0-2-year-olds, the strongest and only significant association was between the prevalence of ECC and overweight (eta 2 = 0.21): 1 % higher ECC prevalence was associated with 0.12% higher prevalence of overweight (B = 0.12, P = 0.03). In 3-5-year-olds, the strongest and only significant association was between the prevalence of ECC and anemia (eta 2 = 0.08): 1 % higher prevalence of ECC was associated with 0.14% lower prevalence of anemia (B = - 0.14, P = 0.048). Conclusion Country-level prevalence of ECC was associated with malnutrition in 0-2-year-olds and with anemia in 3-5-year-olds. The pathway for the direct relationship between ECC and overweight may be diet related. The pathway for the inverse relationship between ECC and anemia is less clear and needs further investigations

    Ab Initio Calculations of the Walls Shear Strength of Carbon Nanotubes

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    The dependence of the energy of interwall interaction in double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) on the relative position of walls has been calculated using the density functional method. This dependence is used to evaluate forces that are necessary for the relative telescopic motion of walls and to calculate the shear strength of DWNT for the relative sliding of walls along the nanotube axis and for their relative rotation about this axis. The possibility of experimental verification of the obtained results is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Ectopic Decidua

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    Women's economic empowerment, participation in decision-making and exposure to violence as risk indicators for early childhood caries

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    Objectives In view of the association between early childhood caries (ECC])and maternal social risk factors, this study tried to determine if there were associations between indicators of processes, outputs and outcomes of women's empowerment, and the prevalence of ECC. Methods In this ecological study, indicators measuring the explanatory variables - economic empowerment, decision-making and violence against women - were selected from the Integrated Results and Resources Framework of the UN-Women Strategic Plan 2018-2021 and WHO database. Indicators measuring the outcome variables - the prevalence of ECC for children aged 0 to 2 years, and 3 to 5 years - were extracted from a published literature. The general linear models used to determine the association between the outcome and explanatory variables were adjusted for economic level of countries. Regression estimates (B), 95% confidence intervals and partial eta squared (eta(2)) were calculated. Results Countries with more females living under 50% of median income had higher prevalence of ECC for 3 to 5-year olds (B = 1.82, 95% CI = 0.12, 3.52). Countries with higher percentage of women participating in their own health care decisions had higher prevalence of ECC for 0 to 2-year-olds (B = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.03, 1.67). Countries with higher percentage of women participating in decisions related to visiting family, relatives and friends had higher prevalence of ECC for 3 to 5-year-olds (B = 0.67, 95% CI = 0.03, 1.32). None of the indicators for violence against women was significantly associated with the prevalence of ECC. Conclusion Empowerment of women is a welcome social development that may have some negative impact on children's oral health. Changes in policies and norms are needed to protect children's oral health while empowering women

    Governance, maternal well-being and early childhood caries in 3-5-year-old children

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    BACKGROUND: This study assessed the direct, indirect and total effect of distal - political - risk indicators (affecting populations), and proximal risk indicators (affecting women) on the global prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) in 3-5 year old children. METHODS: Data on global ECC prevalence were obtained from a prior study. Data for distal risk indicators (voice and accountability; political stability/absence of terrorism; control of corruption) were obtained from the World Bank Governance indicators, 2016. Data for proximal risk indicators (women's opportunity for leadership; percentage of female legislators, top officials and managers; basic employability status of women; ability of women to afford time off work to care for newborns; gross national income (GNI) per capita for females) were derived from the Human Development Index, 2016. Associations between variables were assessed with path analysis. RESULTS: Voice and accountability (β = - 0.60) and GNI per capita for females (β = - 0.33) were directly associated with a lower ECC prevalence. Political stability/absence of terrorism (β =0.40) and higher percentage of female legislators, senior officials and managers (β = 0.18) were directly associated with a higher ECC prevalence. Control of corruption (β = - 0.23) was indirectly associated with a lower ECC prevalence. Voice and accountability (β = 0.12) was indirectly associated with a higher ECC prevalence. Overall, voice and accountability (β = - 0.49), political stability/absence of terrorism (β = 0.34) and higher female GNI (β = - 0.33) had the greatest effects on ECC prevalence. CONCLUSION: Distal risk indicators may have a stronger impact on ECC prevalence than do proximal risk indicators.. Approaches to control ECC may need to include political reforms

    Концептуальное моделирование вспышек лесных пожаров на основе онтологического подхода DataMining. Часть 1

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    Протестовано геліоцентричну гіпотезу причин спалахів лісових пожеж. Знайдено докази кореляції між раптовим надходженням заряджених частинок з боку сонця і виникненням лісових пожеж із затримкою від одного до чотирьох днів. Проведено порівняльний аналіз методів ANFIS та нейронних мереж у задачі пошуку функціональної залежності між виникненням лісових пожеж і факторами, що характеризують сонячну активність. Використано декілька методів аналізу (методи усунення сезонності, R/S-аналіз, DataMining) для встановлення потенційних зв’язків між коливаннями певних параметрів, що характеризують сонячну активність, і виникненням лісових пожеж з урахуванням затримки в часі. Знайдено наявність взаємозв’язку і розроблено прогностичний сценарій, який засновано на ANFIS та нейромережевих технологіях. Ці методи, в деяких випадках, дозволяють досягнути точності прогнозування до 93%.The heliocentric hypothesis of causes of forest fires outbreaks has been tested. We found evidence of correlation between the sudden arrival of charged particles from the Sun and the occurrence of forest fires with a delay of one to four days. In this research, the comparative analysis was made between ANFIS and Neuron Networks in the task of searching a functional dependence between the occurrence of forest fires and the factors which characterize the solar activity. For this purpose, we used several methods (R/S analysis, Hurst index, DataMining) for establishing potential links between the influx of some parameters from the Sun and the occurrence of forest fires with lag of several days. We found an evidence for a connection and developed a forecasting scenario based on the ANFIS and Neuron Network techniques. This scenario, in some cases, allows to predict occurrences of forest fires with up to 93% accuracy.Протестирована гелиоцентрическая гипотеза причин вспышек лесных пожаров. Найдены доказательства корреляции между внезапным поступлением заряженных частиц от солнца и возникновением лесных пожаров с задержкой от одного до четырех дней. Проведен сравнительный анализ методов ANFIS и нейронных сетей в задаче поиска функциональной зависимости между возникновением лесных пожаров и факторами, характеризующими солнечную активность. Использованы несколько методов анализа (методы устранения сезонности, R/S анализ, DataMining) для установления возможных связей между колебаниями определенных параметров, характеризующих солнечную активность, и возникновением лесных пожаров с учетом задержки во времени. Обнаружено наличие взаимосвязи и разработан прогностический сценарий, основанный на ANFIS и нейросетевых технологиях. Эти методы, в некоторых случаях, позволяют достичь точности прогнозирования до 93%

    Widespread exploitation of the honeybee by early Neolithic farmers.

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    This is the author's version of an article subsequently published in Nature. The definitive version is available from the publisher via: doi: 10.1038/nature15757.Copyright © 2015, Rights Managed by Nature Publishing GroupThe pressures on honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations, resulting from threats by modern pesticides, parasites, predators and diseases, have raised awareness of the economic importance and critical role this insect plays in agricultural societies across the globe. However, the association of humans with A. mellifera predates post-industrial-revolution agriculture, as evidenced by the widespread presence of ancient Egyptian bee iconography dating to the Old Kingdom (approximately 2400 BC). There are also indications of Stone Age people harvesting bee products; for example, honey hunting is interpreted from rock art in a prehistoric Holocene context and a beeswax find in a pre-agriculturalist site. However, when and where the regular association of A. mellifera with agriculturalists emerged is unknown. One of the major products of A. mellifera is beeswax, which is composed of a complex suite of lipids including n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids and fatty acyl wax esters. The composition is highly constant as it is determined genetically through the insect's biochemistry. Thus, the chemical 'fingerprint' of beeswax provides a reliable basis for detecting this commodity in organic residues preserved at archaeological sites, which we now use to trace the exploitation by humans of A. mellifera temporally and spatially. Here we present secure identifications of beeswax in lipid residues preserved in pottery vessels of Neolithic Old World farmers. The geographical range of bee product exploitation is traced in Neolithic Europe, the Near East and North Africa, providing the palaeoecological range of honeybees during prehistory. Temporally, we demonstrate that bee products were exploited continuously, and probably extensively in some regions, at least from the seventh millennium cal BC, likely fulfilling a variety of technological and cultural functions. The close association of A. mellifera with Neolithic farming communities dates to the early onset of agriculture and may provide evidence for the beginnings of a domestication process.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)English HeritageEuropean Research Council (ERC)Leverhulme TrustMinistère de la Culture et de la CommunicationMinistère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la RechercheRoyal SocietyWellcome Trus

    Global, Regional, and National Levels and Trends in Burden of Oral Conditions from 1990 to 2017: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study

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    Government and nongovernmental organizations need national and global estimates on the descriptive epidemiology of common oral conditions for policy planning and evaluation. The aim of this component of the Global Burden of Disease study was to produce estimates on prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability for oral conditions from 1990 to 2017 by sex, age, and countries. In addition, this study reports the global socioeconomic pattern in burden of oral conditions by the standard World Bank classification of economies as well as the Global Burden of Disease Socio-demographic Index. The findings show that oral conditions remain a substantial population health challenge. Globally, there were 3.5 billion cases (95% uncertainty interval [95% UI], 3.2 to 3.7 billion) of oral conditions, of which 2.3 billion (95% UI, 2.1 to 2.5 billion) had untreated caries in permanent teeth, 796 million (95% UI, 671 to 930 million) had severe periodontitis, 532 million (95% UI, 443 to 622 million) had untreated caries in deciduous teeth, 267 million (95% UI, 235 to 300 million) had total tooth loss, and 139 million (95% UI, 133 to 146 million) had other oral conditions in 2017. Several patterns emerged when the World Bank's classification of economies and the Socio-demographic Index were used as indicators of economic development. In general, more economically developed countries have the lowest burden of untreated dental caries and severe periodontitis and the highest burden of total tooth loss. The findings offer an opportunity for policy makers to identify successful oral health strategies and strengthen them; introduce and monitor different approaches where oral diseases are increasing; plan integration of oral health in the agenda for prevention of noncommunicable diseases; and estimate the cost of providing universal coverage for dental care