4 research outputs found

    Las bacterias del ácido láctico en la producción de los chorizos crudo-fermentados tradicionales

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    Spontano fermentirane trajne kobasice, koje se proizvode u domaćoj radinosti, prepoznati su i cijenjeni tradicionalni proizvodi. Odlikuju se specifičnim senzornim karakteristikama i izvor su vrijednih hranjivih sastojaka. Međutim, različit izbor sirovine i dodataka te varijabilni uvjeti proizvodnje dovode do neujednačene mikrobiološke i senzorne kvalitete tradicionalnih kobasica. Ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju zdravstvene ispravnosti takvih proizvoda imaju prirodno prisutne, autohtone populacije bakterija mliječne kiseline (BMK). Selektirane i aplicirane kao starter kulture autohtone populacije BMK mogle bi smanjiti rizike uzorkovane mikrobiološkom kontaminacijom za vrijeme klanja, odnosno lova i tijekom prerade mesa te povoljno utjecati na organoleptičke karakteristike krajnjeg proizvoda. Stoga je cilj ovog rada pokazati specifičnosti bakterija mliječne kiseline i mogućnosti njihove aplikacije u fermentaciji tradicionalnih suhih kobasica proizvedenih od mesa domaćih ili divljih životinja.Spontaneously fermented dry sausages that are produced locally are considered to be recognized and appreciated traditional products. They are characterized by specific sensory properties and represent a source of valuable nutrients. However, a multiple choice of raw materials and additives, as well as varying production conditions affect variable microbiological and sensory quality of traditional sausages. The inherently present, indigenous population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) plays a key role in ensuring the health and safety of such products. Indigenous populations of LAB that are selected and applied as starter cultures could not only reduce risks caused by microbial contamination during slaughtering or hunting and during the processing of meat, but could also favourably affect the organoleptic properties of the end product. The aim of this paper was therefore to demonstrate the specificity of lactic acid bacteria and the possibility of their application in the fermentation of traditional dry sausages that are produced from the meat of domestic or wild animals.Hausgemachte spontan fermentierte Dauerwürste aus Wildeisch sind ein anerkanntes und geschätztes Traditionsprodukt, das sich durch besondere sensorische Eigenschaften auszeichnet und eine Quelle von hochwertigen Nährstoen darstellt. Die Wahl von unterschiedlichen Rohstoen und Zusätzen sowie die veränderlichen Produktionsbedingungen führen zu einer unausgewogenen mikrobiologischen und sensorischen Qualität solcher Würste. Eine ausschlaggebende Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der gesundheitlichen Unbedenklichkeit solcher Produkte haben die von Natur aus anwesenden, autochthonen Populationen der Milchsäurebakterien. Als Starterkulturen selektiert und appliziert, könnten die Populationen der Milchsäurebakterien die durch die mikrobiologische Kontaminierung während der Jagd und/oder während der Fleischverarbeitung verursachten Risiken reduzieren und sich günstig auf die organoleptischen Eigenschaften des Endprodukts auswirken. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, die Besonderheiten der Milchsäurebakterien und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Anwendung in der Fermentierung von Wildwurst aufzuzeigen.Le salsicce di selvaggina a lunga conservazione, fermentate spontaneamente e prodotte artigianalmente, sono un prodotto noto e apprezzato. Esse hanno speciche caratteristiche sensoriali e sono fonte d’ingredienti altamente nutrienti. Tuttavia, una di!erente scelta delle materie prime e degli additivi e la variabilità delle condizioni di produzione rendono la qualità microbiologica e sensoriale di queste salsicce non uniforme. La popolazione autoctona di batteri lattici (BL), naturalmente presente, svolge un ruolo chiave nel garantire l’idoneità sanitaria di simili prodotti. Selezionati e applicati come cultura starter della popolazione autoctona di BL, potrebbero ridurre i rischi causati dalla contaminazione microbiologica durante la caccia e/o durante la lavorazione delle carni e incidere positivamente sulle caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto nale. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro, quindi, consiste nel mostrare la specicità dei batteri lattici e la possibilità della loro applicazione nella fermentazione delle salsicce di selvaggina.Los chorizos crudo-fermentados de la carne de caza fermentados espontáneamente y hechos en casa son productos tradicionales reco- nocidos y valiosos. Son caracterizados por sus propiedades sensoriales especícas y son la fuente de los ingredientes altamente nutritivos. No obstante, tanto la selección diferente de la materia cruda y de los aditivos como las condiciones variables llevan a las calidades microbiológicas y sensoriales desniveladas de estos tipos de chorizos. Las bacterias del ácido láctico (BAL) autóctonas, que están presentes de forma natural, tienen el papel clave en la provisión de la seguridad sanitaria de este tipo de productos. Seleccionadas y aplicadas como cultivos iniciadores de la populación autóctona, las BAL podrían disminuir el riesgo causado por la contaminación microbiológica durante la caza y/o durante el procesamiento de la carne y de esta manera inuir positivamente sobre las propiedades organolépticas del producto nal. Por lo tanto el n de este trabajo fue mostras las especidades de las bacterias del ácido láctico y las posibilidades de su aplicación durante la fermentación de los chorizos de carne de caza

    Molecular Classification and Biomarkers of Outcome With Immunotherapy in Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Analyses of the CASPIAN Phase 3 Study

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    BACKGROUND: We explored potential predictive biomarkers of immunotherapy response in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) treated with durvalumab (D) + tremelimumab (T) + etoposide-platinum (EP), D + EP, or EP in the randomized phase 3 CASPIAN trial. METHODS: 805 treatment-naïve patients with ES-SCLC were randomized (1:1:1) to receive D + T + EP, D + EP, or EP. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS). Patients were required to provide an archived tumor tissue block (or ≥ 15 newly cut unstained slides) at screening, if these samples existed. After assessment for programmed cell death ligand-1 expression and tissue tumor mutational burden, residual tissue was used for additional molecular profiling including by RNA sequencing and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: In 182 patients with transcriptional molecular subtyping, OS with D ± T + EP was numerically highest in the SCLC-inflamed subtype (n = 10, median 24.0 months). Patients derived benefit from immunotherapy across subtypes; thus, additional biomarkers were investigated. OS benefit with D ± T + EP versus EP was greater with high versus low CD8A expression/CD8 cell density by immunohistochemistry, but with no additional benefit with D + T + EP versus D + EP. OS benefit with D + T + EP versus D + EP was associated with high expression of CD4 (median 25.9 vs. 11.4 months) and antigen-presenting and processing machinery (25.9 vs. 14.6 months) and MHC I and II (23.6 vs. 17.3 months) gene signatures, and with higher MHC I expression by immunohistochemistry. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the tumor microenvironment is important in mediating better outcomes with D ± T + EP in ES-SCLC, with canonical immune markers associated with hypothesized immunotherapy mechanisms of action defining patient subsets that respond to D ± T. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03043872

    Initial soil formation in an agriculturally reclaimed open-cast mining area - the role of management and loess parent material

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    After reclamation of open-cast mining pits, soil formation starts from the deposited calcareous loess characterised by its basic physical and chemical properties whereas soil biology and structure need to develop to achieve a fully functional soil. In this study we used a chronosequence approach to elucidate soil formation on agriculturally reclaimed loess soils in an open-cast lignite mining area in Garzweiler (Germany). We selected six fields aged 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 years after the first seeding in order to observe the initial stage of development of soil properties and assess the role of management with conventional crop rotation in soil structure formation and soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation. Loess parent material had a strong impact on aggregation, as CaCO3 acted as a strong cementing agent. Alfalfa cultivation in the pioneering phase was of high importance in the development of microbial biomass, as it protects microbes from N limitation. Soil macroporosity and pore connectivity increased only after compost application and ploughing during agricultural crop rotation. Soil organic matter (SOM) build-up was strongly dependent on the addition of compost, as crop residues from conventional crop rotation are not sufficient to maintain high SOC contents