4 research outputs found

    Primena tehnike maskless nagrizanja u vodenom rastvoru TMAH u realizaciji SOI SP-11 i usavršavanju SP-9 i SP-12 senzora pritisaka

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    Primena tehnike maskless nagrizanja u vodenom rastvoru TMAH je novi tehnološki postupak u realizaciji različitih senzora pritiska. Tehnika maskless nagrizanja omogućava dobijanje trodimenzionalnih silicijumskih struktura na više nivoa koji su na različitim dubinama. Osnova maskless tehnike su dve termičke oksidacije koje formiraju silicijum diokside znatno različitih debljina i dva fotolitografska postupka. Glavni princip maskless tehnike je da se posle prvog dela nagrizanja do određene dubine skida drugi tanki silicijum dioksid, a zatim se nastavlja drugi deo nagrizanja do formiranja željene strukture

    Реализација силицијумских микрогредица за фотоакустична мерења

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    Двостраним анизотропним влажним нагризањем формиране су микрогредице на монокристалним Si подлогама (100) оријентације поступцима запреминског микромашинства

    Attachment of MEM piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor dies using different adhesives

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    This paper gives comparison and discussion of adhesives used for attachment of silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor dies. Special attention is paid on low pressure sensor dies because of their extreme sensitivity on stresses, which can arise from packaging procedure and applied materials. Commercially available adhesives “Scotch Weld 2214 Hi-Temp” from “3M Co.” and “DM2700P/H848” from “DIEMAT”, USA, were compared. First of them is aluminum filled epoxy adhesive and second is low melting temperature (LMT) glass paste. Comparing test results for low pressure sensor chips we found that LMT glass (glass frit) is better adhesive for this application. Applying LMT glass paste minimizes internal stresses caused by disagreement of coefficients of thermal expansions between sensor die and housing material. Also, it minimizes stresses introduced during applying external loads in the process of pressure measuring. Regarding the measurements, for the sensors installed with filled epoxy paste, resistor for compensation of temperature offset change had negative values in all cases, which means that linear temperature compensation, of sensors installed this way, would be impossible. In the sensors installed with LMT glass paste, all results, without exception, were in their common limits (values), which give the possibility of passive temperature compensation. Furthermore, LMT glass attachment can broaden temperature operating range of MEM silicon pressure sensors towards higher values, up to 120 ºC