13 research outputs found

    Standardna klijavost i nicanje klijanaca samooplodnih linija kukuruza u različitim temperaturnim uslovima

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    Standard laboratory germination seed test provides information on seed performance under defined environmental conditions aiming to estimate field planting value. Purpose of this study was to compare results from the standard germination test with seedling emergence in different outside temperature conditions. Sowing was done in three periods during spring, in trays exposed to outside conditions. Data obtained showed that differences in the germination, detected in the standard laboratory test, were also confirmed in field conditions. Expression of these differences, however, was dependent on temperature conditions during different sowing periods. Low temperatures during the early sowing were more discriminative than later temperature increase which completely reduced differences detected in the standard germination test.Standardni test klijavosti pruža informacije o ponašanju semena u definisanim uslovima klijanja sa ciljem procene poljske setvene vrednosti. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je poređenje rezultata standardnog testa klijavosti sa nicanjem klijanaca u polju pri različitim spoljašnjim temperaturnim uslovima. Setva je obavljena tokom tri vremenska perioda u proleće, u posudama izloženim spoljašnjim uslovima. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su razlike u klijavosti, detektovane pomoću standardnog laboratorijskog testa, potvrđene i u sub-optimalnim spoljnim uslovima. Međutim, ispoljavanje ovih razlika zavisilo je od temperaturnih uslova tokom različitih setvenih perioda. Niske temperature u ranom periodu setve su bile diskriminativnije od kasnijeg porasta temperature koji je potpuno umanjio razlike detektovane u standardom testu klijavosti

    Detection of Rhizomucor pusillus on sunflower seed

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    The accelerated ageing test method (AA), agar plate method (A) and blotter method (B) have been used to detect the Rhizomucor pusillus and other mycobita on 24 samples of sunflower seed. Sterilised and unsterilised sunflower seeds have been incubated at 25ºC and 42ºC in the dark for 72 and 144 hours. The fungus was not detected in any sample at 25ºC, not even after 144 h incubation of seeds. The fungal frequency ranged from 58.3 (B method) to 75.0% (A method) and from 4.2% (B method) to 16.7% (AA method) after 72 h incubation of unsterilised and sterilised samples at 42ºC, respectively. The fungal incidence was 25.5% (AA method), 21.9% (A method) and 20.3% (B method) after 72 h incubation of unsterilised seed, and 2% on sterilised seed in all three applied methods. By extended incubation of unsterilised and sterilised seeds up to 144 h at 42°C the frequency and incidence of the fungus did not significantly change. The results of the present research show that the AA test method, widely applied in seed longevity testing, can be used as a simple and efficient method for the detection of R. pusillus as well as other mycobiota on sunflower seed. Furthermore, these are the first data on determining the presence of R. pusillus in Serbia

    ISTA proficiency test 17-2 germination results of white clover seed

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    The presence of hard seeds as a result of water impermeable seed coat is common in species of Fabaceae family. For wild plants, this characteristic allows better survival, but for agriculture production, hard seeds are undesirable, due to delayed and uneven germination. In seed testing laboratory several pre-treatments (pre-chill, mechanical scarification) can be applied for germination testing of these species. In this paper, Proficiency test 17-2 germination results of Trifolium repens seeds conducted in 150 laboratories around the world are presented. Those tests are organized by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and are mandatory for all accredited laboratories. In this way laboratory's competence (staff, apparatus, test methods) is checked. In August 2017, samples of three Trifolium repens seed lots were distributed. In the Seed Testing Laboratory at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (LIZP), germination was tested in September using mechanical scarification and pre-chilling (2 days at 5-10°C) prior to germination at 20°C. Among 90 accredited participants, only one more laboratory applied mechanical scarification, 42 laboratories did not use any pre-treatment, and 39 laboratories applied pre-chilling. Obtained germination results in LIZP (Lot1-84.50%, Lot2-84%, Lot3-88.50%) were higher than overall mean (Lot1-76.95%, Lot2-79.63%, and Lot3-83.27%). The main conclusion of this Proficiency test is that seed scarification significantly reduced the number of hard seeds in favour of normal seedlings. The reason for the rare application of scarification may be the requirement of the applicant to obtain adequate information regarding the number of hard seeds that will appear during seed sowing

    ISTA proficiency test 17-2 germination results of white clover seed

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    Pojava tvrdog semena kao posledica nepropustljivosti semenjače za vodu je izražena kod vrsta iz familije Fabaceae. Kod divljih biljaka ova osobina je biološki opravdana jer omoguća-va bolji opstanak, ali za poljoprivredu tvrda semena su nepoželjna jer klijaju sa zakašnjenjem i neravnomerno. Prilikom ispitivanja klijavosti semena ovih vrsta u laboratoriji može se primeniti predtretman (prethodno hlađenje, mehanička skarifikacija) pre naklijavanja u optimalnim uslovi-ma. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja klijavosti semena Trifolium repens sprovedena u 150 laboratorija širom sveta u okviru Proficiency testa 17-2. Ovi testovi su organizovani od strane Međunarodne organizacije za ispitivanje semena (ISTA), a obavezni su za sve akredi-tovane laboratorije, jer se na taj način kontroliše kompetentnost osoblja, ispravnost aparata i pou-zdanost primenjenih metoda ispitivanja. U avgustu 2017. godine distribuirani su uzorci tri partije semena Trifolium repens. U Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun Polje (LIZP), ispitana je klijavost u septembru primenom mehaničke skarifikacije i prethodnog hlađenja (2 dana na 5-10°C), a zatim klijanje na 20°C. Od 90 akreditovanih laboratorija samo je još jedna primenila mehaničku skarifikaciju, 42 laboratorije nisu primenile nikakav predtretman, a 39 laboratorija je primenilo prethodno hlađenje. Dobijeni rezultati klijavosti u LIZP (Lot1-84.50%, Lot2-84%, Lot3-88.50%) su bili iznad proseka svih laboratorija (Lot1-76.95%, Lot2-79.63%, Lot3-83.27%). Kao glavni zaključak ovog Proficiency testa jeste da je skarifikacija se-mena značajno smanjila broj tvrdih semena u korist normalnih klijanaca. Razlog retke primene skarifikacije može biti potreba korisnika da dobije adekvatnu informaciju vezanu za broj tvrdih semena koja će se pojaviti prilikom setve semena.The presence of hard seeds as a result of water impermeable seed coat is common in species of Fabaceae family. For wild plants, this characteristic allows better survival, but for agriculture production, hard seeds are undesirable, due to delayed and uneven germination. In seed testing laboratory several pre-treatments (pre-chill, mechanical scarification) can be applied for germination testing of these species. In this paper, Proficiency test 17-2 germination results of Trifolium repens seeds conducted in 150 laboratories around the world are presented. Those tests are organized by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and are mandatory for all accredited laboratories. In this way laboratory’s competence (staff, apparatus, test methods) is checked. In August 2017, samples of three Trifolium repens seed lots were distributed. In the Seed Testing Laboratory at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (LIZP), germination was tested in September using mechanical scarification and pre-chilling (2 days at 5-10°C) prior to germination at 20°C. Among 90 accredited participants, only one more laboratory applied mechanical scarification, 42 laboratories did not use any pre-treatment, and 39 laboratories applied pre-chilling. Obtained germination results in LIZP (Lot1-84.50%, Lot2-84%, Lot3-88.50%) were higher than overall mean (Lot1-76.95%, Lot2-79.63%, and Lot3-83.27%). The main conclusion of this Proficiency test is that seed scarification significantly reduced the number of hard seeds in favour of normal seedlings. The reason for the rare application of scarification may be the requirement of the applicant to obtain adequate information regarding the number of hard seeds that will appear during seed sowing

    Poređenje dve procedure hladnog testa za ispitivanje vigora semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza

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    Cold test (CT) is a valuable method of assessing maize seed vigour. Although widely used CT is not standardized because of variations in CT procedures. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed vigour of 15 maize inbred lines developed at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, using two different substrates (soil and sand) in a severe CT (7.5°C for 10 days followed by 7 days at 20/30 °C). Statistical analysis showed that inbred lines differ significantly in seed vigour, and no difference between two applied substrates in CT. Coefficients of variation were lower in CT with sand (6.05 %), compared to the CT with soil (6.74%) due to variation in soil quality and presence of soil-borne pathogens. Both CT procedures were highly correlated with field emergence. Results of this research indicate that CT with sand is appropriate for testing maize seed vigour, with the potential for standardization.Vigor semena je veoma važan parametar kvaliteta, jer ukazuje na sposobnost semena da klija u suboptimalnim uslovima (niska temperatura, visoka vlažnost zemljišta itd.). Hladni test je važan metod za utvrđivanje vigora semena kukuruza. Iako je dobar pokazatelj nicanja u polju, i koristi se širom sveta, hladni test nije standardizovan zbog razlika u proceduri (temperatura, vrsta i vlažnost supstrata). Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje vigora semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza primenom dva različita supstrata (zemlja i pesak) u hladnom testu. Za ispitivanje je odabrano 15 samooplodnih linija kukuruza stvorenih u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Primenjeni su izrazito stresni uslovi ispitivanja u hladnom testu (10 dana na 7,5°C, a zatim 7 dana na 20/30°C). Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno je da su se samooplodne linije značajno razlikovale po vigoru semena tj. tolerantnosti na niske temperature u periodu klijanja i početnog porasta. Sa druge strane nije utvrđena značajna razlika između dva primenjena supstrata u hladnom testu. Prosečna klijavost 15 samooplodnih linija u hladnom testu sa peskom iznosila je 82,2%, a u hladnom testu sa zemljom 80,1%. Koeficijent varijacije je bio niži u hladnom testu sa peskom (6,05%), nego u hladnom testu sa zemljom (6,74%), što se objašnjava variranjem u kvalitetu zemlje i prisustvu zemljišnih patogena. Obe ispitivane procedure su postigle visoku korelaciju sa nicanjem u polju. Rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja peska kao supstrata u hladnom testu, čime bi se ispitivanje vigora semena kukuruza znatno olakšalo, a ujedno bi se stekli uslovi za standardizaciju hladnog testa

    Eksperimentalna procena organskih podloga za ispitivanje klijavosti semena soje

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    High germination of seeds and seedling establishment are critical for soybean production since it determines crop density and eventually affects the yield. Accurate evaluation of the ger mination potential of sowing material is valuable, as well as initial quality assessment of newly harvested seed. ISTA Rules prescribe alternative methods for soybean seed germination: sand, between paper, top of paper covered with sand and since 2020 organic growing media. In the Seed Testing Laboratory at the Maize Research Institute soybean germination is conducted in the sand at 2030°C. The objective of this study was to evaluate several available organic growing media and compare results obtained with the standard laboratory method. Five soybean seed lots of different quality were tested in four germination growing media (3 organic and sand), at two temperature regimes (25 °C and 2030°C). Statistical analyses showed that all types of organic growing media were of the same quality. Slightly higher germination in organic growing media was obtained in the experiment at 2030°C compared to sand, but those differences were not statistically significant. When testing was done in germinator with 25°C positive effects of organic growing media were identified and this impact was significant, especially for low-quality seed lots. The experimental outcome was to continue with routine practice and use organic growing media for retesting of seed lots with lower germination as an alternative substrate. Key words: germination, organic substrate, sand, soybean, temperatureVisoka klijavost semena i uniforman rast klijanaca su presudni za proizvodnju soje, jer od toga zavisi gustina useva i na kraju, prinos. Precizna procena potencijala klijavosti setvenog ma terijala je izuzetno važna, kao i početna procena kvaliteta tek požnjevenog semena. Međunarod na pravila za ispitivanje semena propisuju alternativne metode za klijanje semena soje: pesak, između filter papira, na filter papiru uz prekrivanje peskom, i od 2020. godine organski supstrat. U Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena, Instituta za kukuruz “Zemun Polje”, naklijavanje soje se vrši u pesku, na temperaturi 2030°C. Cilj ove studije bio je proceniti nekoliko dostupnih organskih supstrata i uporediti dobijene rezultate sa dosadašnjom laboratorijskom metodom. Pet partija soje različitog kvaliteta testirano je u četiri podloge za naklijavanje (3 organske i pe sak), pri dva temperaturna režima (25°C i 2030°C). Statistička analiza pokazala je da su sve organske podloge istog kvaliteta. Nešto veća klijavost u organskom supstratu u poređenju sa pes kom je ostvarena u eksperimentu na 2030°C, ali te razlike nisu bile statistički značajne. Pri likom ispitivanja u klijalištu sa 25°C pokazali su se pozitivni efekti organske podloge i ovaj uticaj je bio značajan, posebno za partije slabijeg kvaliteta. Nakon analize eksperimentalnih rezultata odlučeno je da se nastavi sa dosadašnjom laboratorijskom praksom naklijavanja u pesku i da se organska podloga koristi kao alternativni supstrat za ponovno ispitivanje partija semena sa nižim procentom klijavosti

    Seed quality of reciprocal maize single crosses and their parental inbred lines

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    Five direct and reciprocal early hybrids, five direct and reciprocal late hybrids and a total of their 12 parental inbred lines were used in order to test reciprocal effects among hybrids in early germination phase and seed quality of their parental inbred lines. Five hybrids were of early maturity FAO 300-400 group, and five of late maturity FAO 500- 600 group. In the early group one line of Lancaster origin (L1) was in common, and in direct crosses used as male parent, while in reciprocal crosses as female parent. The same case was with late hybrids where another Lancaster line (L2) was in common. In 2015 and 2016 all the material was multiplied in hand pollination and after six months of storage three tests according to ISTA standards were performed: standard germination test (SGT), cold-test (CT) and vigor radicle test (RE). According to the Analysis of variance, a strong reciprocal effect was found among early hybrids for four out of five parameters in RE and SGT, while it was found only for RE in late hybrids. However, in CT none of the parameters had significant reciprocal effect. Two tested Lancaster inbreds were superior in the hybrids over non-Lancaster lines when used as maternal components, while as lines per se they did not display such superiority. Mid-parent heterosis (MPH) ranged from -62.32% to 211.11% in RE test, with an average of 44.26%; from -10.15% to 17.93% in SGT test, with an average of 6.27%, and from -5.31% to 4.49% in CT, with an average of 0.64%. Significant differences of MPH were found for nine pairs of reciprocal hybrids for RE, three pairs for SGT and seven pairs for CT. This shows that reciprocal differences in MPH were higher as the applied level of stress during early seed growth raised. All the results showed very complicated mode of inheritance of tested traits in the early developmental stages of young plants, including the phenomenon of heterosis which is expressed already at the germination stage

    Evaluation of dormance sunflower seed lots

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    U Laboratoriji za ispitivaje semena Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje, u toku redovnog ispitivanja klijavosti semena suncokreta, uoĉeno je kod dve partije semena veliki broj neklijalog semena. Seme je stavljeno na naklijavanje dva puta sa razliĉitim temperaturnim režimom. U toku prvog ispitivanja seme je stavljeno na klijanje metodom između filter papira, hlađenje semena je trajalo 6 dana, energija klijanja je oĉitana ĉetvrtog dana a ukupna klijavost desetog dana. Seme je naklijavano u klijalištu na 200C sa režmom svetlosti 8 sati dan, 16 sati noć. U toku drugog ispitivanja, seme suncokreta je postavljeno na klijanje istom metodom između filter papira, hlađeno je 6 dana, energija klijanja je oĉitana ĉetvrti dan a završna klijavost deseti dan. Naklijavanje je obavljeno u sobi klijalištu na naizmeniĉnoj temperaturi 20300C, sa svetlosnim režimom 8 sati dan, 16 sati noć. Urađen je i TTZ - tetrazolium test. Analizom dobijenih rezultata uoĉeno je da na kraju prvog ispitivanja izdvojen veliki broj neklijalog semena koje je bilo sveže bez simptoma bolesti. Na kraju drugog ispitivanja taj procenat je bio manji u odnosu na prvo ispitivanje. Naklijavanje semena na većoj, naizmeniĉnoj temperaturi 20300C, u toku drugog ispitivanja, smanjilo je broj neklijalog semena. TTZ testom je potvrđena vitalnost neklijalog semena.A great number of nongerminated sunflower seed of two lots were observed during regular testing in the Seed Testing Laboratory of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. Seeds were germinated twice under different temperature regimes. In the course of the first test, seeds were germinated between filter paper, cooling lasted 6 days, the first count was done on the fourth day, while total germination was determined on the 10th day. Seeds were germinated in the germination cabinet at 200oC with 8 h (light) to16 h (night) regime. In the course of the second test, the method applied was the same: sunflower seeds were germinated between filter paper, cooling lasted 6 days, the first count was done on the fourth day, while total germination was determined on the 10th day. Germination was performed in the germination cabinet at the alternating temperature of 20300oC, and the light regime of 8 h (light) to16 h (night). The TTZ -tetrazolium test was also performed. The analysis of obtained results showed that a great number of nongermination, but fresh and disease-free seeds were detected at the end of the first test. The corresponding percentage at the end of the second test was smaller. Seed germination at higher, alternating temperatures of 20300oC, in the course of the second test, reduced the number of nongerminated seeds. Seed viability was confirmed by the TTZ test