94 research outputs found

    Regional development and regional policy

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    Economic polarization is a process that is present at global, national and regional level. Economic activity is extremely spatially concentrated. Cities and developed regions use the agglomeration effect to attract labor and capital, thus achieving more favorable economic conditions than the agrarian region. Scientific research and European experiences over the past decades have contributed to the discrepancy among theorists about the causes and consequences of regional inequalities. Regional development is a complex process that involves a multidisciplinary approach. Without a detailed analysis of successful regional development cases, the implementation of their development systems directly to other regions can lead to the loss of time, capital, and human resources. Regional development is a process that needs to be adapted to specific conditions. Each region has its own identity and unique characteristics. Key factors of development include: natural and human resources, level of technological development, capital, knowledge, institutional and legislative framework, values, ethics and commitment. Regarding the pace and nature of regional development, institutional structures can play a key role. The prevailing opinion today is that regional development is closely linked to the use of endogenous capacities. The region can achieve long-term progress only if it uses its specific properties and endogenous / internal capacities. The challenge for each region is to use its endogenous resources that will make it competitive and attractive to the market. The progress of one region depends to a large extent on the circumstances and networking of different sectors at the local level. The modern concept of neo-endogenous development implies integral and sustainable development of the region, which includes the harmonization of economic, social and ecological goals. It combines the spatial, temporal and multisectoral dimension and emphasizes 'the reciprocal of local and external forces in the control of development processes.' Undeveloped, mainly rural regions are no longer just territories that provide food and are not identified exclusively with the agrarian environment. Regional or cohesion policy is an important mechanism for sustainable economic development. Regional policy aims to reduce underdevelopment. The main motive for countries to adopt regional policies is to help poor and backward regions, for whose development and recovery the state itself does not have enough strength. Regional development in a comprehensive way defines regional development priorities and ways of their realization

    The importance of regions in geographical research

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    The history of the 20th century was marked by the evolution of the concept of a region that has undergone various formulations, as well as rejections. Different authors define the region as a natural, human, historical, cultural, as well as economic reality. The notion of the region is multifaceted because the region makes a complex interconnection between different geographical, economic, cultural, political and other factors. In certain approaches, the region is viewed as a concrete fact, in other approaches, the region is only a theoretical fact, namely the creativity of the human spirit. Regions are often studied as a product of the interaction of individuals or social groups in different economic, political, and cultural contexts. Regionalization establishes the regions as administrative and political units within the national state. Consequently, regionalization implies decentralization, as it transfers the part of the authorities from the national to the regional level. The forms of the regional structure depend on the historical, geographical, political, and cultural specifics of the territory. From the aspect of the region, regionalization contributes to its affirmation and preservation of regional specifics, primarily cultural, but also of various interests - social, economic, political, etc. From the aspect of the state as a superior entity, regionalization contributes to the achievement of a balanced development of the region and more efficient connection of state authorities to the local one. These two aspects of regionalization should be compatible, but in practice this does not usually come about

    Struktura i pravci korišćenja zemljišta opštine Knić

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    Among developmental potentials of the municipality of Knic land is of primary significance. A survey of types and fertility land classes was presented in the paper. The structure of surfaces was analyzed according the way of utilization as well as changes that occurred due to construction of the river Gruza accumulation. Spatial differentiation of structural aims for the utilization of the whole land and agricultural one was carried out, which confirmed the physical-geographic and socio-economic heterogeneity of the area. It was pointed to numerous limiting factors of optimal exploitation of land fund (with a special review on shortening the properties). Appropriate measures and activities were also suggested.Među razvojnim potencijalima opštine Knić primarni značaj zauzima zemljište. U radu je dat pregled tipova i bonitetnih klasa zemljišta. Analizirana je struktura površina prema načinu korišćena i promene nastale usled izgradnje Gružanske akumulacije. Izvršena je prostorna diferencijacija strukturnih pravaca korišćenja ukupnog i poljoprivrednog zemljišta, koja je potvrdila fizičkogeografsku i društvenoekonomsku heterogenost prostora. Ukazano je na brojne ograničavajuće faktore optimalnog iskorišćavanja zemljišnog fonda (sa posebnim osvrtom na usitnjenost poseda) i predložene odgovarajuće mere i aktivnosti u tom pravcu

    Struktura i pravci korišćenja zemljišta opštine Knić

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    Among developmental potentials of the municipality of Knic land is of primary significance. A survey of types and fertility land classes was presented in the paper. The structure of surfaces was analyzed according the way of utilization as well as changes that occurred due to construction of the river Gruza accumulation. Spatial differentiation of structural aims for the utilization of the whole land and agricultural one was carried out, which confirmed the physical-geographic and socio-economic heterogeneity of the area. It was pointed to numerous limiting factors of optimal exploitation of land fund (with a special review on shortening the properties). Appropriate measures and activities were also suggested.Među razvojnim potencijalima opštine Knić primarni značaj zauzima zemljište. U radu je dat pregled tipova i bonitetnih klasa zemljišta. Analizirana je struktura površina prema načinu korišćena i promene nastale usled izgradnje Gružanske akumulacije. Izvršena je prostorna diferencijacija strukturnih pravaca korišćenja ukupnog i poljoprivrednog zemljišta, koja je potvrdila fizičkogeografsku i društvenoekonomsku heterogenost prostora. Ukazano je na brojne ograničavajuće faktore optimalnog iskorišćavanja zemljišnog fonda (sa posebnim osvrtom na usitnjenost poseda) i predložene odgovarajuće mere i aktivnosti u tom pravcu

    Šume kao faktor privrednog razvoja Raške regije

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    Forests represent the significant natural resource of the Raška region. The preservation of forests ecosystems, and space potential offer, a favourable basis for their many-functional usage. For the time being, the productive, i.e., economic function, is dominant. The forests on the territory of the Prijepolje Forest Organization present the main raw material basis. In the whole cut wood volume of Serbia (state forests), the above mentioned organization participates with 37,1%. Opposite to that fact, the economic effects that the region economy has from the forest utilization, are far less than the potentials. Forest resources are neither enough nor adequately used. That greatly complicates the development of wood industry, as well as the other activities whose prosperity is connected with forests. Making and realization of plans for protection, fending forests and utilization, constructing infrastructure, tending and preservation of wild life, rational exploitation of forest resources, are the trends of the future usage of the Raška region forest natural wealth.Šume Raške regije su najznačajniji prirodni i jedan od najvažnijih privrednih resursa ovog dela Srbije. Znatna šumovitost regije (40,3%) i očuvanost šumskih ekosistema nameće potrebu za polifunkcionalnim korišćenjem šuma. Šume na teritorijama šumskih uprava Nova Varoš, Priboj i Prijepolje su ekonomski najvrednije a prirast dendromase u njima premašuje ili je u visini proseka za Srbiju. Zaštita i unapređenje šuma u Raškoj regiji zadatak je ne samo šumarstva već i niza drugih delatnosti koje svoj razvoj neposredno ili posredno vezuju za ovaj prirodni resurs

    Šume kao faktor privrednog razvoja Raške regije

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    Forests represent the significant natural resource of the Raška region. The preservation of forests ecosystems, and space potential offer, a favourable basis for their many-functional usage. For the time being, the productive, i.e., economic function, is dominant. The forests on the territory of the Prijepolje Forest Organization present the main raw material basis. In the whole cut wood volume of Serbia (state forests), the above mentioned organization participates with 37,1%. Opposite to that fact, the economic effects that the region economy has from the forest utilization, are far less than the potentials. Forest resources are neither enough nor adequately used. That greatly complicates the development of wood industry, as well as the other activities whose prosperity is connected with forests. Making and realization of plans for protection, fending forests and utilization, constructing infrastructure, tending and preservation of wild life, rational exploitation of forest resources, are the trends of the future usage of the Raška region forest natural wealth.Šume Raške regije su najznačajniji prirodni i jedan od najvažnijih privrednih resursa ovog dela Srbije. Znatna šumovitost regije (40,3%) i očuvanost šumskih ekosistema nameće potrebu za polifunkcionalnim korišćenjem šuma. Šume na teritorijama šumskih uprava Nova Varoš, Priboj i Prijepolje su ekonomski najvrednije a prirast dendromase u njima premašuje ili je u visini proseka za Srbiju. Zaštita i unapređenje šuma u Raškoj regiji zadatak je ne samo šumarstva već i niza drugih delatnosti koje svoj razvoj neposredno ili posredno vezuju za ovaj prirodni resurs

    The influence of tourism development on the economic structure of the population of Belgrade

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    The paper analyzed the impact of tourism development on changes in the employed population in the service sectors by individual activities. The aim of this paper is to point out the relationship between changes in the number of tourists and changes in the number of employed population in service activities. The area of research is limited to the territory of the city of Belgrade. It cover an area of 3.223km2 . The basic methodological procedures used for research are mathematical - statistical methods: Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), testing the significance of the correlation coefficient (t test) and causal relationship (R). By applying the mentioned methods, a strong connection has been established between the growth of tourist traffic and the growth of the number of employed population in the service delivery activities on the territory of Belgrade

    Local government in Serbia: Between legislation and practice

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    The paper is based on an assumption that there are many limitations of accelerating the decentralization process and the implementation of sustainable development policy in Serbia at the local level. Although these limitations may vary between local governments (local communities) because of different degrees of social-economic development, a framework can be defined, which will be explained on the example of Serbia as a developing country. Lately, the role and the importance of the local community has been strengthening, which is particularly intensified by the rapid technical and technological development and the need for a quick adjustment to the changes resulting from it. In this regard, the development of local government units and the level of living standard of citizens increasingly depend on the modernization of local government legislation. The issue of property and resources management at the local level is essential for the process of decentralization, economic empowerment and the development of local government. The article is and a discussion aimed at the development capacity and the problems of local government units and their ability to initiate the process of democratization and economic prosperity of the country, given the numerous development limitations (economic, social and environmental), and the inherited patterns of behavior from the time of socialism

    Challenges of water management: Case study of Gruža reservoir

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    The paper analyses the legal and institutional framework of water management in Serbia. The aim is to identify existing obstacles that interfere with the development and implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The paper points out some of the most common challenges of integrated reservoir management in Serbia, such as gaps and ambiguities in the legislative framework, poor institutional coordination, underdeveloped environmental awareness and often conflicting stakeholder involvement. The case study is trying to address the current challenges of using and managing the water reservoir. The paper will provide answers to the following questions: What are the main problems related to the use and management of reservoirs, how to reconcile different sectors and users of the water resources, how to achieve the economic and environmental development goals?

    Razmeštaj i mogućnosti korišćenja termalnih i termomineralnih voda u Mačvi

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    According to its characteristics the deposit of thermal waters in Mačva is of world significance. The reservoir consists of the karstified Triassic limestone and dolomites where the water temperature of about 100ºC is expected. These phenomena were registered in Dubalj, Bogatić, Mačvanski Pričinović, Belotić, Metković and Klenj. There are real prerequisites for Mačva to become 'the hydro-geothermal region' with intensive exploitation of water. Present assessment shows that geothermal energy from thermal waters, exploited near Bogatic, could utilized in intensive agri and aqva cultural production of whole Macva, especially organic food according to restri word ecologic standards, as well as heating of Bogatic, Sabac, Loznica and Sremska Mitrovica. .Po svojim karakteristikama nalazište termalnih voda u Mačvi je svetskog značaja. Rezervoar čine karstifikovani trijaski krečnjaci i dolomiti u kojima se očekuje temperatura vode od oko 100ºC. Ove pojave registrovane su u Dublju, Bogatiću, Mačvanskom Pričinoviću, Belotiću, Metkoviću i Klenju. Postoje realni preduslovi da Mačva postane hidrogeotermalna regija sa intenzivnom eksploatacijom voda. Korišćenjem energije termomineralnih voda moguća je intenzivna agri i akva kulturna proizvodnja na teritoriji čitave Mačve, naročito organske hrane po svetskim ekološkim kriterijumima, kao i toplifikacija Bogatića, Šapca, Loznice i Sremske Mitrovice