7 research outputs found

    Nonlinear absorption of surface acoustic waves by composite fermions

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    Absorption of surface acoustic waves by a two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field is considered. The structure of such system at the filling factor ν\nu close to 1/2 can be understood as a gas of {\em composite fermions}. It is shown that the absorption at ν=1/2\nu =1/2 can be strongly nonlinear, while small deviation form 1/2 will restore the linear absorption. Study of nonlinear absorption allows one to determine the force acting upon the composite fermions from the acoustic wave at turning points of their trajectories.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Europhysics letter

    Binding properties of the (2+1)-fermion system with zero-range interspecies interaction

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    We study analytically and numerically the binding properties, in particular the ground state, of the so-called (2+1)-fermion system, which is a three-dimensional system of two identical fermions interacting with a third particle of different species through a zero-range interaction. We model the system with a specific self-adjoint point interaction Hamiltonian recently constructed in the mathematical literature. First we characterize the internal symmetry of the bound states in the attractive case. Then we show that the system confines in a precise regime of masses and that its ground-state energy stays finite as the mass becomes close to the critical point of the collapse of the system. \ua9 2013 American Physical Society