58 research outputs found

    Bats of Cat Tien national park: diversity, echolocation and taxonomic remarks

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    Cat Tien National Park is a hotspot in Vietnam for biodiversity research and conservation. The park, with its extensive areas of primary forest, wetland habitats and large mammal populations, is known worldwide for its outstanding landscapes and biodiversity. Prior to 2007, several bat surveys were carried out in the park. However, data on the park’s bats is still limited and the status of previous records of a number of species is unclear. Between 2008 and 2015, the author conducted a series of bat surveys in the park with emphases on taxonomy and echolocation. Bats were captured using mist nets and four-bank harp traps. Echolocation calls were recorded from inside a flight tent and in natural habitats. Results from the surveys and a literature review indicated that Cat Tien National Park is currently known to be home to 47 bat species belonging to 22 genera and 7 families. Of these, 19 species belonging to 10 genera and 5 families were recorded during field surveys between 2008 and 2015. This paper provides the most recent review of bat species from Cat Tien National Park. Remarks on taxonomy and echolocation frequencies of species complexes are also given in order to assist further research, training, education, management and conservation


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    Cu Lao Cham-Hoi An Biosphere Reserve, which is commly known as Cu Lao Cham, is a well-known locality in Vietnam. It has received attention from national and international scientists and public communities. However, biodiversity of the biosphere is still poorly studied. In order to provide a confirmed database of bats from Cu Lao Cham, the author conducted two bat surveys with emphases on taxonomy and echolocation between May and August 2015. The survey results indicate that Cu Lao Cham is a home to 7 species belonging to 4 genera, 4 families, 2 suborders: Cynopterus horsfieldii, Rhinolophus affinis, R. pusillus, Hipposideros galeritus, H. grandis, H. pomona và Pipistrellus abramus. Of which, H. grandis is the most common species throughout the reserve. The species was recorded during the whole surveys and at almost all forest habitats. There is not sufficient evidence to confirm the occurrence of the five bat species, which was listed in a previously published literature (Hipposideros armiger, H. bicolor, H. larvatus, Pipistrellus ceylonicus và P. javanucus) in Cu Lao Cham. This paper provides a confirmed data on diversity and conservation status of bats of the reserve.Khu Dự trữ Sinh quyển Cù Lao Chàm-Hội An là một trong những địa danh nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam; đã và đang nhận được sự quan tâm của các nhà khoa học và công chúng ở trong và ngoài nước. Tuy nhiên, dẫn liệu về đa dạng sinh học của khu dự trữ sinh quyển này còn rất hạn chế. Nhằm góp phần khắc phục sự thiếu hụt dẫn liệu về các loài sinh vật ở những hệ sinh thái trên cạn của khu dự trữ sinh quyển, tác giả đã khảo sát thực địa, nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình thái phân loại và tiếng kêu siêu âm của các loài dơi trong năm 2015. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã ghi nhận được 7 loài thuộc 4 giống, 4 họ, 2 phân bộ: Cynopterus horsfieldii, Rhinolophus affinis, R. pusillus, Hipposideros galeritus, H. grandis, H. pomona và Pipistrellus abramus. Trong đó, Dơi nếp mũi xám lớn (H. grandis) là loài phổ biến nhất, bắt gặp trong suốt các đợt điều tra thực địa ở các sinh cảnh rừng khác nhau. Những loài còn lại chỉ gặp ở một vài sinh cảnh. Cá biệt, Dơi muỗi lông đen (Pipistrellus abramus) chỉ được ghi nhận ở một địa điểm căn cứ vào đặc điểm tiếng kêu siêu âm đặc trưng của loài. Không có bằng chứng về sự tồn tại của 5 loài dơi đã ghi nhận trước đây ở khu vực nghiên cứu: Hipposideros armiger, H. bicolor, H. larvatus, Pipistrellus ceylonicus và P. javanucus

    Morphological and acoustic identification of Hipposiderids (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Xuan Son national park, Northeastern Vietnam

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    Xuan Son National Park is a well known locality in Vietnam for its karst landscape and biodiversity values. The park contains a large number of caves, which are homes to 20 bat species belonging to 13 genera, four families. Of which, four species, viz. Aselliscus stoliczkanus, Hipposideros armiger, H. larvatus and H. pomona, belong to the family Hipposideridae. Prior to 2010, almost all bat researchs at the park focused on taxonomy. Between 2011 and 2015, the author conducted a series of field surveys with emphases on both taxonomy and echolocation of hipposiderids. External measurements of every captured bat were taken for taxonomic assessments. Echolocation calls were recorded from natural habitats while bats flying and different situations inside a flight-tent. Results from the surveys indicated that, within Xuan Son National Park, each hipposiderid species is clearly distinguishable from the remainders of the family Hipposideridae in both morphology and echolocation frequency. This paper provides acoustic and morphological diagnoses of hipposiderids for practical monitoring, further studies and conservation of hipposiderids at the park in the future

    New records and morphological assessments of long-nosed fruit bats (chiroptera: pteropodidae: Macroglossus spp.) from Vietnam

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    Long-nosed fruit bat is a common name of the genus Macroglossus which comprises two species: Dagger-toothed long-nosed fruit bat (M. minimus) and Greater long-nosed fruit bat (M. sobrinus). These two species were rarely recorded from Vietnam or neighboring countries. Within Vietnam, M. minimus has been recorded only from two localities in southern Vietnam while M. sobrinus was known from all northern, central and southern regions of the country. Morphological features of these species in Vietnam were poorly documented in previous publications. With results from a rapid examination of all specimens and recently captured individuals, we here confirm that M. sobrinus is distinctively larger than M. minimus in all external and craniodental measurements. Two species are also distinguishable by their nostril shapes and mandible symphyses. This paper provides new distributional records of both M. sobrinus and M. minimus from Vietnam with remarks on their ecology and habitats.

    Morphometric variation in the pusillus group of the genus Rhinolophus (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in East Asia.

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    Based on 203 specimens belonging to the Rhinolophus "pusillus group" (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), univariate and multivariate morphometric analyses using 19 characters were performed to assess the confused species taxonomy. The results indicated that R. pusillus (including calidus, parcus, and szechuanus) in the continental region and Hainan Island of China and "R. cornutus" in Japan are morphologically divergent species. Rhinolophus cornutus should be further split into R. cornutus (including orii, pumilus, and miyakonis) in the main islands of Japan, the Amami and Okinawa Group of the central Ryukyu Archipelago, and Miyako Group of the southern Ryukyus; and R. perditus and R. imaizumii from the Yaeyama Group in the southern Ryukyus. Rhinolophus monoceros from Taiwan is morphologically more similar to species in Japan than to R. pusillus. In addition to R. pusillus, another form that is morphologically similar to species in Japan was recognized from Langzhong in Sichuan Province; this may represent an undescribed species, and further examination is necessary to determine its taxonomic status. Specimens from Guang'an in Sichuan Province, China, are also different from the others, and are characterized by the smallest skull size. Although further studies are required, these specimens were tentatively identified as R. subbadius

    New records of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Cu Lao Cham and Ly Son archipelagos, central Vietnam

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    Cu Lao Cham and Ly Son are two well-known archipelagos of Vietnam for their specular landscapes and varied ecosystems including forest, cave, and agriculture. However, their bat fauna has received little attention. Between July 2017 and August 2018, we conducted a series of mammal surveys with emphasis on bats of the two archipelagos. Bats were captured by mist nets and harp traps. Echolocation calls of microchiropteran species were recorded using the PCTape system then analysed by Selena software. With reference to all available literatures and specimens from the recent surveys, we obtained confirmed records of 9 bat species from Cu Lao Cham and 3 species from Ly Son. Of these, Megaderma spasma and Taphozous melanopogon are new to Cu Lao Cham while Rhinolophus macrotis is new to Ly Son. These three species were rarely recorded from other islands of Vietnam and also uncommon within Cu Lao Cham and Ly Son. These new records not only expand the known distributional range, but also provide worthwhile notes on a narrow geographical variation in morphology and echolocation of each species

    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in the South of Vietnam during 1975-1992 and Its Control Strategy

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    The incidence of dengue (DEN) virus infection in Vietnam has increased dramatically in the past 30 years. From 1960 up to now, the number of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases has been continuing to increase and recorded as the greatest one in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific Regions. DHF was endemic in South Vietnam and 30-380 cases/100,000 population were reported annually. Major epidemics have occurred in a 3-4 years frequency, as in 1975, 1978-1979, 1983 and 1987. The 1987 outbreak was the largest one with 83,905 cases and 904 deaths. DHF epidemics usually took place from June to November every year. The peak transmission was recorded in July-August and September, coinciding with the rainy season and the breeding period of Aedes aegypti. The majority of confirmed cases was children of 5-6 year-old-group, in which there was no sex difference. In the virological surveillance in Ho Chi Minh City and in some surrounding provinces, several DEN virus strains were isolated from patients\u27 blood as well as from the mosquitoes. In the 1987 DHF outbreak, DEN-2 was the dominant sero-type (90.5%). But from 1990 the epidemic sero-type has changed, DEN-1 was introduced and was continuing to grow-up (58%). Then in 1992 outbreak, the DEN-2 was reintroduced, from 26.3% in 1991 has increased to 41.4%. Serological investigation of healthy persons in 12/17 southern provinces had demonstrated that there were relatively wide circulations of DEN, Japanese encephalitis (JE) and chikungunya (Chik) viruses and the endemic strains of DEN were found different in some studied areas. There had been augmentation of primary infection rate and decrease of the susceptibility rate in children prior to the DHF epidemic. Seven JE virus strains were isolated from dengue fever (DF) patients\u27 blood. This fact has introduced as a new concept in the isolation of JE virus. In the final pant of the report, the authors stressed on the "Active surveillance" as a new strategy for controlling the DHF epidemic in South Vietnam. The goal of this active surveillance is to have early warning and predictive capability for epidemic dengue, based on serological and clinical surveillance. Because dengue cases were detected in January-February of every year, so the base line is: when first cases of DF/DHF were detected, it needs to be promptly implemented the larval control and insecticide must be sprayed around the patient\u27s houses. But now almost Provincial Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology often waited and when big DHF epidemic had already occurred, they started to implement its control measures, so it is too late to control the DHF outbreak

    Current Situation of Japanese Encephalitis in the South of Vietnam, 1976-1992

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    Cases of "Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES)" and deaths were reported annually in all 17 provinces in the South of Vietnam. The highest morbidity of 936 patients was recorded in 1980, while highest mortality of 339 deaths in 1977. The lowest figures of morbidity was 197 cases in 1990 and lowest mortality was 34 deaths in 1985. Sporadic cases were reported throughout the year but small outbreaks with low peaks were seen in February and July annually. Twenty five strains of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus were isolated during 1978-1992: 8 from patients\u27 blood, 5 from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 9 from Culex quinquefasciatus, 3 from Aedes aegypti. Serologically confirmed JE cases were not many, because most of the human sera sent to us for testing were used for differential diagnosis of pernicious malaria. The anti-JE antibody prevalence among healthy human in 11/17 provinces was found to be extremely high, especially in adults. The antibody positive rate among swine to JE was found to be high: 82% with GMT 65.2 in 189 sera taken at My Tho-Tien Giang province in March 1978 and 77.4% with GMT 49.7 in 261 sera taken in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City in September 1992. From the above data, the Southern part of Vietnam is an endemo-epidemic area of JE virus infection

    Multiple Recurrent Acute Ischemic Strokes Treated by Thrombectomy in a Patient with Acute Pulmonary Embolism

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    BACKGROUND: Thrombectomy is recommended to treat for an acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patient with anterior large vessel occlusion. However, there were neither detailed guidelines nor systematic reviews of acute ischemic stroke patients having multiple times or re-occluded arteries. CASE REPORT: In our case report, we struggled a multiple (4-times) AIS patient underwent by one intravenous r-tpA and 3 remaining of endovascular treatment of thrombectomy. Especially, the finding of both pulmonary embolism and cerebral arteries occlusion in this patient made us difficult to decide the appropriate treatment plan. The patient was considered having multiple cardiac thrombi pumping out to the brain and pulmonary vessels even in treatment with NOAC (New Oral Anticoagulant). Our priority, normally, was to recanalize the brain vessels compared to the pulmonary arteries. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, based on this noticed case study, we want to share our experiences on the diagnosis of ischemic stroke, the strategy in treatment and prevention with anticoagulant therapy