31 research outputs found

    Ecclesia Naronitana/Territory and boundaries

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    Narona, jedan od najznačajnijih antičkih gradova na istočnom Jadranu, postala je u kasnoj antici značajno biskupsko srediÅ”te. Jedini pisani spomen naronitanske biskupije nalazi se u aktima salonitanskih crkvenih sabora iz godina 530. i 533. U literaturi su zastupljene različite ocjene autentičnosti tih akata. Autor rada pristaje uz prevladavajuće miÅ”ljenje da su akta, premda su prepisivanjem dijelom izmijenjena, ipak autentična. U ovom radu pokuÅ”avaju se na temelju ranijih administrativnih podjela, podataka iz akata salonitanskih crkvenih sabora i zemljopisnih značajki prostora omeđiti granice naronitanske biskupije. Prema pretpostavci autora ona se protezala na teritorij agera kolonije Narone s otocima Mljetom, Lastovom i Korčulom. Uz taj prostor unutar granica biskupije nalazilo se i Makarsko primorje, teritorij municipija Nove, područje oko Mostara i teritorij municipija Diluntum. Godine 533. osnivanjem novih biskupija Muccur i Sarsenterum, područje koje je obuhvaćala naronitanska biskupija značajno se smanjilo.Narona is situated in the vicinity of the Neretva rivermouth. Under the Roman rule it developed into one of the most important centres in the wider area. In the late Roman period Narona became an episcopal see. The only mention of the bishopric of Narona is found in the Acts of the Salonitan Church Council from 530 and 533 A.D. The Acts have been preserved in the work of Historia Salonitana Maior. Although some authors strongly question it, the opinion of the authenticity of the Acts still prevails. Until today, the territory of the bishopric of Narona has not been determined. The first to write about it was N.Cambi, followed by P. Chevalier. This work attempts to determine the boundaries of the bishopric of Narona. As the only preserved source, the Acts of the Salonitan Council, does not o?er an answer to this question, the only remaining possibility is to analyse earlier administrative division. On the basis of data analysis found in available literature as well as on the review of some of the unresolved topographical questions we may presume the territory of the bishopric of Narona up to 533. Together with the ager of Narona, it is most probable that some of the neighbouring municipalities appertained to the bishopric as well. Starting from the northwest, the boundary on the Makarska littoral most probably coincided with the hypothetical boundary of the Naronitan jurisdictive conventus at the locality of Vrulje (Dupci). A territory of the Novae municipality was located east of the Makarska littoral. Due to the vicinity of the ager of Narona and due to good road connection with Narona, this municipality could also have appertained to the bishopric of Narona. Therefore, the north-eastern boundary could have been passing along the northern brim of Imotski field and the northern brim of PosuÅ”je field. The area of Mostar most probably appertained to the bishopric of Narona as well. The inscription from Tepčić and numerous remains of early Christian architectural sculpture of Naronitan workshops found in the vicinity of Mostar attribute to that hypothesis. The boundary would therefore have been located north of Å iroki Brijeg and Mostar, somewhat above Potok and HumiliÅ”ani. Due to historical and geographical relations, it is only natural to include the area of the Diluntum municipality into the bishopric of Narona. The boundary would thus go across the Velež mountain towards the northeastern rim of Dabar field and then turn southwest, following the boundary of the ager of Epidaur and the municipality of Diluntum and arriving at the sea somewhere between Slano and Zaton. Peninsula PeljeÅ”ac and islands of Mljet, Lastovo and Korčula also appertained to the bishopric of Narona. The presupposed territory coincides in most part with the territory of the bishopric of Narona suggested by N. Cambi. However, this hypothesis is on no account a final solution. Analysis of architecture and sculpture of the wider territory as well as more detailed recording of archaeological sites in the future is most certain to either complete it or change it

    Late Antiquity and medieval stone monuments from Petar Zoranić Square in Zadar

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    O ostatcima ranosrednjovjekovne crkve na Trgu Petra Zoranića, koja se povezuje sa, iz arhivske građe poznatom, crkvom sv. Petra od Vitla, pisano je u viÅ”e navrata. Ovom prilikom objedinjuju se dosada pronađeni objavljeni i neobjavljeni kasnoantički i ranosrednjovjekovni kameni spomenici pronađeni u crkvi i njezinoj blizini. Obrađeni ulomci uspoređuju se s poznatim istovrsnim spomenicima te se ukazuje na povezanost dijela kamenog namjeÅ”taja i arhitektonske dekoracije crkve sv. Petra od Vitla s namjeÅ”tajem koji je koncem 8. i početkom 9. stoljeća izrađivala ā€žRadionica pluteja zadarske katedraleā€œ. Ponovno se osvrće na problematiku datiranja sarkofaga reklauza Jurja i moguću povezanost ove crkve s građevinskim djelatnostima koje je u Zadru koncem 8. i početkom 9. stoljeća provodio biskup Donat.Several authors wrote about the remains of the early medieval church in Petar Zoranić Square, associated with the Church of St. Peter of the Windlass, known from the archives. This paper consolidates the published and unpublished Late Antiquity and early medieval stone monuments found in the church and its vicinity. The fragments discussed here are compared with wellknown identical monuments; the paper indicates that part of the stone furnishings and architectural decorations in the Church of St. Peter of the Windlass can be connected with the furnishings made by the Zadar Cathedral Chancel Panel Workshop in the late 8th and early 9th centuries. The paper also addresses the problem of dating of the sarcophagus of Georgius the Recluse and possible links between this church and the new structures built in Zadar by Bishop Donatus in the late 8th and early 9th centuries

    Limoges Crucifix from a grave in Krbava Cathedral

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    U radu se obrađuje raspelo pronađeno u Katedrali sv. Jakova u Udbini, položeno na prsima pokojnika u grobu 443. Na temelju 14C mjerenja i stratigrafske analize, ukop pokojnika u grob 443 datiran je u kraj 13. stoljeća. Raspelo je proizvedeno u Limogesu, u prvoj polovini 13. stoljeća. Sudeći prema veličini, do trenutka polaganja u grob moglo je biti koriÅ”teno kao oltarski križ. Grob 443 prethodio je vremenu izgradnje krbavske stolnice. Izvorno je bio dijelom starijega groblja formiranog oko manje crkve koja je bila poruÅ”ena kako bi se na njezinu položaju sagradila katedrala krbavskih biskupa. Možda je i samo raspelo bilo dijelom inventara te starije crkve.This paper analyses a crucifix found in St. Jacobā€™s Cathedral, in Udbina. It was placed on the chest of the deceased person in Grave 443. On the basis of 14C measurements and stratigraphic analysis, the burial has been dated to the late 13th century. The crucifix was made in Limoges in the first half of the 13th century. Judging by its size, before being placed in the grave it could have been used as an altar cross. Grave 443 dates from the period preceding the construction of Krbava Cathedral. Originally, it was part of an earlier cemetery formed around a smaller church that had been demolished so that the cathedral of the Krbava Bishops could be built in its place. Perhaps the crucifix itself belonged to the inventory of the earlier church

    Late Antiquity and medieval stone monuments from Petar Zoranić Square in Zadar

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    O ostatcima ranosrednjovjekovne crkve na Trgu Petra Zoranića, koja se povezuje sa, iz arhivske građe poznatom, crkvom sv. Petra od Vitla, pisano je u viÅ”e navrata. Ovom prilikom objedinjuju se dosada pronađeni objavljeni i neobjavljeni kasnoantički i ranosrednjovjekovni kameni spomenici pronađeni u crkvi i njezinoj blizini. Obrađeni ulomci uspoređuju se s poznatim istovrsnim spomenicima te se ukazuje na povezanost dijela kamenog namjeÅ”taja i arhitektonske dekoracije crkve sv. Petra od Vitla s namjeÅ”tajem koji je koncem 8. i početkom 9. stoljeća izrađivala ā€žRadionica pluteja zadarske katedraleā€œ. Ponovno se osvrće na problematiku datiranja sarkofaga reklauza Jurja i moguću povezanost ove crkve s građevinskim djelatnostima koje je u Zadru koncem 8. i početkom 9. stoljeća provodio biskup Donat.Several authors wrote about the remains of the early medieval church in Petar Zoranić Square, associated with the Church of St. Peter of the Windlass, known from the archives. This paper consolidates the published and unpublished Late Antiquity and early medieval stone monuments found in the church and its vicinity. The fragments discussed here are compared with wellknown identical monuments; the paper indicates that part of the stone furnishings and architectural decorations in the Church of St. Peter of the Windlass can be connected with the furnishings made by the Zadar Cathedral Chancel Panel Workshop in the late 8th and early 9th centuries. The paper also addresses the problem of dating of the sarcophagus of Georgius the Recluse and possible links between this church and the new structures built in Zadar by Bishop Donatus in the late 8th and early 9th centuries

    Numismatic findings from the Cathedral of St. Jacob, Krbava

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    U radu se donosi pregled novca pronađenog tijekom arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja krbavske stolnice provedenih između 2000. i 2019. godine. Dio novca potječe iz grobova, među kojima se posebno ističe skupni nalaz 25 srebrnih kovanica iz groba 123, terminus post quem formiranja je 1382. godina. Novac svjedoči o kontinuiranom koriÅ”tenju položaja od konca 13. do konca 15. stoljeća. Među nalazima iz tog vremenskog razdoblja najučestaliji nalaz predstavljaju novci Venecije. Najmlađa kovanica, nakon viÅ”e od tri stoljeća, koja nisu zastupljena numizmatičkim nalazima, svjedoči o formiranju groblja na ovom položaju u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća.The author of this paper brings an overview of the money found during the archeological researches of the cathedral in Krbava between 2000 and 2019. A part of the money comes from the graves, among which are especially distinguished 25 silver coins from the grave 123, terminus post quem of 1382. The coins provide an evidence of continuous usage of oneā€™s position from the end of the 13th until the end of the 15th century. Among the founded coins from that time, the most frequent foundings are those from Venice. The coin that is the newest one, after more than three centuries without any kind of numismatic foundings, brings an evidence of the graveyard built in this area in the first half of the 19th century

    Coin circulation in Zadar in the late Roman period

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    U radu se donosi katalog 223 kovanice koje se čuvaju u Antičkom odjelu ArheoloÅ”kog muzeja Zadar, za koje se na osnovu dokumentacije zna ili pretpostavlja da potječu s prostora antičkog Zadra. Na temelju dijela ovog novca, kojem se s većom sigurnosti moglo pretpostaviti podrijetlo te nalaza poznatih iz ranije literature, formiran je uzorak od 154 kovanice koji je poslužio za analizu intenziteta optjecaja novca u razdoblju između 294. i 455. godine u Zadru. Usporedba krivulje intenziteta dotoka novca iz Zadra s uzorkom koji pokriva prostor sjeverne Dalmacije pokazala je kako Zadar odstupa od obrasca tipičnog za sjevernu Dalmaciju. Najuočljivije razlike odnose se na maksimalne vrijednosti indeksa optjecaja, koje za zadarski uzorak pokazuju kovanice kovane u intervalima između 348. i 388., a kod uzorka sjeverne Dalmacije kovanice kovane u intervalima između 330. i 341. Nakon pomnije analize zaključuje se kako je indeks optjecaja novca kovanog do 378. kod oba uzorka srodno strukturiran, dok onaj kovan kasnije pokazuje znatna odstupanja. Upravo te godine vodila se poznata bitka kod Hadrijanopola.The article analyzes a catalogue of 223 coins kept in the Classical Department of the Archaeological Museum in Zadar, for which it is known or presumed that they came from the area of Roman Zadar (Iader). On the basis of a section of these coins, whose provenience could be assumed with greater certainty and finds known from earlier publications, a sample was formed of 154 coins that served for the analysis of the intensity of coin circulation in the period between 294 and 455 AD in Zadar. The comparison of the curves of the intensity of the influx of coinage in Zadar with the sample covering the area of northern Dalmatia showed that Zadar deviated from the typical situation in northern Dalmatia. The most apparent differences refer to the maximal values of the circulation index, which for the Zadar sample shows a pattern of coins minted at intervals in 348-388, while the samples from northern Dalmatia show a pattern of coins minted at intervals in 330-341. After more detailed analysis, it is concluded that the circulation index of coins minted to 378 in both samples was similarly structured, while those minted later exhibit a considerable deviation. This was the year when the famous battle of Hadrianopolis took place

    Mate Radović (1974 ā€“ 2018)

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    Limoges Crucifix from a grave in Krbava Cathedral

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    U radu se obrađuje raspelo pronađeno u Katedrali sv. Jakova u Udbini, položeno na prsima pokojnika u grobu 443. Na temelju 14C mjerenja i stratigrafske analize, ukop pokojnika u grob 443 datiran je u kraj 13. stoljeća. Raspelo je proizvedeno u Limogesu, u prvoj polovini 13. stoljeća. Sudeći prema veličini, do trenutka polaganja u grob moglo je biti koriÅ”teno kao oltarski križ. Grob 443 prethodio je vremenu izgradnje krbavske stolnice. Izvorno je bio dijelom starijega groblja formiranog oko manje crkve koja je bila poruÅ”ena kako bi se na njezinu položaju sagradila katedrala krbavskih biskupa. Možda je i samo raspelo bilo dijelom inventara te starije crkve.This paper analyses a crucifix found in St. Jacobā€™s Cathedral, in Udbina. It was placed on the chest of the deceased person in Grave 443. On the basis of 14C measurements and stratigraphic analysis, the burial has been dated to the late 13th century. The crucifix was made in Limoges in the first half of the 13th century. Judging by its size, before being placed in the grave it could have been used as an altar cross. Grave 443 dates from the period preceding the construction of Krbava Cathedral. Originally, it was part of an earlier cemetery formed around a smaller church that had been demolished so that the cathedral of the Krbava Bishops could be built in its place. Perhaps the crucifix itself belonged to the inventory of the earlier church

    The Late Antiquity burials and the medieval cemetery at St. Simonā€™s Church in Zadar

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    Tijekom arheoloÅ”koga istraživanja na Poljani Å ime Budinića otkriveno je 14 grobova. Prema visinama ukopa i njihovim karakteristikama grobove je moguće podijeliti u dvije skupine. U prvu skupinu spadaju grobovi 8, 9 i 15, ukopani u dublje SJ. Vjerojatno predstavljaju sporadične ukope iz kasnoantičkoga vremena kada popuÅ”taju stroga pravila o ukapanju izvan gradskih bedema. Ostali grobovi ukopani u SJ koje su se formirale nad ostatcima antičke arhitekture čine drugu skupinu. Ovi su grobovi bili dijelom gradskoga groblja koje se u srednjemu vijeku formiralo s južne strane crkve sv. Stjepana, kasnije sv. Å ime. U vezu s ovim grobovima moguće je dovesti zid 10, koji je odvajao prostor groblja od glavne gradske ulice. Vrijeme egzistiranja groblja moguće je okvirno odrediti u razdoblje od 12 do 14. stoljeća.Fourteen graves were discovered during the archaeological excavations at Poljana Å ime Budnića public space. Based on the altitude of burials and their characteristics, the graves can be divided in two groups. Graves no. 8, 9 and 15, dug in deeper stratigraphic units, belong to the ļ¬rst group. These are probably sporadic burials from the Late Antiquity, when the rules insisting on burials only outside city walls became somewhat less strict. Other graves, dug in the stratigraphic units formed above the remains of the antique architecture, belong to the second group. They were part of the city cemetery created in the medieval period to the south of St. Stephenā€™s Church, later renamed St. Simonā€™s Church. The wall no. 10 that separated the cemetery area from the main street could be connected with the latter graves. Roughly, the cemetery existed in the period spanning the 12th and 14th centuries

    Numismatic findings from the Cathedral of St. Jacob, Krbava

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    U radu se donosi pregled novca pronađenog tijekom arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja krbavske stolnice provedenih između 2000. i 2019. godine. Dio novca potječe iz grobova, među kojima se posebno ističe skupni nalaz 25 srebrnih kovanica iz groba 123, terminus post quem formiranja je 1382. godina. Novac svjedoči o kontinuiranom koriÅ”tenju položaja od konca 13. do konca 15. stoljeća. Među nalazima iz tog vremenskog razdoblja najučestaliji nalaz predstavljaju novci Venecije. Najmlađa kovanica, nakon viÅ”e od tri stoljeća, koja nisu zastupljena numizmatičkim nalazima, svjedoči o formiranju groblja na ovom položaju u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća.The author of this paper brings an overview of the money found during the archeological researches of the cathedral in Krbava between 2000 and 2019. A part of the money comes from the graves, among which are especially distinguished 25 silver coins from the grave 123, terminus post quem of 1382. The coins provide an evidence of continuous usage of oneā€™s position from the end of the 13th until the end of the 15th century. Among the founded coins from that time, the most frequent foundings are those from Venice. The coin that is the newest one, after more than three centuries without any kind of numismatic foundings, brings an evidence of the graveyard built in this area in the first half of the 19th century