23 research outputs found

    Intelligent Information Systems for the representation and management of the city. Urban survey and design for resilience.

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    Recent emergencies have triggered a series of proposals, revisions and regulatory updates. In Italy, as part of the Italian Decreto Rilancio, a proposal to introduce a compulsory building file seems to have been accepted. If this proposal is followed up, we could soon see the collection of a series of data and information on the building stock of our cities. This contribution defines a proposal for the organisation of this systematic collection, suitably supported by advanced IT tools, to make possible the start of a renewed season of monitoring, management, planning and development of more resilient buildings and cities. The proposed idea is to channel the information and data on individual buildings into a single database that can provide a comprehensive, unambiguous and multi-scalar picture of the urban system

    BIM use in the construction process

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    THE HARBOUR FRONT VIEW. ARCHITECTURE AND COLOUR IN THE ANCIENT HARBOUR OF RÉTHIMNO. Réthimno, old city located in Crete Island, between XIII and XVII century under the dominion of Venice, had the rule of provincial capital. The city holds interesting remains: buildings, streets and monuments realized in this period and in the later one, characterized by the Turkish dominion. All around the ancient harbour some coloured low houses rose during the Venetian period and later were modified and enlarged during the Turkish period. In this paper we present the urban survey realized in their bachelor thesis by our students Chrysi Androulaki e Angeliki Sechremeli. Their work makes use of consolidated methodologies of urban survey applied in previous researches about marginal urban settings and Piedmont markets