8 research outputs found

    Classification of historical buildings façade’s details on the basis of order theory

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    On the basis of theoretical works devoted to the classical theory of architecture, classification of details of facades of historical buildings built on the basis of order theory is presented. The main classification features are the location of elements on the facade and the complexity of the form making. The proposed classification allows covering the variety of types of historical elements of facades in a short course, which is important in the training of architects-restorers, as well as architects using order details. The principles of the proposed classification can be used to study the details of buildings of any stylistic architectural period based on classical order architecture

    Historical merchant courts and their renovation

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    The study of the methods of renovation of living merchant courts and systematization of them will allow you to select the most optimal options for their modern use. The purpose of the work: studying the variety of methods of renovation of merchant courts, identifying their positive and negative sides. Methods: classification by volume-spatial and volume-planning characteristics, comparative analysis of the historical and modern state of the studied buildings. Results: various approaches to renovation of merchant courts were studied, domestic and foreign experience of adaptation was considered. Their historical and cultural value and the need to preserve them have been proved. The most interesting examples in various directions are given. The positive and negative sides of different approaches are considered. Conclusions are made about the possibilities of modern use of merchant courts. Optimal solutions for adaptation are proposed depending on the volume-planning structure of the building under consideration. Recommendations are given for the preferred functional content (priority is given to mixed functions)

    Street lighting St. Petersburg from 1703 to 1917

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    The article talks about the emergence of a street lighting system in the metropolis of St. Petersburg shortly after its founding before the 1917 revolution. The purpose of the study: a detailed analysis of all types of street lighting elements that appear in the structure of the rapidly growing St. Petersburg, including oil, gas, with an alcohol-containing mixture, kerosene lamps, lamps with arc lamps and incandescent lamps, street kerosene lamps. For each type, stylistic characteristics and technical differences are indicated, and the role of the lamp as an element of improvement is determined. In addition, architectural details and profiles that make up the luminaire volume are taken into account. Research methods: research of archival and library materials, historical maps, iconography. Results: the use of research materials can be both in the theory of architectural forms, and for the preservation and reconstruction of the historical environment of St. Petersburg, for the use of historical principles in new areas - analogues of historical lamps can be used as a standard in the improvement of open urban spaces, taking into account the existing scale, stylistic solutions, technological innovation

    Adaptation and reconstruction of the stations on the Finland railway road

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    The article deals with the main problems of reconstruction and adaptation to modern conditions of functioning of historical stations of the Finnish railway. The Finnish railway was the first railway created in the Northern direction in the Russian Empire. The article outlined historical information and the existing state of the preserved railway pavilions. The characteristic features of functioning and the reasons of destruction and degradation of buildings of railway stations are analyzed. Herein defined and proved necessity of reconstruction and adaptation of railway stations on the territory of Russia, consisting in a complex combination of different types of social functions. Design solutions include restoration, change of building function, reconstruction of structural and engineering structure of buildings, restoration of facades and historical interiors, development of improvement zones around railway stations

    First building engineers in architectural practice of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century

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    The emergence of the specialty of civil engineer in the first half of the 19th century had a significant impact on architectural practice in St. Petersburg. The differentiation of the professions of engineer and architect took place for the first time; both specialists began to participate in the design. The appearance of such engineers as Augustine Betancourt, Matvey Clark, Pierre-Dominique Bazin and Wilhelm von Tretter brought about changes in all areas of architecture and construction. New building structures and materials appeared, as well as methods for checking and calculating. Designing has become comprehensive, the activities of the Committee for Structures and Hydraulic Works led by Betancourt covered urban development, individual buildings and all types of utilities. The formation of engineering education took place, which brought up the next generation of Russian engineers.The article considers the most important aspects of the activities of Augustine Betancourt, who laid the foundations for engineering education in Russia; Matvey Clark, who created the first metal beams and trusses; Pierre Dominique Bazin, who continued the development of engineering education, as well as Wilhelm von Tretter, one of the founders of iron bridge construction in Russia

    Classical order theory in the modern architectural educational process

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    The paper discusses the development of the theory of the classical orders of architecture in Russia in the XVIII – XIX centuries. The special significance of the works of professors of the Institute of Civil Engineers in the development of classical theory and in the education of outstanding architects is revealed. The problems and the need for teaching order theory for modern students are analyzed. The structure of the presentation of the most important concepts and techniques of classical architecture is indicated. A clear structuring of information will allow architects and restorers to freely operate a system of order architectural forms in the design

    Transformation of the column order in the Baroque architecture in St. Petersburg of the XVIII century

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    The forms and proportions of the Baroque column order of the buildings in St. Petersburg of the XVIII century differ substantially from the Western European canonical designs. The independent order system was created in each historical period under the influence of European architectural concepts, local style preferences, and creative choice of architects, and is of undoubted interest to both historians of architecture and restorers of historic buildings. The authors made a comparative analysis of the construction and drawing of architectural orders of buildings in St. Petersburg with architectural orders of classical works of the Renaissance, architectural works of the XVII - XVIII century. The process of gradual formation and modification of the column order in the architecture of St. Petersburg in the first half of the XVIII century is expounded. The main features of the construction of architectural orders during the Peter’s, Ann’s, and Elizabethan Baroque periods are revealed

    Transformation of the column order in the Baroque architecture in St. Petersburg of the XVIII century

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    The forms and proportions of the Baroque column order of the buildings in St. Petersburg of the XVIII century differ substantially from the Western European canonical designs. The independent order system was created in each historical period under the influence of European architectural concepts, local style preferences, and creative choice of architects, and is of undoubted interest to both historians of architecture and restorers of historic buildings. The authors made a comparative analysis of the construction and drawing of architectural orders of buildings in St. Petersburg with architectural orders of classical works of the Renaissance, architectural works of the XVII - XVIII century. The process of gradual formation and modification of the column order in the architecture of St. Petersburg in the first half of the XVIII century is expounded. The main features of the construction of architectural orders during the Peter’s, Ann’s, and Elizabethan Baroque periods are revealed