20 research outputs found

    Time-resolved XUV Opacity Measurements of Warm-Dense Aluminium

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    The free-free opacity in plasmas is fundamental to our understanding of energy transport in stellar interiors and for inertial confinement fusion research. However, theoretical predictions in the challenging dense plasma regime are conflicting and there is a dearth of accurate experimental data to allow for direct model validation. Here we present time-resolved transmission measurements in solid-density Al heated by an XUV free-electron laser. We use a novel functional optimization approach to extract the temperature-dependent absorption coefficient directly from an oversampled pool of single-shot measurements, and find a pronounced enhancement of the opacity as the plasma is heated to temperatures of order the Fermi energy. Plasma heating and opacity-enhancement is observed on ultrafast time scales, within the duration of the femtosecond XUV pulse. We attribute further rises in the opacity on ps timescales to melt and the formation of warm-dense matter

    Damage accumulation in thin ruthenium films induced by repetitive exposure to femtosecond XUV pulses below the single shot ablation threshold

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    The process of damage accumulation in thin ruthenium films exposed to multiple femtosecond XUV free electron laser FEL pulses below the critical angle of reflectance at the Free electron LASer facility in Hamburg FLASH was experimentally analyzed. The multi shot damage threshold is found to be lower than single shot damage threshold. Detailed analysis of the damage morphology and its dependence on irradiation conditions justifies the assumption that cavitation induced by the FEL pulse is the prime mechanism responsible for multi shot damage in optical coating

    Characterization of megahertz X ray laser beams by multishot desorption imprints in PMMA

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    Proper diagnostics of intense free electron laser FEL X ray pulses is indisputably important for experimental data analysis as well as for the protection of beamline optical elements. New challenges for beam diagnostic methods are introduced by modern FEL facilities capable of delivering powerful pulses at megahertz MHz repetition rates. In this paper, we report the first characterization of a defocused MHz 13.5 nm beam generated by the free electron laser in Hamburg FLASH using the method of multi pulse desorption imprints in poly methyl methacrylate PMMA . The beam fluence profile is reconstructed in a novel and highly accurate way that takes into account the nonlinear response of material removal to total dose delivered by multiple pulses. The algorithm is applied to experimental data of single shot ablation imprints and multi shot desorption imprints at both low 10 Hz and high 1 MHz repetition rates. Reconstructed response functions show a great agreement with the theoretical desorption response function mode

    Mechanism of single shot damage of Ru thin films irradiated by femtosecond extreme UV free electron laser

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    Ruthenium is a perspective material to be used for XUV mirrors at free electron laser facilities. Yet, it is still poorly studied in the context of ultrafast laser matter interaction. In this work, we present single shot damage studies of thin Ru films irradiated by femtosecond XUV free electron laser pulses at FLASH. Ex situ analysis of the damaged spots, performed by different types of microscopy, shows that the weakest detected damage is surface roughening. For higher fluences we observe ablation of Ru. Combined simulations using Monte Carlo code XCASCADE 3D and the two temperature model reveal that the damage mechanism is photomechanical spallation, similar to the case of irradiating the target with optical lasers. The analogy with the optical damage studies enables us to explain the observed damage morphologie

    Experimental study of EUV mirror radiation damage resistance under long term free electron laser exposures below the single shot damage threshold

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    The durability of grazing and normal incidence optical coatings has been experimentally assessed under free electron laser irradiation at various numbers of pulses up to 16 million shots and various fluence levels below 10 of the single shot damage threshold. The experiment was performed at FLASH, the Free electron LASer in Hamburg, using 13.5 nm extreme UV EUV radiation with 100 fs pulse duration. Polycrystalline ruthenium and amorphous carbon 50 nm thin films on silicon substrates were tested at total external reflection angles of 20 and 10 grazing incidence, respectively. Mo Si periodical multilayer structures were tested in the Bragg reflection condition at 16 off normal angle of incidence. The exposed areas were analysed post mortem using differential contrast visible light microscopy, EUV reflectivity mapping and scanning X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The analysis revealed that Ru and Mo Si coatings exposed to the highest dose and fluence level show a few per cent drop in their EUV reflectivity, which is explained by EUV induced oxidation of the surfac

    Time-resolved XUV opacity measurements of warm-dense aluminium

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    The free-free opacity in plasmas is fundamental to our understanding of energy transport in stellar interiors and for inertial confinement fusion research. However, theoretical predictions in the challenging dense plasma regime are conflicting and there is a dearth of accurate experimental data to allow for direct model validation. Here we present time-resolved transmission measurements in solid-density Al heated by an XUV free-electron laser. We use a novel functional optimization approach to extract the temperature-dependent absorption coefficient directly from an oversampled pool of single-shot measurements, and find a pronounced enhancement of the opacity as the plasma is heated to temperatures of order of the Fermi energy. Plasma heating and opacity enhancement are observed on ultrafast timescales, within the duration of the femtosecond XUV pulse. We attribute further rises in the opacity on ps timescales to melt and the formation of warm dense matter

    Measurements of the K-shell opacity of a solid-density magnesium plasma heated by an X-ray free electron laser

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    We present measurements of the spectrally-resolved X-rays emitted from solid-density magnesium targets of varying sub-μm thicknesses isochorically heated by an X-ray laser. The data exhibit a largely thickness-independent source function, allowing the extraction of a measure of the opacity to K-shell X-rays within well-defined regimes of electron density and temperature, extremely close to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions. The deduced opacities at the peak of the K-α transitions of the ions are consistent with those predicted by detailed atomic-kinetics calculations

    Measurements of the K-shell opacity of a solid-density magnesium plasma heated by an X-ray free electron laser

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    We present measurements of the spectrally-resolved X-rays emitted from solid-density magnesium targets of varying sub-μm thicknesses isochorically heated by an X-ray laser. The data exhibit a largely thickness-independent source function, allowing the extraction of a measure of the opacity to K-shell X-rays within well-defined regimes of electron density and temperature, extremely close to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions. The deduced opacities at the peak of the K-α transitions of the ions are consistent with those predicted by detailed atomic-kinetics calculations

    Measurements of the K

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    We present measurements of the spectrally-resolved X-rays emitted from solid-density magnesium targets of varying sub-μm thicknesses isochorically heated by an X-ray laser. The data exhibit a largely thickness-independent source function, allowing the extraction of a measure of the opacity to K-shell X-rays within well-defined regimes of electron density and temperature, extremely close to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions. The deduced opacities at the peak of the K-α transitions of the ions are consistent with those predicted by detailed atomic-kinetics calculations