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    Congenital aniridia (AN) is a hereditary autosomal dominant developmental disorder of the eye. Heterozygous mutations in the PAX6 gene and chromosomal rearrangements involving the 11p13 locus lie behind the pathogenesis of the AN. The key role of the PAX6 gene in the regulation of embryogenesis and the pleiotropic effect of this transcription factor explain the damage of several tissues of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, brain structures, and the disturbance of morphogenesis and endocrine function of the pancreas observed in AN. Recently AN has been considered a syndromic pathology by several researchers. The review suggests classification and summarizes information on the clinical characteristics and genetic basis of various forms of AN. The problem of discrimination of clinical-genetic variants of the dysgenesis of the anterior segment of the eye and the differential diagnosis of PAX6-associated AN with WAGR syndrome, anterior dysgenesis, other rare monogenic and chromosomal syndromes is discussed, and the role of molecular diagnostics is emphasized.Врожденная аниридия (ВА) — наследственный аутосомно-доминантный порок развития глаз. В основе патогенеза ВА лежат гетерозиготные мутации в гене PAX6 и хромосомные перестройки, вовлекающие локус 11p13. Ключевая роль гена PAX6 в регуляции эмбриогенеза и плейотропность действия этого транскрипционного фактора объясняют возможность поражения сразу нескольких сред переднего отрезка глаз и глазного дна, структур головного мозга, а также нарушение морфогенеза и эндокринной функции поджелудочной железы, наблюдаемые при ВА. В последнее время ВА стала рассматриваться рядом исследователей как синдромальная патология. В обзоре собраны сведения о клинической характеристике, генетической основе различных форм ВА. Обсуждается проблема дискриминации клинико-генетических вариантов дисгенезии переднего отрезка глаза и дифференциальной диагностики PAX6-ассоциированной ВА с синдромом WAGR, дисгенезиями переднего отрезка глаз, другими редкими моногенными и хромосомными синдромами; подчеркивается роль молекулярной диагностики

    Road one hundred years long: history of neurology development in Saratov

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    The article presents information about the history of neurology in Saratov

    Molecular Targets of Manganese-Induced Neurotoxicity: A Five-Year Update

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    Understanding of the immediate mechanisms of Mn-induced neurotoxicity is rapidly evolving. We seek to provide a summary of recent findings in the field, with an emphasis to clarify existing gaps and future research directions. We provide, here, a brief review of pertinent discoveries related to Mn-induced neurotoxicity research from the last five years. Significant progress was achieved in understanding the role of Mn transporters, such as SLC39A14, SLC39A8, and SLC30A10, in the regulation of systemic and brain manganese handling. Genetic analysis identified multiple metabolic pathways that could be considered as Mn neurotoxicity targets, including oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress, apoptosis, neuroinflammation, cell signaling pathways, and interference with neurotransmitter metabolism, to name a few. Recent findings have also demonstrated the impact of Mn exposure on transcriptional regulation of these pathways. There is a significant role of autophagy as a protective mechanism against cytotoxic Mn neurotoxicity, yet also a role for Mn to induce autophagic flux itself and autophagic dysfunction under conditions of decreased Mn bioavailability. This ambivalent role may be at the crossroad of mitochondrial dysfunction, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and apoptosis. Yet very recent evidence suggests Mn can have toxic impacts below the no observed adverse effect of Mn-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. The impact of Mn exposure on supramolecular complexes SNARE and NLRP3 inflammasome greatly contributes to Mn-induced synaptic dysfunction and neuroinflammation, respectively. The aforementioned effects might be at least partially mediated by the impact of Mn on alpha-synuclein accumulation. In addition to Mn-induced synaptic dysfunction, impaired neurotransmission is shown to be mediated by the effects of Mn on neurotransmitter systems and their complex interplay. Although multiple novel mechanisms have been highlighted, additional studies are required to identify the critical targets of Mn-induced neurotoxicity