6 research outputs found


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    The problem of replacement of large bone defects resulting from segmental bone resections in patients with bone tumors is still actual in modern orthopedics. Segmental defects cause the main difficulty especially in cases of disturbance of normal biomechanics while the “gold standard” of reconstruction with bone autograft is not always possible. The reason is that the defect can be so extensive that would make it impossible to harvest necessary autobone stock. Therefore, allografts based on demineralized bone with optimal properties for osteoregeneration are used as an alternative for autograft. For certain composite materials it is possible to program the properties of future graft by changing its compound. Literature analysis revealed that the effectiveness of the allograft in combination with additional components is comparable to autograft effectiveness. Mesenchymal stem cells of both bone marrow and adipose tissue can be used as an additional component to improve osteoregeneration. It is noteworthy that the analyzed studies did not reveal the influence of stem cells on the tumor recurrence. Nevertheless, the authors support the need of further researches in this area to confirm gained results. Some authors still prefer traditional methods of bone traction despite obtaining own satisfactory results of defects reconstruction with allografts. Such opinion is based on proven effectiveness of the method, structural stability of construction during treatment period and ability to adjust the process of bone regeneration at any stage. The authors goal was to analyze publications over the recent 5 years with the results of experiments and clinical studies on the replacement of large bone defects after bone tumor resection with autoand allografts. Based on the literature analysis the authors propose a general algorithm for graft selection in replacement of large bone defects after segmental bone resections. Проблема замещения крупных костных дефектов, образующихся после сегментарных резекций костей по поводу новообразований, остается актуальной в современной ортопедии. Трудность представляет замещение сегментарных дефектов, особенно при нарушении нормальной биомеханики, так как замещение костного дефекта аутологичной костью не всегда возможно. Это обусловлено размером дефекта, который может быть настолько большим, что выполнение забора необходимого объема аутокости не представляется возможным. Поэтому в качестве альтернативы аутотрансплантату используют аллотрансплантаты на основе аллокости после различных видов обработки, сочетающие оптимальные свойства для остеорегенерации. Для ряда композиционных материалов возможно программирование свойств трансплантата путем изменения его состава. Анализ литературы показал, что эффективность аллотрансплантата в комбинации с дополнительными компонентами сопоставима по результативности с применением аутокости. В качестве дополнительного компонента материала для стимуляции остеорегенерации могут быть использованы мезенхимальные стволовые клетки как костного мозга, так и жировой ткани. Несмотря на получение удовлетворительных результатов лечения дефектов кости с реконструкцией аллотрансплантатом, некоторые авторы все же отдают предпочтение традиционной методике аппаратного вытяжения. Это связано с ее доказанной эффективностью, стабильностью конструкции и регулируемостью процесса регенерации кости на любом этапе.На основании данных литературы авторами предложен алгоритм выбора трансплантата при замещении обширных дефектов после сегментарной резекции кости, который создает основу для дифференцированного подхода к лечени

    Hypoxic damage and neovascularization of endometrium in endometrial hyperplasia

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    E.A.&nbsp;Kazachkova, E.L.&nbsp;Kazachkov, A.V.&nbsp;Zatvornitskaya, E.E.&nbsp;Voropaeva South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation Aim: to assess the effects of hypoxic damage and neovascularization of endometrium in women with endometrial hyperplasia by analyzing endometrial expression of HIF-1α and CD34. Patients and Methods: 100 women were enrolled in the study. Group I included 30 women with endometrial hyperplasia (without atypia) and chronic endometritis. Group II included 30 women with endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. Group III included 20 women with chronic endometritis. Group IV (controls) included 20 healthy women. Endometrial specimens were collected on days 18–22 of the cycle with manual vacuum aspirator with the help of hysteroscopy guidance (groups I and II) or by pipelle biopsy (groups III and IV). Complex morphological study of endometrium was performed. The percentage of cell nuclei with immunopositive staining (at least in 1,000 cells per 10 view-fields) was calculated. To make HIF-1α and CD34 expression analysis more objective, computer-assisted morphometric image analyzer “Videotest-Morphology” v. 5.2 was applied. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to evaluate quantitative parameters. χ2 test with Yates’ continuity correction was used to compare qualitative parameters. Results: significant upregulation of HIF-1α and CD34 expression in the endometrium was demonstrated for endometrial hyperplasia and chronic endometritis as compared with isolated endometrial hyperplasia or chronic endometritis. Conclusion: significant upregulation of HIF-1α expression in endometrial hyperplasia and chronic endometritis demonstrates more severe hypoxic damage of the endometrium as compared with isolated endometrial hyperplasia or chronic endometritis. Significant upregulation of CD34 expression in endometrial hyperplasia and chronic endometritis demonstrates more severe endometrial neovascularization. Keywords: uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, chronic endometritis, hypoxic damage, HIF-1α. For citation: Kazachkova E.A., Kazachkov E.L., Zatvornitskaya A.V., Voropaeva E.E. Hypoxic damage and neovascularization of endometrium in endometrial hyperplasia. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2019;2(3):232–235. <br

    Antimicrobial Activity of Nitrofural in Various Dosage Forms

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    The antimicrobial activities of nitrofural preparations were compared using diffusion in agar. Growth inhibition zones of microorganisms due to gels and solutions containing solid dispersions of nitrofural with active ingredient concentrations of 0.02 and 0.04% and furacilin ointment (0.2%) were determined. The test strains were Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermis, and Escherichia coli. The experimental results led to the conclusion that preparations containing nitrofural solid dispersion had greater antimicrobial activity than those available on the pharmaceutical market. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Антимикробная активность нитрофурала в различных лекарственных формах

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    Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of nitrofural based preparations by agar-well diffusion method was carried out. Diameters of the growth inhibition zones caused by nitrofural gels and solutions of solid nitrofural dispersion with 0.02 and 0.04% concentrations, as well as ointment with the active substance content 0.2% were measured. Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Escherichia coli were used as the test strains. On the basis of obtained experimental data, it has been concluded that the antimicrobial activity of drugs containing solid dispersion of nitrofural is significantly higher than the activity of drugs commercially available on the market at present.Проведена сравнительная оценка антимикробной активности препаратов нитрофурала методом диффузии в агар. Определены зоны задержки роста микроорганизмов под действием гелей и растворов, содержащих твердую дисперсию нитрофурала с концентрацией действующего вещества 0,02 и 0,04 %, а также фурацилиновой мази 0,2 %. В качестве тест-штаммов использовали: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis и Escherichia coli. На основании полученных экспериментальных данных сделан вывод о более высокой антимикробной активности препаратов, содержащих твердую дисперсию нитрофурала, по сравнению с препаратами, представленными на фармацевтическом рынке

    3 Electrode potentials of zero charge

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    Table 3.1. Electrode potentials of zero charge of metal electrodes in contact with electrolyte solutions

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