36 research outputs found

    Improving knowledge management is an urgent direction for the effective functioning and development of modern agriculture

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    Modern Russian agriculture functions in the context of new guidelines associated with the introduction of innovative scientific achievements into production based on the knowledge of world agricultural science and an interdisciplinary approach to scientific research in the agricultural sector. As noted by J. Harrigton and F. Vole in the book “Excellence in Knowledge Management” [1] – «knowledge is information transformed into the ability to act effectively». «Knowledge is a mixture of experience, practices, traditions, values, conceptual information, expert judgment and healthy intuition, providing a comprehensive platform for evaluating and implementing new experiences and information in an organization». Knowledge management consists in obtaining (extracting) knowledge and systematizing it by collecting, storing, searching and registering intellectual assets (copyright, patent, licenses, etc.). It is important to disseminate (transfer) the acquired new knowledge both within the corporation and in the external sphere, as well as in the education system in order to create an interactive learning environment

    Performance management of agricultural entrepreneurship

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    In the field of economics, the concept of “efficiency is traditionally interpreted as the ratio of the volume of products produced and the costs incurred for obtaining these products. This definition of efficiency is similar to the concept of profitability of production, although in practice in agriculture the concept of “efficiency” is a more complex category, since it requires the integration of many factors in order to obtain positive results in production. Agrarian entrepreneurs must effectively and efficiently use land resources as the main means of production. In the same row there are biological resources - agricultural plants, farm animals, poultry and other biological objects. In modern conditions, agricultural entrepreneurship cannot be carried out without new technology, equipment and other means of mechanization and intellectualization of agricultural activities. To obtain the results of effective management, scientific and technological support of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector will be required. As can be seen from the above factors, the concept of “efficiency” in the agrarian economy includes in its definition a set of relations, the implementation of which is necessary for the functioning of production in market conditions

    Artificial intelligence in agriculture as a basis for increasing the competitiveness of Russian enterprises

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    Digital technologies ensure the competitiveness of agriculture and have the ability to attract investment. They are needed to increase milk yield and improve the quality of dairy products. "Smart Farm" is a fully robotic facility that analyzes the feasibility of production. For example, this analysis indicates the economic feasibility of breeding certain breeds of farm animals. Now milking robots are used all over the world. If the average milk productivity of cows is 5,000 liters per year, then due to the introduction of modern technologies, the result can be up to 12,000 liters per year. Another plus is the fact that the production process can take place without the presence of an operator. A smart farm is a fully automated process. Such a farm can independently calculate the economic profitability of its production, where the necessary digital technologies are used. Based on the analysis, a decision is made to optimize the production process

    Strategic guidelines for ensuring food security in the Sverdlovsk region

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    Ensuring the food security of the Russian Federation includes a set of areas in the implementation of which the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are involved, taking into account economic opportunities, natural and climatic conditions of the regions and other circumstances that are important for obtaining positive results in the field of ensuring food security. In connection with the foregoing, the topic of this scientific article is relevant both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The scientific novelty of the study is associated with an in-depth economic analysis of food security in the Sverdlovsk region, taking into account the regulation of regional legislation. The purpose of the study is to identify the interaction of economics and law in the field of ensuring food security of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the context of indicators of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the norms of the regional law "On Ensuring Food Security of the Sverdlovsk Region" on the development of agriculture and agro-industrial production in the Sverdlovsk Region in terms of ensuring food security of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The theoretical significance of the work is due to the fact that the obtained results and conclusions develop and supplement a number of sections of the agrarian economy in terms of assessing the impact of agriculture on ensuring food security. The practical significance of this study is characterized by the possibility of using the material by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the subjects of agricultural activity and in the educational process at an agricultural university

    Employment in rural areas

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    Currently, labor relations in modern Russia are regulated on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal acts adopted at the federal level and in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Legal acts containing employment and labour statutes were also adopted by local self-government bodies until 2006. The rural area is a place of labor and economic activity mainly for residents of rural settlements. The spheres of labor relations are usually agriculture and forestry, and in some regions, subsurface resources management and other types of economic activity. The main legal document regulating the complex of relations, including labor relations, in agriculture is the Federal Law “On the Agriculture Development” and legal acts of agrarian legislation adopted at the level of federal authorities and in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Labor activity in the field of forest management is regulated by the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of forest legislation. Labor relations in other spheres of economic activity in rural areas are regulated by relevant legal acts at the federal level and at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition to production organizations in rural areas, there are non-profit entities in which rural residents work. A significant number of the rural population is employed in private subsidiary farmings

    Personal subsidiary plots as agricultural producers in the modern regional agrarian economy

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    Federal Law 264-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On the Development of Agriculture” in article three defines the concept of “agricultural commodity producer”, which recognizes an organization, an individual entrepreneur engaged in the production of agricultural products, their primary and subsequent (industrial) processing (in including on leased fixed assets) in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the sale of these products, provided that the share of the total income of agricultural producers from the sale of these products is at least seventy percent during the calendar year. The following are also recognized as agricultural producers: citizens running personal subsidiary plots, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 112-FZ “On personal subsidiary plots”

    The role of human capital in the digitalization of the country’s agriculture

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    Many agricultural enterprises in our country are working in crisis conditions. Therefore, the formation of human capital in modern conditions is a continuation of the strategic goals of the enterprise, where each enterprise has its own goals, performance and development prospects. Currently, distance education is considered on the same equal basis as full- time education in higher education institutions. Intellectual and innovative activities become the main ones in training. That is why human capital is the main factor in the development of the enterprise. Currently, each company considers the tasks of personnel specialization. Each company is responsible for training and retraining its employees. The company is also responsible for reviewing issues related to the training or retraining of individual employees. Digitalization creates such opportunities – to learn remotely without interrupting production processes in their activities. Recently, online training has become popular, and the number of people on such courses continues to grow