136 research outputs found

    Participatory Scenario Generation: Communicating Usability Issues in Product Design through User Involvement in Scenario Generation\ud

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    Scenarios have proven to be a valuable tool in evaluating and communicating usability issues in consumer product design. Scenarios are explicit descriptions of hypothetical use situations. Realistic scenarios can serve as a valuable frame of reference to evaluate design solutions with regard to usability. To be able to achieve this required level of realism, involving users in scenario generation is essential. In this presentation we discuss how and where users can be involved in a scenario based product design process by means of examples of design projects that were executed by master students Industrial Design Engineering of the University of Twente. \ud \ud We distinguish direct and indirect scenario generation. In direct scenario generation the user is actively involved in a participatory scenario generation session: the scenarios are created together with users. Indirect scenario generation is an approach in which scenarios are created by designers based on common analysis techniques like observations and interviews. These scenarios are then offered to users for confirmation. Both types of user involvement in scenario generation can be aimed at either current use scenarios which describe the current situation or future use scenarios which include a new product design. \ud \ud The examples show that all strategies can be applied successfully to create realistic scenarios. Which strategy to choose depends among others upon risks and privacy issues, occurrence of infrequent events and availability of users. Furthermore, the variety of approaches shows that there is still a lot to explore with regard to benefits and limitations of the many techniques that can be applied in generating scenarios for consumer product design. We hope to contribute to this field by means of the research in our group and the work of students in the SBPD course\u

    Designing for Dynamic Usability: Development of a Design Method that Supports Designing Products for Dynamic Use situations

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    Ease of use or usability is gaining ground as a selling argument. However, designing usable consumer products still remains a complicated activity, particularly when products will be used in changing circumstances. The usability of a product is defined by ISO 9241 as the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. From this definition can be concluded that a product’s usability depends on the situation in which it is used and that this situation should be specified. However, more and more products are used by varying users, for varying purposes and/ or in varying contexts of use, for instance a vending machine or a mobile phone. These types of products therefore have a varying or dynamic usability. This variation can take place on different levels: within a use session, between use sessions or between products. The means by which a product can be adjusted to this variation or ‘dynamic use situation’ depends on the variation level. Products with dynamic use situations are difficult to design with regard to usability because it is difficult - if not impossible - to predict all situations a product will meet. Moreover, requirements from different use situations can conflict. In this paper we will elaborate on the principle of dynamic use situations by means of an example. Furthermore we will discuss the need for the development of a design method that supports designers in dealing with dynamic use situations. For that purpose we propose criteria the method should meet. Besides aiming at creating solutions these criteria include the analysis and prioritizing of use situation aspects as well as an evaluation in which these aspects are integrated. We believe scenarios can be a valuable tool in this proces

    Reducing fuel consumption by using a new fuel-efficiency support tool

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    A fuel-efficiency support tool has been designed, which includes a normative model describing optimal driver behaviour for minimising fuel consumption. If actual behaviour deviates from optimal behaviour, the system presents advice on how to change behaviour. Evaluation revealed that drivers used ~16% less fuel compared with `normal driving

    An assisted driver model. Towards developing driver assistance systems by allocating support dependent on driving situations

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    Partially automated driving is expected to increase traffic efficiency. How-ever, automation causes human factors concerns. One concern is the reduced operability during transitions between automation level, e.g. when failures occur. These concerns ask for a more justifiable implementation of automation for automobile appliances. As a first step towards applicable solutions for driver support, we developed the assisted driver model. The attempt with this model was to answer: what driving situations are in need for what kind of support? The influence of different levels of automation on task performance, were used to define 7 recommended support types relevant for driver assistance. For the allocation of recommended support types to distinguished driving situations we then considered the prerequisites to provide good operability in terms of the avoidance of errors and familiarity with driving circumstances. An assessment of adaptive cruise con-trol showed the model‟s potential to help developing advanced driver assistance systems whilst anticipating concerns associated with the appliance of partial automation

    User-centred system design approach applied on a robotic flexible endoscope

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    AbstractComplex systems, like surgical robots, are designed by engineers. It is very difficult for them to determine the different needs and desires of all stakeholders. Especially when designed from scratch, end user input is essential in creating a system that has added value, is user friendly, and can be easily integrated into practice. For the development of a robotic flexible endoscope we have involved physicians, nurses, and equipment suppliers in our design approach. Seven steps are executed to convert user preferences and capabilities into concepts:•Determine focus area of development.•Create the current workflow of system application to understand (the context of) use.•Determine problem definition and design goal.•Create the future workflow, in which current problems are eliminated and major system wishes are fulfilled.•Translate the future workflow into a functional overview that contains system functions.•Select and configure the appropriate construction elements into physical overviews, being preliminary concepts.•Decompose physical overview into manageable modules.These views are evaluated by the major stakeholders and together form a system architecture. The system architecture helped us in defining the robotic modules required to fulfill all stakeholders‟ needs and desires. Demonstrators were built to evaluate critical concepts in clinical relevant experiments
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