8 research outputs found

    Het RandstadRail-project: Lightrail, Zware opgave. Onafhankelijk onderzoek Randstadrail Haagse deel

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    Onderzoeksopdracht en onderzoekvragen: Doel van het onderzoek was het tot stand brengen van een rapport, op basis waarvan de verantwoordelijk bestuurder verantwoording kan afleggen aan het Algemeen Bestuur van Haaglanden en lessen getrokken kunnen worden voor de aanpak van toekomstige grote infrastructuurprojecten. De volgende vragen stonden in het onderzoek centraal: - Wat was de feitelijke gang van zaken rond de gebeurtenissen en incidenten die zich bij de bouw en indienstneming van RandstadRail voordeden? - Welke rol speelde de organisatie en aansturing van het project op strategisch en bestuurlijke niveau daarbij in de periode vanaf 2001? - In hoeverre voldeden deze aan de eisen die daar, gegeven (toentertijd) geldende normen betreffende adequaat bestuur en management, aan gesteld dienen te worden? - Welke lessen kunnen hieruit geleerd worden ten aanzie

    Rationality and politics of algorithms. Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making?

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    Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the public administration debate. In this paper, we apply this view, and a more political one, to the context of big data and offer a qualitative study. We question the impact of big data on decision-making, realizing that big data – including its new methods and functions – must inevitably encounter existing political and managerial institutions. By studying two illustrative cases of big data use processes, we explore how these two worlds meet. Specifically, we look at the interaction between data analysts and decision makers. In this we distinguish between a rational view and a political view, and between an information logic and a decision logic. We find that big data provides ample opportunities for both analysts and decision makers to do a better job, but this doesn't necessarily imply better decision-making, because big data also provides opportunities for actors to pursue their own interests. Big data enables both data analysts and decision makers to act as autonomous agents rather than as links in a functional chain. Therefore, big data's impact cannot be interpreted only in terms of its functional promise; it must also be acknowledged as a phenomenon set to impact our policymaking institutions, including their legitimacy

    Verticale politiek in horizontale netwerken

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    1 Inleiding 1.1 Horizontaal bestuur en verticale instituties In de bestuurskundige literatuur én de beleidspraktijk zijn termen als ‘beleidsnetwerken’ en ‘governance’ in zwang (Pierre 2000; Kickert et al. 1997; Van Kersbergen en Van Waarden 2004). Zij weerspiegelen het inzicht dat overheidsbeleid tot stand komt en wordt uitgevoerd in een horizontale omgeving: een complex krachtenveld tussen wederzijds afhankelijke, maar relatief autonome publieke, private en maatschappelijke partijen. De horizontalisering van het bestuur is het resultaat van stra

    Rationality and politics of algorithms. Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making?

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    Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the public administration debate. In this paper, we apply this view, and a more political one, to the context of big data and offer a qualitative study. We question the impact of big data on decision-making, realizing that big data – including its new methods and functions – must inevitably encounter existing political and managerial institutions. By studying two illustrative cases of big data use processes, we explore how these two worlds meet. Specifically, we look at the interaction between data analysts and decision makers. In this we distinguish between a rational view and a political view, and between an information logic and a decision logic. We find that big data provides ample opportunities for both analysts and decision makers to do a better job, but this doesn't necessarily imply better decision-making, because big data also provides opportunities for actors to pursue their own interests. Big data enables both data analysts and decision makers to act as autonomous agents rather than as links in a functional chain. Therefore, big data's impact cannot be interpreted only in terms of its functional promise; it must also be acknowledged as a phenomenon set to impact our policymaking institutions, including their legitimacy