88 research outputs found

    Planes und Annotationes Über einige aparte Mouvements beym Exercice ines Battaillons zu Fuße: Schlaglichter auf die militärhistorischen Bestände der Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau

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    Die Ratsschulbliothek Zwickau ist die bedeutendste bibliothekarische Sammelstätte Westsachsens. Unter ihren etwa 170.000 bibliographischen Einheiten befinden sich nicht nur mittelalterliche Handschriften, Inkunabeln, alte Musikalien und umfangreiche Briefsammlungen. Sie beherbergt auch einige militärhistorische Schriften von herausragender Attraktivität. Diese entstammen unter anderem den wertvollen Beständen aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Die militärhistorisch interessanten Einheiten bilden jedoch keinen geschlossenen Bestand und harren weitgehend noch ihrer Entdeckung und inhaltlichen Auswertung. Im Kanon der modernen Militärhistoriographie gewinnen Betrachtungen des Soldaten im Kriege sowie zu Strategie und Taktik wieder an Boden gegenüber den seit Jahren dominierenden sozial- und kulturgeschichtlichen Zugängen. Daher soll an dieser Stelle exemplarisch auf zwei anonyme Handschriften der Ratsschulbibliothek verwiesen werden, welche insbesondere für Untersuchungen zur militärischen Unterweisung im „Geometrischen Zeitalter der Kriegführung“ von hervorragender Bedeutung sind

    What predicts the alleviation of Covid-related future anxiety in schoolchildren 6 to 9 months into the pandemic?

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    IntroductionAlthough the first COVID-19-related lockdown in the Spring of 2020 has contributed to an increase in mental health problems in many children worldwide, less is known about the longer-term effects of the pandemic on their (future) anxiety. This article examines resilience factors against children’s Covid-relatedfut ure anxiety (CRFA).MethodsN = 140 children (48,6% female) in 3rd and 4th grade classrooms in Northern Germany were asked to self-report about their CRFA, their anxiety, and the social climate in their classrooms in September (T1) and December 2020 (T2).ResultsResults indicate that 18.6% of the children experienced CRFA “often” in at least one item of the CRFA scale at T1. CRFA was more pronounced in girls and in children from immigrant families. Changes in children’s CRFA between T1 and T2 were predicted by changes in their anxiety and changes in classroom climate. Children in classrooms with increasing levels of peer support tended to have decreasing levels of CRFA, whereas their agemates’ CRFA in less supportive classrooms tended to increase over time.DiscussionThese results suggest that peer and teacher social support may bolster children’s resilience against future anxiety in challenging times. Implications for teachers and schools are discussed

    The relation between anger coping strategies, anger mood and somatic complaints in children and adolescents

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    Attempts to explain the experience of somatic complaints among children and adolescents suggest that they may in part result from the influence of particular strategies for coping with anger on the longevity of negative emotions. To explore these relationships British (n = 393) and Dutch (n = 299) children completed a modified version of the Behavioral Anger Response Questionnaire (BARQ), and two additional questionnaires assessing anger mood and somatic complaints. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that for both the UK and Dutch samples two coping styles, Social support-seeking and Rumination, made a significant contribution to somatic complaints, over and above the variance explained by anger mood. A tendency to repeatedly think or talk about an angering event as a way of coping seems to underlie the observed negative health effects. In addition, tentative support is given for a broader range of strategies to cope with anger than just the traditionally studied anger-out and anger-in styles. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC


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