100 research outputs found
General subject didactics. Comparative insights into subject didactics as academic disciplines. Allgemeine Fachdidaktik, Volume 4
The book deals with a new scientific approach developed under the title of âGeneral Subject Didacticsâ. This concept is based on the existence of several academic disciplines called subject(-matter) didactics or disciplinary didactics (as in many parts of Europe) or subject pedagogies (as in Japan, for example), which have content-based teaching and learning in school and beyond as their object of study. General Subject Didactics can be defined as the theory of subject didactics. It observes and reflects on how the individual subject didactics explore subject-specific teaching and learning, both by top-down reflections and by bottom-up comparisons. The empirical basis derives from a comprehensive study in Germany where 17 subject didactics were compared on the basis of six impulses, e. g. reference sciences of subject didactics, sources and selection of subject content or research formats applied. This allows to gain insights into the commonalities of all related disciplines and to identify differences among them. Both are commented upon by four international experts, three from Europe and one from Israel. (DIPF/Orig.
La lingua e le altre modalità di comunicazione svolgono un ruolo essenziale nell'apprendimento delle discipline scolastiche oltre che in quello della lingua in quanto materia di studio. Nello studio delle diverse discipline curricolari gli apprendenti sono chiamati a mettere in atto una serie di competenze che sono parte integrante dell'apprendimento. È necessario dunque che queste competenze siano loro insegnate nella stessa misura in cui viene loro richiesto di metterle in atto negli apprendimenti disciplinari, se si vuole che essi apprendano con successo. Le competenze comunicative che si acquisiscono attraverso l'esperienza quotidiana non sono sufficienti e la lingua "accademica" propria delle diverse discipline deve essere insegnata e appresa in modo consapevole. Altre competenze semiotiche sono ugualmente necessarie, come ad esempio la capacità di comprendere e usare grafici, tabelle, rappresentazioni di dati statistici, ecc. poiché questi altri modi di comunicare e di rappresentare i contenuti disciplinari sono usati nell'insegnamento di una specifica materia. Un aiuto particolare deve essere dato agli allievi con difficoltà di apprendimento o che non ricevono dal loro ambiente il sostegno necessario per acquisire le più usuali competenze linguistiche e ancor meno quelle, più formali e "accademiche", necessarie ad apprendere le discipline di studio. Il fatto che le competenze sottese agli apprendimenti delle diverse discipline debbano essere oggetto di un insegnamento esplicito da parte di tutti gli insegnanti, e non solo di quello di lingua, ha importanti riflessi nella costruzione dei curricola scolatici e nei metodi di insegnamento e in particolare richiedono che gli insegnanti cooperino tra loro condividendo una visione olistica dell'apprendimento della lingua e dei linguaggi disciplinari. Language and other modes of communication are crucial to learning in subjects in schooling other than Language as Subject. There are many implicit expectations of learners in other subjects with respect to their communicative competences and these competences are an integral part of learning. Learners are thus entitled to be taught the required competences and equally, the expectations that they can use such competences put on learners in other subjects are justified if they are to be successful in learning. The language needed is more than the ordinary communicative skills developed in everyday life and academic language has to be taught and learnt deliberately. Other semiotic competences are also required as subjects are taught with the help of for example graphs or statistical tables. Some groups of learners need particular help because they do not have in their environment the support needed to acquire ordinary language competence and even less, academic language of schooling. There are implications for curriculum policy and design and for teaching methods which include cooperation and a holistic view of language learning in schools
Fachdidaktik and the Development of Generalised Subject Didactics in Germany
Introduction : What is Fachdidaktik ? The German term Didaktik, independent of its historical roots and shades of meaning, traditionally denominates the science of teaching and learning, relating to the formation of human beings and thus to any content or content-based skills inside and outside school. In this wide understanding, all places and institutions transferring knowledge or âteachingâ consciously would have an underlyin..
Per ottenere dei buoni risultati scolastici, gli allievi immigrati e, in generale, coloro che, per diversi motivi si possono considerare âvulnerabiliâ non devono solo potere esprimersi con buona fluenza nella lingua di scolarizzazione: devono dominare anche i diversi tipi di discorsi accademici specifici delle differenti materie del curricolo. Dato che il sapere Ăš praticamente indissociabile della lingua che lo concretizza, il progetto âLingue nellâeducazione, lingue per lâeducazioneâ difende lâidea che tutti gli insegnanti devono essere insegnanti di lingua, in quanto conoscono ciĂČ che dal punto di vista linguistico viene richiesto dalla loro disciplina e le strategie piĂč adeguate al sostegno linguistico dei loro studenti. Questo studio propone alcune soluzioni possibili.  Language(s) of Schooling: Focusing on vulnerable learners In order to achieve educational success pupils from migrant backgrounds must be more than conversationally fluent in the language of schooling: they must also master the varieties of academic language that constitute the fabric of the different curriculum subjects. Because knowledge is virtually inseparable from the language that embodies it, the project âLanguages in Education â Languages for Educationâ takes the view that all teachers must be language teachers in the sense that they are aware of the specific language demands of their subject(s). This study suggests some of the ways in which this challenge can be met
Ogni costruzione delle conoscenze in un contesto scolastico, quali che siano le discipline prese in considerazione, passa attraverso un lavoro linguistico. Il presente contributo mira a proporre un approccio generale che permetta di definire, attraverso categorie descrittive e trasversali, differenti livelli di specificazione di questa dimensione linguistica. Si tratta di descrivere il percorso che, a partire da unità di analisi di usi effettivi, porti alla identificazione di forme, di attività e di azioni linguistiche appropriate a questi usi. Più specificamente, in questo testo l’accento viene posto sul rapporto tra conoscenze e lingua di scolarizzazione. L’approccio proposto si fonda sull’assunto che la costruzione delle conoscenze nelle diverse discipline dipende in larga misura da una migliore padronanza dei discorsi scientifici, artistici e tecnici prodotti nella lingua di scolarizzazione. Language and school subjects. Linguistic dimensions of knowledge building in school curricula Whatever the subject, all knowledge building in the school context involves working with language. The purpose of this text is to suggest a general approach enabling different levels of specification of these language dimensions to be classed in transversal descriptive categories. The aim is to describe the process leading from units for analysis of actual uses to the identification of linguistic forms and mechanisms appropriate to those uses. The emphasis here is more specifically on the relationship between knowledge and the language of schooling. The underlying assumption for such an approach, therefore, is that knowledge building in the different subjects depends to a great extent on a better command of the scientific, artistic and technical discourses produced in the language of schooling
Nellâaprile del 2014 la Raccomandazione CM/ Rec(2014)5 del Comitato dei Ministri degli Stati membri del Consiglio dâEuropa ha attirato lâattenzione âsullâimportanza delle competenze nella(e) lingua(e) di scolarizzazione per lâequitĂ e la qualitĂ nellâeducazione e per il successo scolasticoâ. Uno dei principi fondamentali posti in evidenza dalla Raccomandazione Ăš lâimportanza della lingua, non solo in quanto specifica materia di studio, ma anche in tutte le discipline del curricolo. Ă questo un aspetto dellâinsegnamento linguistico che rappresenta una sfida particolare per i responsabili politici e per tutti coloro che svolgono la loro professione nel campo dellâeducazione perchĂ© richiede nuove idee e una prospettiva globale e interdisciplinare. Per questa ragione la Guida che qui si presenta Ăš stata redatta per facilitare lâattuazione dei principi e delle misure indicate dalla Raccomandazione. Ha lo scopo di mostrare perchĂ© la padronanza della lingua Ăš importante in tutte le materie e quali ne sono le implicazioni per le politiche linguistiche e le pratiche dâinsegnamento.The language dimension in all subjects. A Handbook for Curriculum development and teacher trainingIn April 2014 a Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe drew attention to âThe importance of competences on the language(s) of schooling for equity and quality in education and for educational success' (Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)5. One of the key principles in the Recommendation highlights the importance of language not just as a separate subject in school but in all subjects across the curriculum. This is an aspect of language education that presents a particular challenge for policy-makers and practitioners, since it requires new insights and a whole-school, cross-curricular perspective. This Handbook has been written, therefore, in order to support the implementation of the principles and measures set out in the Recommendation. It aims to show why language in all subjects is important, and what the implications are for policy and practice
Kultureller Wandel
Die digitale Arbeit verĂ€ndert unsere Arbeitswelt, nicht nur punktuell, sondern grundlegend. Zwar hat es immer schon VerĂ€nderungen gegeben, dass diese sich aber so schnell und kaum mehr absehbar vollziehen, ist neu und stellt die Gesellschaft insgesamt vor groĂe Herausforderungen. Dass diese Herausforderungen zudem in eine Zeit fallen, die durch allgemeine Verunsicherung durch Klimakrise, Kriege, nachlassendes wirtschaftliches Wachstum und gesellschaftliche Polarisierung charakterisiert ist, fĂŒhrt in der Wahrnehmung der Autor*innen des vorliegenden White Papers zu unterschiedlichen Reaktionen: Die einen nehmen diese Herausforderungen als Teil einer umfassenden allgemeinen Krise wahr, resignieren oder stemmen sich allem Neuen entgegen. Andere sehen in diesen Herausforderungen der Arbeitswelt auch eine Chance, die ihnen konkrete Handlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnet und Verbesserungen ermöglicht. Als Ergebnis des Think Tanks TT09 âKultureller Wandelâ der Landesinitiative baden-wĂŒrttembergischer UniversitĂ€ten bwUni.digital zeigen die Autor*innen dieses White Papers fĂŒr Hochschulleitungen sowie fĂŒr Organisations- und Personalentwickler*innen MaĂnahmen der Kulturdiagnostik und Kulturentwicklung sowie konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Transformationsbegleitung auf. Mit dem White Paper wird damit der bisherige Besprechungskatalog von bwUni.digital, u.a. zur Struktur und Strategie digitalisierter administrativer Prozesse, nun auch um das Thema der sozialen Akzeptanz durch einen kulturellen Wandel vervollstĂ€ndigt. Denn Dreh- und Angelpunkt fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Transformation, ob digital oder nicht, sind und bleiben die Organisationskultur und ihre VerĂ€nderungsfĂ€higkeit
Definition and classification of chyle leak after pancreatic operation: A consensus statement by the International Study Group on Pancreatic Surgery
Recent literature suggests that chyle leak may complicate up to 10% of pancreatic resections. Treatment depends on its severity, which may include chylous ascites. No international consensus definition or grading system of chyle leak currently is available. The International Study Group on Pancreatic Surgery, an international panel of pancreatic surgeons working in well-known, high-volume centers, reviewed the literature and worked together to establish a consensus on the definition and classification of chyle leak after pancreatic operation. Chyle leak was defined as output of milky-colored fluid from a drain, drain site, or wound on or after postoperative day 3, with a triglyceride content â„110 mg/dL (â„1.2 mmol/L). Three different grades of severity were defined according to the management needed: grade A, no specific intervention other than oral dietary restrictions; grade B, prolongation of hospital stay, nasoenteral nutrition with dietary restriction, total parenteral nutrition, octreotide, maintenance of surgical drains, or placement of new percutaneous drains; and grade C, need for other more invasive in-hospital treatment, intensive care unit admission, or mortality. This classification and grading system for chyle leak after pancreatic resection allows for comparison of outcomes between series. As with the other the International Study Group on Pancreatic Surgery consensus statements, this classification should facilitate communication and evaluation of different approaches to the prevention and treatment of this complicatio
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