624 research outputs found

    Myotel: adressing motor behavior in neck shoulder pain by assessing and feedback semg in the daily (work) environment

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    Subjects with chronic pain differ in motor behavior especially with a decreased ability to relax their muscles. A myofeedback system has been developed that assesses muscle relaxation in an ambulant way during daily activities. The objective of this study was to examine the RMST on technical efficacy for clinical use and explore changes in clinical outcome

    Daily physical activities of patients with chronic low back pain, assessed with accelerometry

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    Different theoretical models consider the development and maintenance of chronic low back pain have in common that they all predict changes in the daily activites, although the direction of change may differ between or within these models. The objective of the present study was to investigate these changes, using accelerometers to obtain a quantitative measure of the activity patters over the day

    Relating physical activity, pleasure, and daily satisfaction of older adults: a pilot study

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    Backround:\ud Literature has shown the potential of physical exercise in promoting well-being in the older population. However, the relation between everyday physical activity (PA) and positive emotions is still unknown.\ud \ud Objective:\ud Analyze the relation between physical activity and positive emotions in the daily living of the 65+ population.\ud \ud Methods:\ud • 5 participants (67.4±2.19 yrs) monitored during 29±3 days\ud • Objective measurements: PA assessed with 3D accelerometer counting average IMA/min\ud • Subjective measurements: Positive emotional factors (pleasure and daily satisfaction) assessed on smartphone (Figure 1). Pleasure assessed by experience sampling (ES).\ud \ud Results:\ud • ES-level analysis: negative correlation between pleasure and PA (rsall_sub=-.102*). Correlation within subject ranges from rsmax=.038 to rsmin-0.235*. (Fig. 2). Significant negative correlation between PA and hour of day (rsall_sub=-.215*; rsmax=-0.135; -0.345*) (Fig. 3);\ud • Day-level analysis: average PA is not significantly related to pleasure or daily satisfaction.\ud \ud Conclusion:\ud Daily level of PA is not correlated with the two positive emotional factors chosen in our sample. We suggest analyze of other elements of daily living (e.g. location) as mediators when analyzing relation between PA and positive emotions within individuals. Interventions for promotion of physical activity based on positive emotions must be personalized

    Telemonitoring of daily activity and symptom behavior in patients with COPD

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    Objectives. This study investigated the activity behavior of patients with COPD in detail compared to asymptomatic controls, and the relationship between subjective and objective activities (awareness), and readiness to change activity behavior. Methods. Thirty-nine patients with COPD (66.0 years; FEV(1)% predicted: 44.9%) and 21 healthy controls (57.0 years) participated. Objective daily activity was assessed by accelerometry and expressed as amount of activity in counts per minute (cpm). Patients' baseline subjective activity and stage of change were assessed prior to measurements. Results. Mean daily activity in COPD patients was significantly lower compared to the healthy controls (864 ± 277 cpm versus 1162 ± 282 cpm, P < 0.001). COPD patients showed a temporary decrease in objective activities in the early afternoon. Objective and subjective activities were significantly moderately related and most patients (55.3%) were in the maintenance phase of the stages of change. Conclusions. COPD patients show a distinctive activity decrease in the early afternoon. COPD patients are moderately aware of their daily activity but regard themselves as physically active. Therefore, future telemedicine interventions might consider creating awareness of an active lifestyle and provide feedback that aims to increase and balance activity levels

    Social media invloed en reputatie: de identificatie van invloed binnen social media

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    Social media is een fenomeen waarvan de waarde voor organisaties niet meer wordt betwist. Betrokken binnen het bedrijfsleven erkennen het allemaal, social media spelen een rol of gaan een grote rol spelen binnen de corporate communicatie. Van groot belang hierbij is de invloed die social media kunnen hebben op de reputatie van een individu of een organisatie. Het gaat hierbij om uitingen als Tweets, Facebook “likes” en “wall posts”, weblogs en product reviews. De uitingen hebben een bepaalde inhoud, vorm en zeggingskracht. De betreffende social media hebben weer een eigen reputatie en bereik. Uitingen worden door gebruikers gedaan, die ook zelf een reputatie hebben, bepaalde doelen nastreven, en bijvoorbeeld een bepaald netwerk vertegenwoordigen. Vervolgens vinden uitingen ook binnen een bepaalde context plaats, bijvoorbeeld een uiting van een politicus in verkiezingstijd, of een uiting binnen een bepaalde conversatie. Sociale media invloed is dus een resultaat van social media gebruik. Het beschrijven, verklaren of eventueel zelfs voorspellen van social media invloed op basis van (verwacht) gebruik is niet eenvoudig. Organisaties monitoren steeds vaker social media uitingen over bijvoorbeeld personen, merken, producten, en diensten. Er wordt op gereageerd en zo vinden er interacties en reacties plaats, kortweg webcare. Maar wat maakt feitelijk social media invloed uit? Wanneer moeten alarmbellen rinkelen? Wanneer staat de reputatie van een merk, product of organisatie op het spel? Hoe kun je invloed met social media op een merkreputatie uitoefenen? Dit paper beschrijft de belangrijkste indicatoren van social media invloed. Deze indicatoren helpen organisaties om na te gaan wat invloed van social media op bijvoorbeeld de eigen corporate reputatie is. Ook kan dit overzicht worden gebruikt om zelf met social media invloed op bijvoorbeeld merkreputatie uit te oefenen. Inzicht in deze indicatoren maakt het ontwikkelen van verantwoorde en succesvolle social media strategieën mogelijk

    Identification of influence within the social media

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    Social media is expected to have a growing impact on the corporate reputation of organizations. Various social media actors referred to as social media influencers can have a particular impact on corporate reputation. It is important for organizations to identify these actors and understand how to interact with them in order to safeguard the organizational reputation. In this study, based on extensive literature review and a Delphi study, we constructed a model for the identification of the social media influencers; the ‘social media corporate reputation influencers model’. The Delphi study shows that the model is suitable for the identification of social media influencers by identifying the main indicators for determining and predicting the influence within the social media. Based on the Delphi study amongst social media marketing professionals, we conclude that social media has an impact on corporate reputations