27 research outputs found

    Le deuil sans fin et ses conséquences

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    This paper focuses on observations that mourning never ends even when this process becomes absorbed in other mental activities that can be judged as adaptive or maladaptive by individuals themselves or, if they seek help, by their therapists. We never “kill” the mental representation of a significant dead person or lost thing until we die. The paper also discusses a related area and refers to transgenerational transmission of the mental representation of a dead person or lost thing as well as the image of a perennial mourner, with associated ego tasks, into a newborn child’s developing self-representation. It also examines briefly, the relationship between transgenerational transmissions of images and tasks connected by losses which are shared by members of a society and societal mourning with its political consequences. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Beobachtung, dass Trauer nie endet, sogar dann nicht, wenn sie durch andere geistige AktivitĂ€ten absorbiert wird. Diese AktivitĂ€ten können von den Individuen selbst oder von ihren Therapeuten, falls sie Hilfe suchen, als gut oder schlecht angepasst beurteilt werden. Wir „töten“ die psychische ReprĂ€sentanz einer fĂŒr uns bedeutungsvollen Person oder Sache nie, bis wir sterben. Der Artikel diskutiert auch ein verwandtes Gebiet und verweist auf die Generationen ĂŒbergreifende Übertragung der psychischen ReprĂ€sentanz einer verstorbenen Person oder einer verlorenen Sache in die sich entwickelnde Selbst-ReprĂ€sentanz eines Neugeborenen. Übertragen wird auch das Bild des chronisch Trauernden (perennial mourner) mit den dazu gehörigen Anforderungen an das Ich. Es wird auch kurz die Beziehung zwischen der Generationen ĂŒbergreifenden Übertragung von  Bildern und Aufgaben - verbunden durch Verluste – untersucht, die geteilt werden von Mitgliedern einer Gesellschaft. Behandelt wird ebenfalls das Thema der gesellschaftlichen Trauer und ihrer politischen Konsequenzen

    A psychoanalytic process from beginning to its termination/ Volkan

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    p. 64: 25 c

    A psychoanalytic process from beginning to its termination/ Volkan

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    p. 64.; 25 c

    Large-Scale Voter Behavior

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    Large-group psychodynamics and massive violence PsicodinĂąmica da violĂȘncia de grandes grupos e da violĂȘncia de massas

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    Beginning with Freud, psychoanalytic theories concerning large groups have mainly focused on individuals' perceptions of what their large groups psychologically mean to them. This chapter examines some aspects of large-group psychology in its own right and studies psychodynamics of ethnic, national, religious or ideological groups, the membership of which originates in childhood. I will compare the mourning process in individuals with the mourning process in large groups to illustrate why we need to study large-group psychology as a subject in itself. As part of this discussion I will also describe signs and symptoms of large-group regression. When there is a threat against a large-group's identity, massive violence may be initiated and this violence in turn, has an obvious impact on public health.<br>A partir de Freud, as teorias psicanalĂ­ticas a respeito de grandes grupos focalizam principalmente as percepçÔes e os significados que os indivĂ­duos psicologicamente atribuem a eles. Este texto analisa alguns aspectos sobre a psicologia dos grandes grupos e sua psicodinĂąmica interna e especĂ­fica. Toma como referĂȘncia grupos Ă©tnicos, nacionais, religiosos e ideolĂłgicos cujo pertencimento dos sujeitos iniciou-se na infĂąncia. Faz-se uma comparação entre o processo de luto em indivĂ­duos e o processo de luto em grandes grupos para ilustrar por que Ă© necessĂĄrio investir no conhecimento da psicologia destes Ășltimos, como um objeto especĂ­fico. Descreve ainda sinais e sintomas de regressĂŁo em grandes grupos. Quando hĂĄ ameaça Ă  identidade coletiva pode ocorrer um processo de violĂȘncia de massas que obviamente influencia na sua saĂșde coletiva