58 research outputs found

    A useful case study on decision making related to financing methods: learning about finance by study case

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    A giant will always need money inflows. A less giant company needs the same money inflows. A retail subject will also need money. So, the competition is to be not in area of money availability, but in area of cost of resources. Be prepare to make your option, and pay less then competition. For you I have the following note: it is not important to do your best in order to avoid difficult situation, but it is important how you handle such situation. The present short but enhanced guide will help you in decisions to come.investment; financing methods; forecast; model; budget; financial ratio; loan; lease; bonds

    Creep and tensile behaviour of austenitic Fe–Cr–Ni stainless steels

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    The control of creep behaviour during service of reformer tubes made of HP-40 austenitic stainless steels is still limited by the knowledge of creep mechanisms in these alloys. Two different HP-40 alloys modified with a low-level addition ofNbwere studied. Creep testswere carried out at 980 and 1050 ◦C with different stress levels, in the range of 20–50MPa, and their resultswere plotted in a Norton-type diagram. Also, low strain rate tensile tests were performed at temperature of 950, 980 or 1000 ◦C. As low strain rate tensile tests showed a plateau at nearly constant stress for a given strain rate, they could be somehow linked with creep tests. Accordingly, tensile and creep results were plotted together on a Larson–Miller (LMP) diagram. The fracture modes of tensile and creep samples were investigated and the effect of different parameters such as sample dimensions, temperature and atmosphere, was also studied

    Microstructure evolution of HP40-Nb alloys during aging under air at 1000 °C

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    Two as-cast HP 40 alloys provided by different manufacturers were aged at 1000 °C under laboratory air. They had the same as-cast microstructure consisting of austenite dendrites delineated by a network of eutectic Nb-rich MC and Cr-rich M7C3 carbides. After aging for several months, they showed similar microstructures in the bulk materials, though M7C3 carbides have been replaced by M23C6 carbides. As expected, a sub-surface zone depleted in chromium has appeared where a tetragonal CrNbC could be identified in both materials. However, the composition of the transition zones between the surface and the bulk materials differed, mainly because one of the materials underwent significant nitrogen pick-up with associated precipitation of M6(C,N) and M2(C,N) phases. On the contrary, the other alloy did show only one intermediate zone with a mix of CrNbC, M23C6 and MC carbides. A full account of the microstructures observed in the aged materials is given


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    In a globalised economy transport is one of the most important factors linking the national economies and maritime transport is the main way to deliver goods in international trade. For any international company, choosing the appropriate transportation as part of the logistic solution is vital for its competitiveness. In the context of the economic crisis, CEE strategic location factors play an important role for regional companies which adapt and change their logistic services by developing new scenarios for the shipping industry in order to obtain a better position on the global market. In addition to a favourable geographical location CEE has several other important arguments, like sufficient harbours for developing container terminals to launch extensive container transport transit. The most important recent trends in logistics are shown, as well as the framework of the EU maritime transport.maritime transport, EU transport strategy, supply chain strategy

    A useful case study on decision making related to financing methods: learning about finance by study case

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    A giant will always need money inflows. A less giant company needs the same money inflows. A retail subject will also need money. So, the competition is to be not in area of money availability, but in area of cost of resources. Be prepare to make your option, and pay less then competition. For you I have the following note: it is not important to do your best in order to avoid difficult situation, but it is important how you handle such situation. The present short but enhanced guide will help you in decisions to come


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    Abstract Hypertension is a common cardiovascular disease insufficiently treated and monitored due to nonspecific symptomatology. Untreated hypertension causes cardiovascular complications: coronary artery disease, heart failure or stroke which, alongside other comorbidities affect the patients' family, social and professional life Using SF-36 v2 quality of life assessment questionnaire, the present study aimed to analyze the influence the pathologies associated with hypertensive disease have on areas that make up its physical and psychosocial functions and its impact on patients' daily activities. This could help to improve the quality of health services in optimizing the adherence of the patients to the treatment. The study compared the quality of life indicators between the group of patients and a control group comprising healthy individuals. Comparing the scores obtained by the two groups, lower values in all subdomains were found for the study group compared with control group. The regression analysis showed that strong negative impact pathologies in all areas were heart failure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and anemia. The other pathologies differently influenced the physical and psychosocial functions. Rezumat Hipertensiunea arterială reprezintă patologia cardiovasculară cu incidenţa cea mai mare în populaţie datorită faptului că este insuficient tratată şi monitorizată. Netratată FARMACIA, 2013, Vol. 61, 3 504 cauzează complicaţii cardio-vasculare: boala coronariană, insuficienţă cardiacă, accidente vasculare ischemice care afectează pacientul din punct de vedere familial, social şi professional. Studiul de faţă a avut ca scop compararea şi interpretarea indicilor de calitate a vieţii între lotul de pacienţi şi un lot martor care cuprinde indivizi sănătoşi. S-a observat că, la lotul de pacienţi valorile tuturor scorurilor sunt inferioare celor de la lotul martor, iar analiza de regresie a demonstrat impactul negativ puternic pe care îl prezintă insuficienţa cardiacă, boala coronariană, diabetul şi anemia asupra indicilor de evaluare a calităţii vieţii. Scopul unei astfel de analize este acela de a ameliora calitatea vieţii pacienţilor prin optimizarea schemelor terapeutice şi îmbunătăţirea complianţei

    Probabilistic prediction of the quality factor of micro-resonator using a stochastic thermo-mechanical multi-scale approach

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    As the size of the device is only one or two orders of magnitude higher than the size of the grains, the structural properties, such as the thermo-elastic quality factor (Q), of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) made of poly- crystalline materials exhibit a scatter, due to the existing randomness in the grain size, grain orientation, surface roughness. In order to predict the probabilistic behavior of micro-resonators, the authors extend herein a previously developed stochastic 3-scale approach to the case of thermoelastic damping. In this method, stochastic volume elements (SVEs) are defined by considering random grain orientations in a tessellation. For each SVE realization, the mesoscopic apparent elasticity tensor, thermal conductivity tensor, and thermal dilatation tensor can be obtained using thermo-mechanical computational homogenization theory. The extracted mesoscopic apparent properties tensors can then be used to define a spatially correlated mesoscale random field, which is in turn used as input for stochastic finite element simulations. As a result, the probabilistic distribution of the quality factor of micro-resonator can be extracted by considering Monte-Carlo simulations of coarse-meshed micro-resonators, accounting implicitly for the random microstructure of the poly-silicon material.3SMVIB: The research has been funded by the Walloon Region under the agreement no 1117477 (CT-INT 2011-11-14) and by Romanian UEFISCDI Agency contract ERA-NET MNT no 7-063/2012 (20122015) in the context of the ERA-NET MNT framewor