1 research outputs found

    Enhancing Green Networks and Fabric : Final Report Book 1 : UBC

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    This course introduced a comprehensive, landscape-based approach to long-range planning of the greens-pace structure of cities to enhance both ecosystem and human purposes. Green Networks are an interconnected network of green patches and corridors incorporating parks, natural areas, remnant green spaces, street trees, and other vegetated spaces of the city. The course investigated a proactive, long-term planning approach enabling these green networks to be considered in conjunction with growth and development planning. The course was interdisciplinary and included students in the Bachelor of Urban Forestry, Bachelor of Environmental Design, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Architecture, and Master of Community and Regional Planning. Additionally, one professional forester from Switzerland and one student from Simon Fraser University joined the class. The report submitted to SEEDS, entitled “Enhancing Green Networks and Fabric” represents the results from the major term project. The entire UBC campus plus an area covering the UEL and adjacent forest were divided into four study areas. Teams of four students were assigned to each study area. In this exercise the student teams de-laminated the green networks and fabric of their study area to reveal and diagnose its current order and condition. The class compiled a graphically evocative and informative spatial analysis of the UBC campus that highlights and evaluates important green systems in terms of key greenspace and livability metrics. Maps and diagrams accompanied by photos and other illustrations “tell the urban forest story” of the study area. The analysis method included GIS-based spatial analysis with accompanying metrics derived from the mapping. Spatial mapping of each study included: green vs. grey land cover; vegetative cover (forest, shrub, trees only, herbacious, sparse, water); all tree canopy cover (distinguish forest from urban); tree canopy categorized (deciduous/coniferous); vegetation naturalness (see Vancouver Biodiversity Strategy); habitat hot-spots and habitat sites; habitat types (start with class provided legend); industrial, commercial, mixed use, high density residential, moderate density residential, civic, greenspace, public lands. In response to their findings from this analysis, each student team then made site-wide propositions for how to make significant improvements to the green networks and fabric of their study area, specifically addressing: improving the quantity and quality of the urban forest; improving the connectivity between the green patches; improving the habitat quantity and quality and connectivity; improving rainwater management using green infrastructure. Additionally, detailed studies more clearly illustrate how the broad site-wide propositions may be implemented. Disclaimer: “UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a project/report.”Applied Science, Faculty ofArchitecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School ofUnreviewedGraduat